This is an archive of COVID-19 updates from 2020. For the most recent updates, visit: Nipissing University Update on Coronavirus.
December 22 - Update for Students re: Provincewide Lockdown
Update for Students re: Provincewide Lockdown

Tuesday, December 22, 2020 at 12:00 p.m.
Dear students,
Yesterday the Ontario government announced that it will be imposing a provincewide lockdown effective Saturday, December 26, 2020, at 12:01 a.m. As a result, the University will be reverting to Phase 0 of its Return to Campus Framework as of December 26, 2020 at 12:01 a.m, which will remain in effect until January 9, 2021. On January 11, Nipissing University will transition back to its current phase of operations, which is Phase 2 of the Return to Campus Framework.
What does this mean for Winter Term classes?
Nipissing University will remain closed for the holidays from December 23, 2020, to January 3, 2021 inclusive and will resume operations on Monday, January 4, 2021, at 8:30 a.m.
At this time, winter term courses will be moving forward as scheduled beginning January 11, 2021. The University will continue to closely monitor and follow advice from government and public health officials and adapt as required to ensure everyone’s health and safety.
Students in our on-campus nursing programs will receive a separate communication with information on how this lockdown will impact their Fall Term recovery and Winter Term plans.
What does this mean for residence, student services and campus access?
While the University is in Phase 0 of its Return to Campus Framework, access to campus buildings will be restricted. Students will be able to access services via online or alternative means. Once the lockdown status has been lifted, students will once again be able to access campus for approved services.
Students living in residence will receive a separate communication with additional information. Any questions regarding residence can be directed to residence@nipissingu.ca.
Returning to North Bay
During the lockdown period, the Ontario government is urging everyone to stay home. Travel outside of your region should be limited to only essential purposes. If you choose to travel, isolate for 14 days prior to leaving the region and isolate for 14 days upon return.
Individuals who arrive or return to Ontario during the provincewide shutdown period should self-isolate for 14 days upon arrival. International students entering or returning to Canada are required to quarantine as per the Government of Canada Quarantine Act.
What happens if the lockdown is extended?
Should the lockdown be extended past January 11, 2021, more information will be shared with you regarding any implications for on-campus courses and services. Please continue to monitor your Nipissing University student email for further updates.
For any questions regarding Nipissing’s COVID-19 measures, please email coronavirus@nipissingu.ca.
December 18 - Winter Term Protocols and Staying Safe this Holiday
Winter Term Protocols and Staying Safe this Holiday

Friday, December 18, 2020 at 1:00 p.m.
Dear students/faculty/staff,
Winter Term Protocols
As we prepare for Winter Term, Nipissing University continues to closely monitor and follow advice from the government and public health officials. At this time, Winter Term classes will continue to be delivered primarily online with some on-campus offerings as previously announced. The University will continue to adapt as needed to ensure everyone’s health and safety, and all students, faculty and staff will be notified of any necessary changes.
In preparation for some on-campus courses to resume, a number of protocols have been put in place, including:
- All individuals entering Nipissing University buildings are required to complete a COVID-19 self-assessment daily via the Nipissing Safe App. This step is vital to ensuring that those entering our buildings are healthy and symptom free. Individuals will be asked to provide their assessment results upon entry.
- Classroom capacity has been reduced to 50 people or less
- Classroom furnishings have been arranged to ensure appropriate physical distancing
- Facial coverings are required at all times in classrooms and common spaces
- Cleaning stations will be set up for student/faculty disinfecting before/after each class
- Deep cleaning will occur twice a day in all classrooms
- Classrooms with two points of entry will have one door designated as an entrance and one designated as an exit
- Students and faculty are asked to arrive no earlier than 15 mins prior to the start of a scheduled class
- Prior to the start of Winter term, students and faculty will participate in return to campus information sessions that will provide them with in-depth details on campus/classroom protocols. All students registered in on-campus courses and faculty teaching on-campus courses will receive an email invitation to complete this mandatory session.
- More detailed information regarding placements and practicals will be forthcoming from your department.
For any questions regarding these protocols and processes, please email coronavirus@nipissingu.ca. For frequently asked questions about Winter Term, visit nipissingu.ca/winter2021.
Health Unit Holiday Recommendations
The North Bay Parry Sound District Health Unit (Health Unit) has issued a list of recommendations regarding the holidays and is reminding the community that the safest way to spend the holidays this year is by only celebrating in-person with the people you live with and celebrating virtually with everyone else.
At this time, travel outside our region to visit or shop this holiday season is strongly discouraged. If you choose to travel, isolate for 14 days prior to leaving the district and isolate for 14 days upon return International students who travel home will need to quarantine as per the Government of Canada Quarantine Act.
For more information from the Health Unit on COVID-19 and the holidays visit myhealthunit.ca/COVID-19Holidays.
Looking Ahead to 2021 and Beyond
We know this past year has been challenging for everyone, but we can all be proud of how our Lakers community has united to support one another in the face of adversity. Planning is underway for the upcoming Spring/Summer term as well as the next academic year. We remain hopeful that we will be able to welcome more of you back to campus for on-campus academic and extracurricular programming while adhering to public health guidelines in the near future. As Canada’s Chief Public Health Officer, Dr. Theresa Tam, reminded us last month: “no pandemic doesn’t have an ending.” We all need to continue to do our part to limit the spread of COVID-19 so we can get back to the routines we all love.
More details on programming for Spring/Summer and beyond will be forthcoming in the new year. In the meantime, stay safe and enjoy a well-earned break. Happy holidays, Lakers!
December 7 - Positive COVID-19 Case Reported
Dear students/staff/faculty,
Nipissing University has been made aware of a positive COVID-19 case involving an individual residing in Governors House. The individual is self isolating. Nipissing is supporting the individual in quarantine with access to food and any other supports they require to ensure their health and wellbeing. Facilities staff is conducting additional cleaning throughout the building, in addition to existing measures of thoroughly cleaning and sanitizing campus buildings on a daily basis. The individual has not accessed or visited other buildings on campus.
Close contact tracing is underway and individuals who are deemed at high risk have been contacted by the Health Unit. Individuals who are not contacted by the Health Unit are not considered at high risk. Should the Health Unit’s investigation and contact tracing identify an increased risk to members of the Nipissing or North Bay community beyond those identified as close contacts, the public will be notified.
Staff, faculty and students are reminded of the critical importance of adhering to public health guidelines including physical distancing, wearing a face covering, washing or sanitizing hands often, not touching your face, and coughing or sneezing into your sleeve. Individuals with any symptoms of COVID-19 should not visit campus, but instead should self-isolate immediately and get tested. We are encouraging our campus community to remain “COVID Kind” by continuing to support each other through these difficult times.
Nipissing University has developed comprehensive protocols for any reported confirmed case of COVID-19. These have been developed in close consultation with the North Bay Parry Sound District Health Unit.
Nipissing University provides information about positive cases on campus on the Positive Cases on Campus website. The Positive Cases on Campus website is updated daily, Monday to Friday. Cases reported on this page are considered closed after 14 days. The Health Unit will provide information about cases associated with an outbreak on their website that include cases off campus. As a result, Nipissing University’s numbers may differ from those reported by public health in relation to the outbreak.
Nipissing University has implemented a number of measures to reduce the transmission of COVID-19 on campus and in the community including delivering classes online, limiting access to campus, screening visitors, and thoroughly cleaning and sanitizing campus buildings on a daily basis. Individuals attending campus must wear a face covering and maintain physical distancing.
Members of the Nipissing University community are also encouraged to download the Nipissing Safe app.
For members of the Nipissing University community that may have university related questions, please contact coronavirus@nipissingu.ca.
For all COVID-19 related questions, please contact the Health Unit’s Call Centre, open Monday to Friday from 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. at 1-800-563-2808.
November 26 - Message from Dr. Jim Chirico, Medical Officer of Health
Dear students, faculty and staff,
We encourage you to take a moment to listen to Dr. Jim Chirico, Medical Officer of Health, as he addresses the ongoing COVID-19 community outbreak: https://youtu.be/F12EGA2DFG8.
Additionally, the Health Unit has compiled a list of Frequently Asked Questions about the outbreak which can be accessed here: http://www.myhealthunit.ca/COVID-19Outbreak.
For members of the Nipissing University community that may have university related questions, please contact coronavirus@nipissingu.ca.
For all COVID-19 related questions, please contact the Health Unit’s Call Centre, open Monday to Friday from 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. at 1-800-563-2808.
November 25 - Additional positive cases connected with COVID-19 outbreak
Additional positive cases connected with COVID-19 outbreak

Wednesday, November 25, 2020 at 7:40 p.m.
Dear students, faculty and staff,
Following yesterday’s announcement that the North Bay Parry Sound District Health Unit (Health Unit) had declared a community COVID-19 outbreak involving six (6) members of the Nipissing University athletic community, the University has recently been made aware that the outbreak now includes 14 individuals. All individuals are currently self isolating.
One of these cases includes a positive case in residence. The student has been moved to a quarantine suite. Nipissing is supporting the student in quarantine with access to food and any other supports they require to ensure their health and wellbeing. Facilities staff is conducting additional cleaning throughout the building, in addition to existing measures of thoroughly cleaning and sanitizing campus buildings on a daily basis.
Close contact tracing is underway and individuals who are deemed at high risk will be contacted by the Health Unit. Individuals who are not contacted by the Health Unit are not considered at high risk. Should the Health Unit’s investigation and contact tracing identify an increased risk to members of the Nipissing or North Bay community beyond those identified as close contacts, the public will be notified.
Nipissing University has developed comprehensive protocols for any reported confirmed case of COVID-19. These have been developed in close consultation with the North Bay Parry Sound District Health Unit.
Nipissing University provides information about positive cases on campus on the Positive Cases on Campus website. The Positive Cases on Campus website is updated daily, Monday to Friday. Cases reported on this page are considered closed after 14 days. The Health Unit will provide information about cases associated with an outbreak on their website that include cases off campus. As a result, Nipissing University’s numbers may differ from those reported by public health in relation to the outbreak.
Nipissing University has implemented a number of measures to reduce the transmission of COVID-19 on campus and in the community including delivering classes online, limiting access to campus, screening visitors, and thoroughly cleaning and sanitizing campus buildings on a daily basis. Individuals attending campus must wear a face covering and maintain physical distancing.
Staff, faculty and students are reminded to adhere to public health guidelines including physical distancing, wearing a face covering, washing or sanitizing hands often, not touching your face, and coughing or sneezing into your sleeve. Individuals with any symptoms of COVID-19 should not visit campus, but instead should self-isolate immediately and get tested.
Members of the Nipissing University community are also encouraged to download the Nipissing Safe app.
For members of the Nipissing University community that may have university related questions, please contact coronavirus@nipissingu.ca.
For all COVID-19 related questions, please contact the Health Unit’s Call Centre, open Monday to Friday from 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. at 1-800-563-2808.
November 24 - Nipissing University confirms community outbreak of COVID-19
Nipissing University confirms community outbreak of COVID-19

Tuesday, November 24, 2020 at 8:00 a.m.
Nipissing University has received notification from the North Bay Parry Sound District Health Unit (Health Unit) that they have declared a community COVID-19 outbreak after six (6) members of the Nipissing University athletic community have tested positive for COVID-19. Only three (3) of those individuals have confirmed to have been on campus. While the individuals who tested positive do not live on Nipissing University’s campus, they have had interactions at the R.J. Surtees Student Athletics Centre and at social gatherings off campus. None of the known positive cases have been on campus since the R.J. Surtees Student Athletics Centre closed for a deep cleaning on November 18.
Close contact tracing has been completed by the Health Unit and those who were in close contact with individuals who have tested positive for COVID-19 were asked to self-isolate and arrange to be tested. Individuals who have attended social gatherings with those who are part of the Nipissing University athletic community are asked to self-monitor for symptoms of COVID-19. If they develop symptoms of COVID-19 they should isolate immediately and arrange to be tested.
The University is proactively implementing additional measures at the Athletics Centre which include further reducing building capacity, limiting training to individual sessions and cancelling all group training.
“The health and wellbeing of our students, staff and faculty remains our top priority and we continue to work with the Health Unit to ensure we are taking all of the recommended steps to prevent further spread of COVID-19,” said Cheryl Sutton, Interim President and Vice-Chancellor. “These are challenging times, however it is more important than ever for all of us to do our part to keep our community safe by closely following public health protocols.”
Nipissing University has developed comprehensive protocols for any reported confirmed case of COVID-19. These have been developed in close consultation with the North Bay Parry Sound District Health Unit.
Nipissing University provides information about positive cases on campus on the Positive Cases on Campus website. The Positive Cases on Campus website is updated daily, Monday to Friday. Cases reported on this page are considered closed after 14 days.
Nipissing University has implemented a number of measures to reduce the transmission of COVID-19 on campus and in the community including delivering classes online, limiting access to campus, screening visitors, and thoroughly cleaning and sanitizing campus buildings on a daily basis. Individuals attending campus must wear a face covering and maintain physical distancing.
Staff, faculty and students are reminded to adhere to public health guidelines including physical distancing, wearing a face covering, washing or sanitizing hands often, not touching your face, and coughing or sneezing into your sleeve. Individuals with any symptoms of COVID-19 should not visit campus, but instead should self-isolate immediately and get tested.
Members of the Nipissing University community are also encouraged to download the Nipissing Safe app.
November 20 - Positive COVID-19 Case Confirmed
Nipissing University has received notification that another member of our campus community has tested positive for COVID-19. The individual resides off campus, but was in the R.J. Surtees Student Athletics Centre on Monday, November 16 and Tuesday, November 17. The university is working with the North Bay Parry Sound District Health Unit to ensure the health and well-being of the individual and the community. The individual is self-isolating and all contact tracing is being managed by public health. Anyone who may have been in close contact with the individual will be contacted directly.
The R.J. Surtees Student Athletics Centre underwent a deep cleaning on November 18 and has since reopened.
Nipissing University has developed comprehensive protocols for any reported confirmed case of COVID-19. These have been developed in close consultation with the North Bay Parry Sound District Health Unit.
Nipissing University provides information about positive cases on campus on the Positive Cases on Campus website. The Positive Cases on Campus website is updated daily, Monday to Friday. Cases reported on this page are considered closed after 14 days.
Nipissing University has implemented a number of measures to reduce the transmission of COVID-19 on campus and in the community including delivering classes online, limiting access to campus, screening visitors, and thoroughly cleaning and sanitizing campus buildings on a daily basis. Individuals attending campus must wear a face covering and maintain physical distancing.
Staff, faculty and students are reminded to adhere to public health guidelines including:
- physical distancing
- wearing a face covering
- washing or sanitizing hands often
- not touching your face
- coughing or sneezing into your sleeve.
Individuals with any symptoms of COVID-19 should not visit campus, but instead should self-isolate immediately and get tested.
Members of the Nipissing University community are also encouraged to download the Nipissing Safe app.
November 19 - Athletics Centre Reopening to Students Friday
As communicated yesterday, after undergoing a deep cleaning, the R.J. Surtees Student Athletics Centre reopened today to staff and faculty only in preparation for student access. Student access to the R.J. Surtees Student Athletics Centre will resume Friday, November 20, 2020.
As the number of COVID-19 cases continues to rise across the province and in our district, the University reminds all students, staff and faculty to do their part to prevent the spread of COVID-19. The North Bay Parry Sound District Health Unit is urging everyone in the community to:
- Avoid socializing for now
- Limit travel outside the home to
- Attending school or work
- Essential trips for groceries, medication and medical appointments.
- Assume everyone has COVID-19 outside your home and take precautions
- Keep a distance of two (2) metres between yourself and anyone outside of your home. However, if you live alone, you may consider having close contact with another household.
- Wear a face covering if you need to be closer than two (2) metres from someone outside your home during essential trips. Being in close contact to someone has the highest risk of transmitting COVID-19, along with being in closed or crowded spaces.
- Wash or sanitize your hands often, cough or sneeze into your sleeve and if you feel unwell stay home and arrange to be tested.
- Limit exercise and recreation to outdoor spaces where physical distancing is possible.
- Avoid travel outside of our district, especially to areas with high numbers of COVID-19 cases, unless for emergencies or urgent medical appointments.
It is especially critical for those students in nursing, social work and education programs who are on placement and interact with some of our community’s most vulnerable members, to be diligent in adhering to public health guidelines, and to uphold the ethical standards of your chosen profession.
For any additional COVID-19 related questions, please contact coronavirus@nipissingu.ca.
Together we can slow the spread of COVID-19.
November 18 - Athletics Centre Update
As the university continues to closely monitor and follow the advice of public health, we remain committed to adapt as necessary to ensure the health and safety of our students, staff, faculty and community. Out of an abundance of caution, the university closed the Robert J. Surtees Athletics Centre on November 18, 2020 to conduct an additional deep cleaning of the facility. This decision was made in consultation with the Nipissing University COVID Response team and the North Bay Parry Sound District Health Unit. The Robert J. Surtees Athletics Centre will resume operations on Thursday, November 19 for Athletic Centre staff and faculty only in preparation for student access.
Nipissing University continues to implement enhanced cleaning protocols as part of its pandemic plan. The process of deep cleaning involves the use of "fogging" equipment to effectively disinfect open areas, a targeted wipe down of high touch areas and equipment, as well as routine cleaning and disinfecting of all areas of concern. Cleaning staff are provided with appropriate PPE to don while cleaning and disinfecting.
Nipissing University will continue to follow established comprehensive protocols for any reported confirmed case of COVID-19. These have been developed in close consultation with the North Bay Parry Sound District Health Unit.
Nipissing provides information about positive cases on campus on the Positive Cases on Campus website. The Positive Cases on Campus website is updated daily, Monday to Friday. Cases reported on this page are considered closed after 14 days.
As a friendly reminder, employees are reminded to review and follow the University’s Social Media Guidelines for Employees. We all have a role to play in ensuring the information we share and consume is accurate and from legitimate and trusted sources.
Staff and faculty are reminded to adhere to public health guidelines including physical distancing, wearing a face covering, washing or sanitizing hands often, not touching your face, and coughing or sneezing into your sleeve. Individuals with any symptoms of COVID-19 should not visit campus, but instead should self-isolate immediately and get tested.
Members of the Nipissing University community are also encouraged to download the Nipissing Safe app.
November 17 - Confirmed case on campus
North Bay, ON – Nipissing University has received notification that a member of our campus community has tested positive for COVID-19. The individual resides off campus but was in the Robert J. Surtees Athletics Centre Friday, November 13, 2020. The university is working with the North Bay Parry Sound District Health Unit to ensure the health and well-being of the individual and the community. The individual is self-isolating and all contact tracing is being managed by public health. Anyone who may have been in close contact with the individual will be contacted directly.
The individual notified the university quickly after testing positive. As a result, the Robert J. Surtees Athletics Centre will be closed effective November 18, 2020 to complete an extensive deep cleaning. Additional care-taking staff will be allocated to perform cleaning of all high touch areas, equipment and all spaces potentially accessed.
Nipissing University has developed comprehensive protocols for any reported confirmed case of COVID-19. These have been developed in close consultation with the North Bay Parry Sound District Health Unit.
Nipissing University provides information about positive cases on campus on the Positive Cases on Campus website. The Positive Cases on Campus website is updated daily, Monday to Friday. Cases reported on this page are considered closed after 14 days.
Nipissing University has implemented a number of measures to reduce the transmission of COVID-19 on campus and in the community including delivering classes online, limiting access to campus, screening visitors, and thoroughly cleaning and sanitizing campus buildings on a daily basis. Individuals attending campus must wear a face covering and maintain physical distancing.
Staff, faculty and students are reminded to adhere to public health guidelines including physical distancing, wearing a face covering, washing or sanitizing hands often, not touching your face, and coughing or sneezing into your sleeve. Individuals with any symptoms of COVID-19 should not visit campus, but instead should self-isolate immediately and get tested.
Members of the Nipissing University community are also encouraged to download the Nipissing Safe app.
October 30 - Winter 2021
Winter 2021: Information & Student Supports

Dear students,
As temperatures begin to drop and you look ahead to the new year, you likely have questions about what winter term will look like. We’ve launched a new Winter 2021 website that offers answers to frequently asked questions about winter term, as well as a place to learn about the many services and resources available to support you. Visit nipissingu.ca/winter2021 to learn more.
Winter term classes will continue to be delivered primarily online, however some on campus courses will be available. A list of courses offered on campus can be found here. For any courses offered on campus, an online delivery option will also be available. The University continues to monitor and follow public health guidelines and will adapt as necessary to ensure the health and safety of our students, staff, faculty and community.
The Registrar’s Office has begun the process of moving your winter term course registrations to online sections where applicable. You do NOT need to re-register in winter courses. You will be able to view your updated winter term schedule and register for new courses on November 9 in WebAdvisor. Note: if you are currently on a waitlist, you will remain on the waitlist.
Supporting Your Success
At Nipissing, we remain focused on supporting student success and creating an enriching university experience. We’ve introduced a number of new services and resources to help you remain connected during these uncertain times including the NU Gateway Program, an online support program for first year students, as well as Online Learning Partners who provide peer support to students as they transition to online learning. The University continues to offer a full suite of student services through online, remote or in-person delivery. This includes support for students in financial difficulty, those who require mental health advice and those who need academic support.
Thank you for your ongoing patience as we plan for the upcoming term. We look forward to welcoming both new and returning Lakers to the Nipissing community this January.
Visit our contact page to connect with the appropriate department.
October 7 - Thanksgiving & Reading Week
Dear students,
As Thanksgiving weekend approaches and the COVID-19 case count in Ontario continues to rise, we want to encourage you to consider your Thanksgiving and Reading Week plans.
Thanksgiving is typically a time when you would gather with family and friends, however the rise in COVID-19 cases around the province means it is increasingly important to limit the number of individuals with whom you have close contact. Our local Health Unit is advising that holiday gatherings be limited to household members only and that students should assess the risk they may pose to their families and loved ones before returning home for Thanksgiving.
We understand that it can be difficult to be away from your family at a time when you would typically be celebrating, however we encourage those living in residence and locally in North Bay to consider staying in the City for the duration of the break. A gentle reminder that local police have indicated that enforcement will occur if people choose to risk the health of members of our community by exceeding the gathering limits set out by the province.
By working together as a Lakers community, we can reduce the spread of COVID-19. Please continue to follow public health protocols by:
Maintaining physical distancing;
Wearing a face covering in indoor public places, including public transit and anywhere physical distancing is a challenge;
Washing or sanitizing your hands often;
Coughing and sneezing into your sleeve;
Staying home when you feel sick or have symptoms and arrange to be tested.
Additionally, students are encouraged to download the Nipissing Safe app which features a COVID-19 self assessment tool. All individuals entering Nipissing University buildings are required to complete the self assessment via the Nipissing Safe App daily.
Dr. Casey Phillips
Assistant Vice-President, Students
October 2 - COVID-19 Reporting Protocols
Dear students, faculty and staff:
Earlier this week we shared with you our protocols for managing and reporting positive COVID-19 cases and outbreaks on campus.
In keeping with this plan, today we are pleased to launch our new Positive Cases on Campus website. When made aware of a positive case on campus by public health authorities, the University will update the case count on this page. The count will be updated daily Monday to Friday. At this time, there are no cases to report.
Additionally, earlier this week (September 30), the North Bay Parry Sound District Health Unit released updated guidelines regarding post-secondary students living in our district who test positive for COVID-19. The release states “a student will be counted in our Health Unit’s case count for COVID-19 if they are residing in our Health Unit district most of the time, at the time of diagnosis.”
Finally, in a time when access to accurate information is paramount, employees are reminded to review and follow the University’s Social Media Guidelines for Employees. We all have a role to play in ensuring the information we share and consume is accurate and from legitimate and trusted sources.
Cheryl Sutton,
President (Interim)
Nipissing University
September 29 - Managing Positive Cases and Outbreaks
Protocols for managing positive COVID-19 cases and outbreaks on campus
Dear students, faculty and staff,
Nipissing University has been working closely with the North Bay Parry Sound District Health Unit (Health Unit) to develop comprehensive protocols for managing the reporting of positive COVID-19 cases and outbreaks on campus. These protocols include actions related to communication, cleaning and disinfecting, ensuring continuity of education and research, and prioritizes the health and safety of our campus community.
You can view a copy of Nipissing University’s procedure for managing positive cases and outbreaks on campus, here.
Communication Protocols
In an effort to keep you informed, the University is developing a dedicated page on its COVID-19 website to inform stakeholders of known positive cases on campus. More details will follow later this week.
When made aware, Nipissing University will provide information about positive cases on campus:
- Via email to students, staff and faculty
- On the Positive Cases on Campus website
In coordination with the Health Unit, Nipissing University will provide information about an outbreak on campus:
- Via email to students, staff and faculty,
- On the Positive Cases on Campus website
- On the News section of our website
- On social media via the University’s main channels
Locally, the Health Unit is responsible for declaring outbreaks within their district. All contact tracing for positive cases will be handled by the Health Unit. Any individuals who may have been in close contact and may be at risk for infection will be contacted directly.
What is an outbreak?
The Health Unit may consider declaring an outbreak when:
- There are two or more connected cases of COVID-19 within a workplace setting, or
- There is one positive COVID-19 case within the residence complexes
Outbreaks are declared by the local medical officer of health or their designate in coordination with the administrator of the university living setting.
Should you have any questions regarding these protocols, please email coronavirus@nipissingu.ca.
Clarity on Reporting
Nipissing University was made aware that a member of our University community residing off campus contracted COVID-19 outside of our district. The individual self-isolated immediately and did not visit campus. Nipissing University will not be reporting on positive cases regarding individuals who have not been on campus and who contracted the virus outside of our district.
The Health Unit is currently reviewing its policies related to the reporting of COVID-19 cases involving the post-secondary sector. More details regarding reporting of cases are expected in the coming days.
Nipissing Safe App
Members of the Nipissing University community are encouraged to download the Nipissing Safe app. All individuals entering Nipissing University buildings are required to complete the self assessment via the Nipissing Safe App daily. This step is vital to ensuring that those entering our buildings are healthy and symptom free. Please note that individuals may be asked to provide their assessment results upon entry and/or prior to any on campus appointments.
Students, faculty and staff are also reminded to continue to adhere to public health guidelines including physical distancing, wearing a face covering, washing or sanitizing hands often, not touching your face, and coughing or sneezing into your sleeve. Individuals with any symptoms of COVID-19 should not visit campus, but instead should self-isolate immediately and get tested.
Should you have any questions regarding the Nipissing safe app, please contact Michelle Banks at michellb@nipissingu.ca
Cheryl Sutton
President (Interim), Nipissing University
September 25 - Winter Term Update

Winter Term Update
Dear students,
We know you have many questions about the winter term. We thank you for your patience as we work through the details of planning for all scenarios.
Due to the changing nature of the pandemic, Nipissing University is working towards offering students increased opportunities for in-person activities beginning in January 2021, while continuing to deliver Winter Term undergraduate courses primarily online.
The lessons we’ve learned over the summer and fall terms and the safety protocols and resources we have put in place, puts us in a position to work towards re-introducing on-site activities such as seminar courses, experiential learning and tutorials that would allow for more peer-to-peer learning, build community and increase overall engagement.
At this time we know that:
- All Education programs will be offered online
- All professional year (years 3 and 4) Social Work students will be studying online
- All courses that have started on-line will be completed online
- Most undergraduate courses will be on-line and asynchronous, but will have more synchronous components than in the courses in the Fall. We are also exploring the possibility of offering some undergraduate courses on campus. This will be confirmed shortly.
At this time we are hoping to offer an on-site option for students registered in graduate programs other than Education. This will be confirmed shortly.
Fully online options will remain available for students who are uncomfortable or unable to participate in in-person activities.
The health and safety of our students remains our top priority and our ability to offer in-person activities will depend on the continued efforts of all members of our community to do their part to reduce the transmission of COVID-19.
More details on winter term and in-person activities will be shared as plans are finalized.
For other campus updates, please visit nipissingu.ca/fall2020
September 4 - Fall 2020 at a Glance and Return to Campus - Phase 2

Fall 2020 at a Glance
Dear students,
The leaves on campus are starting to show the first signs of changing colours which can only mean one thing: fall term is about to begin!
To help you prepare for the unique start of fall term, we have put together a website with helpful resources, contacts and answers to frequently asked questions about fall term to give you a sense of what to expect as classes get underway on Tuesday, September 8. Visit nipissingu.ca/fall2020.
Please note this website will be updated regularly as more information becomes available, so please ensure you check back regularly.
We know the start of this fall term is not what you had expected. The health and safety of every person in our community continues to remain at the forefront of our decisions and we will be guided by the advice of public health officials when planning ahead. We encourage you to continue to reach out to us with questions, as we are here for you every step of the way.
Wishing you a fun and safe Labour Day weekend.
Return to Campus - Phase 2 Faculty and Staff Transition
Dear faculty and staff,
The Operational Readiness Committee (ORC) is pleased to announce that the University will officially transition to Phase 2 of the Return to Campus Framework with limited departmental representation effective Tuesday, September 8, 2020.
Your supervisor/Dean will inform you if you will, or will not, be returning in Phase 2. If you/your department has been approved to return in Phase 2, Michelle Banks, HR Generalist, will be in touch with you directly to schedule an information training session prior to your return to campus.
As previously communicated, staff will be given flexibility of up to two weeks to physically be back on campus if required. Those staff who are not required to be on campus at this time will continue to work from home.
What does “Phase 2 - Limited Campus Access” look like?
Building Access
- Employees approved to access campus during Phase 2 will be required to enter the building via the fobbed entrances by the shared gym and courtyard.
- Students and community members will be able to access the main education building through the front entrance for pre-arranged services. Nipissing University staff will be onsite at the front entrance to screen individuals and direct them to the services they need.
Health & Safety Protocols
- The Nipissing Parry Sound District Health Unit mandated the use of face coverings while in certain enclosed spaces, effective Friday, July 24, 2020. Face coverings are required in all common spaces on campus but are NOT required when an employee is working in their own private office. If you have been approved to return in Phase 2, masks will be provided upon entry to the building.
- All staff and faculty must complete the mandatory Return to Campus session before you access campus. Michelle Banks will reach out to you directly to coordinate.
Food Services
- At this time the cafeteria remains closed.
- The Harris Learning Library (HLL) is open for curbside pick up of library books for Nipissing students, staff and faculty living in North Bay. The service will be offered Tuesdays and Thursdays between the hours of 10:30 am and 1:00 pm. The service is only for books held at the Harris Learning Library; the service does not include other types of library materials and does not include books from other libraries. For more information regarding access to HLL, please refer to our FAQ’s or Library website.
Athletics Centre
- The Athletics Centre is currently not open. More information in regards to a staged reopening of the Athletics Centre will be communicated as soon as possible.
Campus Shop
- At this time, the Campus Shop is staffed from 8:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. Customers must set up an appointment (email 0914asm@follett.com), pass the COVID screening, and wear a mask to access the store. Online shopping is encouraged. There is a pick-up process available as well as a shipping option.
- Residence is open and operating at reduced capacity. Approximately 400 students are living in residence.
- The University has been working closely with the Nipissing Parry Sound District Health Unit to establish standards and procedures for residence to ensure the safety of students, staff and the community,
- Employees will not be required to pay for parking for September to December (inclusive) however you still need to register for a parking spot in the system (system will show $0 charge)
- The process for registration remains the same as in previous years using the Rydin system through Webadvisor
- Note: Lot #5, the back of Lot #1, and the back of Lot #9 will not be open this Fall.
If you have questions regarding Phase 2 or the Return to Campus Framework, please direct them to facilities@nipissingu.ca.
David Drenth
Director of Facility Services
On behalf of the Operational Readiness Committee
July 24 - Face Coverings Now Required
Effective today, July 24, 2020, the Nipissing Parry Sound District Health Unit has mandated the use of face coverings in enclosed public spaces. Detailed information regarding the mandate can be found on the Health Unit website at myhealthunit.ca/FaceCoverings
In light of this directive, anyone entering on-campus buildings will now be required to wear a non-medical face covering.
Although face coverings are not required in single-person offices, they must be worn in all other common areas such as hallways, stairways, elevators, bathrooms or whenever maintaining two metres of physical distancing is not possible. Exemptions will be made for those employees who meet the exemption criteria outlined by the Health Unit.
The University has ordered Nipissing-branded cloth face coverings for all employees and they are expected to arrive in the coming weeks. These masks will be provided to employees at no cost. In the meantime, employees in need of a face covering may contact Michelle Banks at michellb@nipissingu.ca to obtain a disposable mask.
In addition to the use of face coverings, employees are reminded to continue to maintain physical distancing to the fullest extent possible and practice good hand hygiene practices.
If you have any questions or concerns, please email coronavirus@nipissingu.ca.
David Drenth
Director of Facility Services
On behalf of the Operational Readiness Committee
July 17 - Return to Campus Update
Good afternoon,
On Monday, the provincial government announced that many parts of Ontario will be moving to Stage 3 of the province’s reopening framework effective today, Friday, July 17, 2020. This includes the North Bay Parry Sound District Health Unit region.
This announcement is certainly welcome news and allows us to continue to move ahead with planning for our gradual return to campus guided by our Return to Campus Framework which as always, places the health and safety of our community at the forefront.
The details of the Return to Campus Framework, which were presented to faculty and staff during our Town Hall meeting last week, are now available at nipissingu.ca/returntocampus. This framework will evolve over time to ensure we are compliant with public health regulations and that our return to campus is done safely.
Currently, the University remains in Phase 0 of the Return to Campus Framework which means campus access is still restricted to those who are required to perform essential duties as defined by the province.
The Operational Readiness Committee has been working tirelessly to put plans in place in preparation for a move to Phase 1 which would allow more employees to return to campus. These steps include ensuring appropriate signage and protective barriers are in place, finalizing screening and building access protocols, and working through departmental staffing plans to determine which individuals, if any, will be permitted to return to campus to work. Please note that department staffing plans will be developed with input from employees and that wherever appropriate, employees will be encouraged to continue working from home.
More information on the timing of the move to Phase 1 will be shared in the coming days as staffing plans are discussed and approved.
Face Masks
The Nipissing Parry Sound District Health Unit also made an announcement this week that it will be mandating the use of face coverings while in certain enclosed spaces, effective Friday, July 24, 2020. The Health Unit will be sharing detailed information regarding the mandate with businesses and the community today. More information on exactly what this means for Nipissing employees who are currently reporting to campus to work will be forthcoming next week.
If you have questions regarding the Return to Campus Framework, please direct them to coronavirus@nipissingu.ca
I hope you have a wonderful weekend.
Thank you,
Cheryl Sutton
President and Vice-Chancellor (Interim)
June 12 Update - Virtual Convocation Details
Dear graduating students, supporters and the entire Nipissing University community,
With our first ever virtual convocation only two weeks away, we want to provide a few additional details regarding what to expect as part of this celebration.
On June 26, we invite graduates, supporters and the entire Nipissing community to visit nipissingu.ca/convocation where you will have the opportunity to view video speeches from our Chancellor, President, Provost and Vice-President, Academic and Research, and Honorary Degree Recipients as they address the class of 2020. Please note that this content may be viewed at any time that is convenient for you and it will remain available for viewing after June 26.
The website will also feature a celebration toolkit where you will be able to download special social media filters, frames and backgrounds and more to help you share this significant milestone with your friends and family. An electronic convocation program with the full list of graduate names and award recipients will also be available for viewing and download. Finally, you will be able to learn more about what it means to join the Nipissing University alumni family.
Although this celebration is not intended to replace an in-person ceremony we hope you take some time on June 26 to celebrate your achievements. When it is safe to do so, we will be inviting the Class of 2020 back to campus to be able to formally cross the stage. We encourage you to share your Lakers pride and support for the graduating class using the hashtags #NUConvocation and #NipissingUniversity. We are also inviting supporters to celebrate their graduates online using the hashtag #ProudOfMyLaker.
We look forward to celebrating the class of 2020 with the entire Lakers community on June 26.
June 5 Update - Fall Term Details

Fall Term Details
June 5, 2020 at 2:30 p.m.
Dear Students,
We are reaching out to you today to provide additional details and clarification regarding fall term delivery.
Fall term classes will be delivered online in asynchronous* and limited synchronous** (real-time) formats. This means that courses will not have set meeting days or times, however some labs and/or tutorials or other course based activities may have scheduled online meeting times. For further definitions of asynchronous and synchronous online learning, please see below.
It is important to note that you will have the flexibility to manage your learning schedule, and have regular opportunities to engage regularly with your professors and fellow students. Our professors are working diligently to develop online courses to ensure a meaningful learning experience that takes into account students’ diverse needs and learning styles, and offers ample opportunities to connect, have discussions and seek help. We want you to know that we remain committed to your academic success.
The Fall/Winter schedule will be released soon and will include the necessary details to help you plan your registration for fall. Please stay tuned for more details on registration processes.
To support your learning, we have fully transitioned all of our support services online and are continuing to provide the support that we would typically offer in-person through virtual or alternate forms of delivery. In keeping with our strong reputation in the areas of student support and overall student experience, over the coming months we will be rolling out further enhancements to our support for students that will assist in the development of a virtual Lakers community.
Additionally, we encourage incoming first year students to register in our NU Promise Program to help you navigate your university journey. By actively participating in the NU Promise Program, you’ll enhance your student experience through involvement opportunities, academic success, and career development, while developing the skills and competencies to ensure a successful transition to university and beyond into the workforce.
A list of frequently asked questions about the fall term, can be found here
What is Asynchronous Online Learning?
Asynchronous learning means that the instructor and the students in the course all engage with the course content at different times (and from different locations). Students move through course content as their schedules permit. Courses delivered asynchronously might include the use of assigned readings, uploaded media, online quizzes and discussion boards. The instructor guides students, and provides regular feedback and assessments.
What is Synchronous Online Learning?
Synchronous learning means that the instructor and the students in the course engage with the course content and each other at the same time, but from different locations. For example, the instructor holds live classes or meetings using tools such as Blackboard Collaborate to interact with students in real-time.
May 29 Update - Virtual Convocation - June 26, 2020
To graduating students and the rest of the Nipissing University community,
We want to thank graduating students for your dedication, commitment, and for the many contributions you make to the entire Nipissing University community.
Many of you have been asking what our plans will be for convocation. After consultations over the past four weeks, we are pleased to announce that Nipissing University will host its first ever virtual convocation to celebrate the class of 2020 on June 26, 2020. This will be a unique opportunity for students to celebrate with family and friends. Although we wish that we were able to host celebrations in person this year, we respect and value the safety of our students, staff, faculty and supporters. We are proud of the accomplishments of the graduating class of 2020, and plan to welcome each of you to return for a future ceremony.
The Chancellor, who presides over convocation, will convene the virtual convocation. We will also be encouraging avenues through social media to celebrate your accomplishments. More detailed information will be shared over the coming weeks.
For those graduating this year, it may appear that the future will be difficult to navigate. We know the academic journey is not always easy, but through adversity comes growth and, this year especially, you have shown tremendous resiliency. We cannot put into words the pride that all of us at Nipissing University feel in having you graduate from our institution and know that you will continue to represent the Lakers community in everything you do.
Thank you for your patience as we work to find new and joyful ways of celebrating together.
Dr. Mike DeGagné
President and Vice-Chancellor
May 28 Update - Work from Home Update
Good afternoon,
With the Ontario government announcing this week another extension of emergency orders until June 9, Nipissing University employees, other than those who have required duties on campus, will continue working from home until further notice. We will continue to monitor provincial guidelines and will notify all faculty and staff a minimum of two weeks prior to any planned return to campus.
The Operational Readiness Committee (ORC) has been meeting regularly and is focused on developing a list of main concerns related to a potential phased opening of the main campus and proposing solutions for implementation. The ORC mainly consists of university management with connections to Ontario University peer groups and will be working with Nipissing University partners such as Campus Security, the local health unit, Canadore Facilities, Chartwells Food Services and Follet, the campus bookstore. Protocols are being discussed to ensure the health and safety of our university community, which remains our top priority. Additional details will be shared as information becomes available.
With many of us spending more time in virtual meetings, we encourage you to add a custom Nipissing look to your next Teams or Zoom meeting by downloading a Nipissing campus background here.
May 22 Update - Financial Resources and Residence Update
Dear Students,
As COVID-19 continues to alter our everyday lives and redefine what we once knew as normal, Nipissing University remains focused on supporting our students and their success. We recognize that these are especially challenging times and that the pandemic has put significant financial pressures on students who are struggling to find employment or facing unexpected expenses. Sifting through information about financial assistance can be overwhelming, so we have compiled a list of important financial resources and supports available to assist you.
We are investing in additional resources to ensure you have the support you need. Knowing finances are top of mind for many of you, we have partnered with RBC to offer a Webinar on Financial Skills & Personal Budgeting on June 1 at noon. This “office hour” webinar will be hosted by the North Bay RBC Financial Advisor team and will address topics such as making a budget and budget considerations, responsible spending, monitoring your money, and understanding your credit bureau. The webinar will take place through our student, alumni and professional networking platform, NU Café. You can join the NU Café here. Once you are logged-in, you can view the event details under the “Office Hours” menu on the left-hand side.
We also know many of you have been asking about residence. Nipissing remains committed to providing award winning residence life programming and accommodations to students during the 2020/2021 academic year, in accordance with provincial standards and regulations and sector best practices. For more information on residence, entrance awards, labs and placements, please refer to our Frequently Asked Questions page.
Have additional questions? We want to hear from you!
- Fees and payments: finance@nipissingu.ca
- Student Financial Awards: finaid@nipissingu.ca
- Student Emergency Fund: nusuccess@nipissingu.ca
- OSAP: finaid@nipissingu.ca
- Residence: residence@nipissingu.ca
- Fall registration: registrar@nipissingu.ca
- Our response to COVID19: covid@nipissingu.ca
May 15 Update - Work From Home Extended until June 2, 2020
Good afternoon,
Earlier this week, the Ontario government released a statement extending the Declaration of Emergency under the Emergency Management and Civil Protection Act. This additional time will ensure the province has the necessary tools and health care capacity to contain COVID-19, while gradually reopening businesses, services, and amenities safely. Additional workplaces that can reopen was also announced yesterday, May 14, 2020.
However, the Chief Medical Officer of Health says emergency measures must remain in place to continue reducing the number of cases and deaths. In light of this, and to ensure the safety of our students, faculty and employees, Nipissing University employees, other than those who have required duties on campus, will continue working from home until June 2, 2020 at which time the situation will be reassessed.
Nipissing University continues to take measures to limit access to campus. As outlined previously, only the following services will continue to operate and perform duties on-site, and only as required:
- Residence services in support of our students who are not able to safely return home;
- Payroll and payment processing services, including accounts payable;
- UTS services needed to support remote work and online course delivery and maintenance of systems;
- Shipping/receiving services;
- Essential research lab maintenance for critical equipment, samples, and animal care;
- Building and facility/property cleaning and maintenance services to support other essential services and ensure the health and safety of our campus community.
For employees who are working on-site, additional health and safety measures and protocols will continue in order to safeguard wellbeing and facilitate physical distancing. In addition, to ensure the health and safety of those who are working in the Education Centre and Residence, only those required to do so will be permitted to enter the buildings.
The Ontario government's emergency order prohibiting organized public events and social gatherings of more than five people remains in place. It is expected that all students, faculty and staff continue to adhere to this order.
May 15 Update - Fall Term 2020

Dear Students,
You are at the heart of everything we do. We are thrilled that you will pursue your studies at Nipissing University this fall, and are excited about the programs we can offer you.
Thank you to those that participated in our student survey a few weeks ago. Your input and feedback is essential to incorporate into our planning, and we remain committed to give you many opportunities to do so.
The health and safety of every person in our community is of the utmost importance and has guided our decision-making every step of the way.
With all this in mind, we are committed to providing academic programming this fall through primarily online delivery. We are making significant investments to ensure all of your courses will be held with the same academic rigour and individualized support you expect from Nipissing.
As our plans continues to evolve, we will be sharing additional and more detailed information about what the fall will look like based on the program you enrolled in. Over the coming weeks we will address further details regarding financial supports, information on residence life, student supports available to you, what campus life may look like during this time of physical distancing, along with many more topics that will ensure you have all the information you need to be successful. Please stay tuned to your email for weekly updates.
We look forward to welcoming you back to our beautiful campus once it's safe to do so.
Although fall term may look somewhat different than what you were expecting, our commitment to ensuring your success is unchanged. We remain focused on finding innovative ways to create an enriching university experience for our students while adhering to public health guidelines. Our focus on student success and experience has translated into consistent top rankings nationally in the areas of student support and student experience, and along with Nipissing’s suite and townhouse style residences that can accommodate maximum physical distancing, an award winning Library, state of the art athletics program and facility, and top ranking faculty, we know that for many of you, Nipissing University is right where you belong.
Please continue to reach out to us with questions, as we are here for you every step of the way.
Thank you,
Dr. Arja Vainio-Mattila
Provost, and Vice President Academic and Research
May 6 Update - Work from Home Extension and Construction Project Updates
On the advice of the Chief Medical Officer of Health, the Ontario Government announced today that it will be extending all emergency orders until May 19. Consequently, Nipissing University employees, other than those who have required duties on campus, will continue working from home until May 19, 2020 at which time the situation will be reassessed.
Additionally, as of Monday this week, the government began allowing an expanded number of essential construction projects to resume operation including those on university and college campuses. At Nipissing, this means construction of the Student Centre will resume. The contractor and trades will be required to follow all COVID-19 related safe work practices. Although there may be delays in the delivery of materials from some manufacturers, the project will make significant progress during this summer construction season since many of the major components were in queue long before the pandemic restrictions. A meeting with the contractor to evaluate the overall impact to the project timeline will take place soon.
Additionally, renovations to create Nipissing's new immersive classroom will move forward. The immersive classroom is a state-of-the-art space with considerable classroom streaming capabilities enabling connection to groups in remote locations.
Lastly, major repairs to the A-Wing elevator will commence to ensure the elevator complies with current standards and continues to operate safely and consistently.
Nipissing University continues to take measures to limit access to campus. As outlined previously, only the following services will continue to operate and perform duties on-site, and only as required:
- Residence services in support of our students who are not able to safely return home;
- Payroll and payment processing services, including accounts payable;
- UTS services needed to support remote work and online course delivery and maintenance of systems;
- Shipping/receiving services;
- Essential research lab maintenance for critical equipment, samples, and animal care;
- Building and facility/property cleaning and maintenance services to support other essential services and ensure the health and safety of our campus community.
For employees who are working on-site, additional health and safety measures and protocols will continue in order to safeguard wellbeing and facilitate physical distancing. In addition, to ensure the health and safety of those who are working in the Education Centre and Residence, only those required to do so will be permitted to enter the buildings.
May 4 Update - Student Feedback
Dear Students,
As we begin the month of May, I would like to congratulate all of you on the successful completion of winter term. It will undoubtedly be a memorable term for you and hope that you look back on it with pride in your accomplishments during this challenging time.
Last week you received a survey from us seeking your feedback on the upcoming fall term. Thank you for taking the time to share your thoughts with us. A special working group has been established by our Provost and VP Academic & Research, Dr. Arja Vainio-Mattila, and your feedback collected will help inform our decisions as we prepare for the fall term.
Much is still unknown about how COVID-19 will progress and we continue to receive advice and guidance from public health officials. The health and safety of every person in our community continues to remain at the forefront of our decisions and we will be guided by the advice of public health officials when planning ahead. This ensures we continue to fulfill the academic mission of the university, while taking this opportunity to recalibrate and innovate so we come back even stronger than we were. Our students remain at the core of everything we do.
Regardless of how fall courses are delivered, it is important to remember that our commitment to supporting students has not changed. Please take a moment to remind yourself of the supports available to you:
- Registrar’s Office - registrar@nipissingu.ca
- Academic Advising - advising@nipissingu.ca
- Admissions - admissions@nipissingu.ca
- Fee Payment Inquiries - finance@nipissingu.ca
- General Financial Aid Inquiries - finaid@nipissingu.ca
- Student Accessibility Services - sas@nipissingu.ca
- Student Counselling Services - counselling@nipissingu.ca
- Student Development Services - General Inquiries - sds@nipissingu.ca
- Student Learning and Transitions / Academic Skills - slt@nipissingu.ca
- Residence - residence@nipissingu.ca
Further communication about fall term will be shared with you as decisions are finalized. In the meantime, please continue to monitor our COVID-19 updates here.
Stay well,
Dr. Mike DeGagné
President & Vice-Chancellor
Nipissing Universit
May 1 Update - Students, we are here for you

May 1, 2020 at 4:00PM
During these challenging times, we’d like to remind all members of the Lakers community that despite being distanced from one another, you are not alone, and the supports available through our Nipissing community remain available to you.
- Registrar’s Office - registrar@nipissingu.ca
- Academic Advising - advising@nipissingu.ca
- Admissions - admissions@nipissingu.ca
- Fee Payment Inquiries - finance@nipissingu.ca
- General Financial Aid Inquiries - finaid@nipissingu.ca
- Student Accessibility Services - sas@nipissingu.ca
- Student Counselling Services - counselling@nipissingu.ca
- Student Development Services - General Inquiries - sds@nipissingu.ca
- Student Learning and Transitions / Academic Skills - slt@nipissingu.ca
- Residence - residence@nipissingu.ca
April 21 Update - Work From Home Extension
Yesterday, the Ontario government released updated COVID-19 modelling, which showed that the enhanced public health measures, including staying home and physically distancing from each other, are working to contain the spread of the virus and flatten the curve. However, the Chief Medical Officer of Health says emergency measures must remain in place to continue reducing the number of cases and deaths. In light of this, and to ensure the safety of our students, faculty and employees, Nipissing University employees, other than those who have required duties on campus, will continue working from home until May 12, 2020 at which time the situation will be reassessed.
Nipissing University continues to take measures to limit access to campus. As outlined previously, only the following services will continue to operate and perform duties on-site, and only as required:
- Residence services in support of our students who are not able to safely return home;
- Payroll and payment processing services, including accounts payable;
- UTS services needed to support remote work and online course delivery and maintenance of systems;
- Shipping/receiving services;
- Essential research lab maintenance for critical equipment, samples, and animal care;
- Building and facility/property cleaning and maintenance services to support other essential services and ensure the health and safety of our campus community.
For employees who are working on-site, additional health and safety measures and protocols will continue in order to safeguard wellbeing and facilitate physical distancing. In addition, to ensure the health and safety of those who are working in the Education Centre and Residence, only those required to do so will be permitted to enter the buildings.
The Ontario government's emergency order prohibiting organized public events and social gatherings of more than five people remains in place. It is expected that all students, faculty and staff continue to adhere to this order.
Supports that are still available while the campus is closed
During these challenging times, we’d like to remind all members of the Lakers community that despite being distanced from one another, you are not alone, and the supports available through our Nipissing community remain available to you.
- Registrar’s Office - registrar@nipissingu.ca
- Academic Advising - advising@nipissingu.ca
- Admissions - admissions@nipissingu.ca
- Fee Payment Inquiries - finance@nipissingu.ca
- General Financial Aid Inquiries - finaid@nipissingu.ca
- Student Accessibility Services - sas@nipissingu.ca
- Student Counselling Services - counselling@nipissingu.ca
- Student Development Services - General Inquiries - sds@nipissingu.ca
- Student Learning and Transitions / Academic Skills - slt@nipissingu.ca
- Residence - residence@nipissingu.ca
April 1 Update - extended withdrawal deadline
Due to the exceptional circumstances of the COVID-19 outbreak and with consideration of the disruption it has caused for students, we have extended the deadline for students to withdraw from WI and FW courses without academic penalty to May 3, 2020. This will allow students the option to withdraw from a course(s) after receiving their final grade.
Questions for research, OSAP payments, and course withdrawals have been added to the FAQ page.
March 31 Update - Work from Home Extension
Work from Home Extension
As you may have heard, today the Ontario Premier made an announcement to extend the closure of schools and child care services to Friday, May 1, 2020. In light of this announcement, we would like to confirm that Nipissing University will continue to serve students remotely. To ensure the safety of our students, faculty and employees, Nipissing University employees, other than those who have required duties on campus, will continue working from home until Friday, May 1, 2020, at which time we will reassess.
Minister of Colleges and Universities, the Honourable Ross Romano, also announced today an injection of funding for post-secondary institutions to assist institutions with COVID-19-related costs. These funds will enable Nipissing University to remain responsive to the needs of its community by ensuring appropriate resources are in place to support the transition to online learning and the overall wellbeing of our students, including enhanced mental health supports. Ontario also announced a six-month, interest-free deferral period on Ontario Student Assistance Program loan payments.
Nipissing University continues to take measures to limit access to campus. Only the following services will continue to operate and perform duties on-site, and only as required:
- Residence services in support of our students who are not able to safely return home;
- Payroll and payment processing services, including accounts payable;
- UTS services needed to support remote work and online course delivery and maintenance of systems;
- Shipping/receiving services;
- Essential research lab maintenance for critical equipment, samples, and animal care;
- Building and facility/property cleaning and maintenance services to support other essential services and ensure the health and safety of our campus community.
For employees who are working on-site, additional health and safety measures and protocols will continue in order to safeguard wellbeing and facilitate physical distancing. In addition, to ensure the health and safety of those who are working in the Education Centre and Residence, only those required to do so will be permitted to enter the buildings.
Please note that the Ontario government also instituted an emergency order prohibiting organized public events and social gatherings of more than five people. It is expected that all students, faculty and staff adhere to this order.
The essential services list can be found on the Government of Ontario website.
Additional Resources:
- Technology Services: If employees require any additional technological resources in order to work from home, please visit HelpDesk.nipissingu.ca.
- Employee Assistance Program: We appreciate the stress this may be causing our students and the burdens it places on our departments and members of the Nipissing community. Aspiria, Nipissing’s confidential Employee Assistance Provider, is available to employees and their dependents 24 hours a day, seven days a week, at no cost www.aspiria.ca
- For additional questions, employees are welcome to contact coronavirus@nipissingu.ca
The best way to protect yourself is through prevention.
- Wash your hands often with soap and water or alcohol-based hand sanitizer
- Sneeze and cough into your sleeve
- Avoid touching your eyes, nose or mouth
- Avoid contact with people who are sick
We will continue to keep our community informed of new developments through the Nipissing University website and urge those seeking information to consult trusted sources such as Ontario.ca/coronavirus.
Symptoms of the coronavirus include fever, cough and difficulty breathing. If you are showing symptoms, reduce your contact with others:
- isolate yourself at home for 14 days to avoid spreading it to others
- if you live with others, stay in a separate room or keep a 2-metre distance
- visit a health care professional or call your local public health authority
- call ahead to tell them your symptoms and follow their instructions
March 30 Spring/Summer Term Update
Important updates regarding the spring/summer term (May-August):
- Spring/summer term will begin as scheduled.
- Online courses will remain online and continue as scheduled.
- For courses that were scheduled to be delivered face-to-face (on site in North Bay or at an affiliated site), including community-based field placements, practicum and/or clinical placements, we are working on alternate solutions with each faculty. Deans or department heads will be providing further details as soon as they have been confirmed.
March 26 Convocation Update
Dear students,
We hope you and your families are keeping well during these unusual times.
In an effort to reduce the spread of COVID-19, we have made the difficult decision to postpone our convocation ceremonies this June. We recognize that this news is disappointing for you, your family and friends, however the safety of our Lakers community is paramount. Once details and alternative dates are confirmed, we will of course communicate those to you.
We also want to assure you that although the June convocation ceremonies will not take place, we will continue to grant degrees and produce transcripts for all eligible students who have fulfilled the academic requirements of their program. You will still receive your degree and be able to proceed with any plans you may have regarding employment or postgraduate and professional education.
You all have a lot to be proud of, including your perseverance and resiliency through this challenging time. The entire Nipissing community looks forward to celebrating all you have accomplished.
Click here to visit our FAQ page with information about convocation.
March 23 Update - building access
As of Friday, March 20, 2020 at 9:00 p.m. restricted building access to the Education Centre has been in effect.
Nipissing University employees, other than those needed for required duties, will be working from home effective Monday, March 23, 2020. This protocol will be in effect until Monday, April 6, 2020 at which point we will re-evaluate the situation.
All students living in residence have been required to leave residence, unless there are extenuating circumstances prohibiting them from doing so.
While we endeavour to remain business as usual, we thank our campus community and stakeholders for their understanding that there may be some unanticipated gaps particularly as we familiarize ourselves with remote work tools. A work from home resource page has been created to assist employees with this transition and will be updated as additional resources become available.
Please see below for a summary of contacts for students, employees and external stakeholders:
- Student Development and Services: sds@nipissingu.ca
- Nipissing University Registrar: registrar@nipissingu.ca
- Nipissing University Residence: residence@nipissingu.ca
- Questions relating to COVID-19 and Nipissing’s response: coronavirus@nipissingu.ca
- All media inquiries: communications@nipissingu.ca
For more information on Nipissing University’s FAQs relating to COVID-19, please visit https://www.nipissingu.ca/coronavirus/faq-covid-19.
March 19 Update - Building access
Nipissing University is committed to the health and safety of students and employees. As per the recommendations of the provincial government and health units across the province, and in keeping with the Prime Minister's recent recommendations for Canadians to limit the spread of COVID-19, restricted building access to the Education Centre will come into effect this Friday, March 20, 2020 at 9:00 p.m.
Given the ongoing developments regarding COVID-19 in Ontario, Nipissing University employees, other than those needed for required duties, will be working from home effective Monday, March 23, 2020. This protocol will be in effect until Monday, April 6, 2020 at which point we will re-evaluate the situation.
We are requiring all students currently living in residence to leave residence prior to Sunday March 22, 2020 at 7:00 p.m., unless there are extenuating circumstances prohibiting them from doing so. All Student Services have been transitioned to being offered virtually or through alternative methods, and student supports are in place to help those students living in residence to facilitate move out.
While we endeavour to remain business as usual, we thank our campus community and stakeholders for their understanding that there may be some unanticipated gaps particularly as we familiarize ourselves with remote work tools. A work from home resource page has been created to assist employees with this transition and will be updated as additional resources become available.
Please see below for a summary of contacts for students, employees and external stakeholders:
- Student Development and Services: sds@nipissingu.ca
- Nipissing University Registrar: registrar@nipissingu.ca
- Nipissing University Residence: residence@nipissingu.ca
- Questions relating to COVID-19 and Nipissing’s response: coronavirus@nipissingu.ca
- All media inquiries: communications@nipissingu.ca
For more information on Nipissing University’s FAQs relating to COVID-19, please visit https://www.nipissingu.ca/coronavirus/faq-covid-19.
March 18 Update
As an additional precaution and in keeping with the Prime Minister's recent recommendation for Canadians to stay home in order to limit the spread of COVID-19, restricted building access will come into effect this Friday, March 20, 2020 at 9:00 p.m. and will remain in effect until April 6, 2020 at which time we will reassess the situation. This applies to all campus buildings other than residence facilities. Residence remains open as we work with residence staff and students living in residence to facilitate move-out
While we endeavour to remain business as usual, we thank our campus community and stakeholders for their understanding that there may be some unanticipated gaps particularly as we familiarize ourselves with remote work tools and manage teleconferences using mobile phones.
As this is a very fluid situation, we will continue to monitor closely and provide updates as appropriate.
March 17 Updates
March 17, 2020 5:30 PM
Please see below for important updates as it pertains to Nipissing University:
The following facilities are now closed to students:
- Harris Learning Library
- Robert J Surtees Athletics Center
- Research labs
- Studios
- Animal labs
- Central Analytical Facility
- Computer labs.
For Harris Learning Library resource access:
- Access to information resources is available through the library homepage.
- Services, such as reference and online assistance will be provided on a limited basis. Interlibrary Loan Services are not available.
- For further information contact Nancy E. Black at nancyblack@nipissingu.ca.
All events, speaker series, presentations, exhibitions, and gathering of any size (big or small) are cancelled.
All onsite (face-to-face/in person) exams are cancelled, including exams scheduled at testing centres off campus. For those students on placement, please refer to your email for communication directly from your faculty department.
Effective Wednesday, March 18, many departments will be moving to off-site operations and supervisors will be directing staff, where possible, to work from home.
Nipissing University is NOT closing, and all buildings will remain open for employees to access their office space as needed. The University will also be maintaining required services on campus in order to support the academic mission and required supports for students to complete the Winter term.
Our students continue to be at the centre of everything we do and remain central to our contingency planning. We are doing our best to maintain supports offered through Student Development and Services, including Student Accessibility Services, Student Learning and Transitions and Student Counselling Services. Please contact sds@nipissingu.ca for any questions relating to student supports.
For those students living in residence, please refer to the communication issued directly from residence regarding residence operations.
Nipissing University will continue to monitor the situation as it unfolds and keep our campus community informed as information becomes available.
For recent updates, please visit nipissingu.ca/coronavirus and our FAQs for more information.
March 17, 2020 11:00 AM
Nipissing University continues to closely monitor the COVID-19 situation. As of today, March 17, 2020, according to the Public Health Agency of Canada the public health risk linked to COVID-19 is low for the general population in Canada. There is an increased risk of more severe outcomes for Canadians: aged 65 and over; with compromised immune systems; and, with underlying medical conditions.
This morning, Premier Doug Ford declared a State of Emergency in the Province of Ontario. He announced that effective immediately:
- All events over 50 people in Ontario are prohibited until March 31
- Restaurants and bars are closed with the exception of take-out and delivery service
- Childcare centres, libraries, theatres, concert venues, cinemas, private schools and recreation facilities are closed.
Grocers, pharmacies and transit remain open.
Please visit our frequently asked questions for updated information related to the library, athletics centre, exams and placements.
The University is working on contingency plans for operations and more details will be released later today.
This is unprecedented territory for everyone and we appreciate your patience and understanding as we determine the best way forward for our students, staff and stakeholders.
March 15 - Updates on Travel
Please see updated information in the FAQs. Further updates are expected in the coming days.
Updates on Travel
As of March 14th, the Government of Canada has stated that the number of countries reporting cases of COVID-19 has been steadily increasing, and on March 11, 2020, the World Health Organization (WHO) declared the COVID-19 outbreak to be a pandemic. This means the outbreak is now considered to be worldwide.
The Public Health Agency of Canada is recommending that travellers avoid all non-essential travel outside of Canada and all cruise ship travel until further notice.
All travellers arriving in Canada from international points are being asked to consider self-isolating for 14 days as a precaution. Nipissing University is adopting this precaution for our students and university employees.
If you have returned, or are returning from, international points after March 13, 2020, please be advised of the following:
- As an important precaution, we encourage students and employees to self-isolate after returning from international travel;
- The Ministry of Health has a self-assessment tool that can be referenced if you feel you are experiencing symptoms of the novel coronavirus
March 13 Update
Dear students, faculty and staff,
I am writing to provide an update regarding Nipissing University’s response to COVID-19. The health and safety of our community is our first priority. In an effort to reduce the spread of COVID-19, a number of actions will be taken:
- Nipissing University is cancelling all classes (both onsite and online), on Monday, March 16, 2020 and Tuesday, March 17, 2020 to provide faculty and academic support staff adequate time to prepare to deliver course content in alternative ways. Any exams scheduled during this time period will be rescheduled.
- Starting Wednesday, March 18 and for the remainder of the term, all classes will be offered through online or alternative means. As outlined in an email to all faculty yesterday, support will be offered to faculty members to assist in this transition.
- All university-related travel outside of Canada will be cancelled or postponed.
- The University and university buildings remain open. This includes facilities such as research labs, the library, the athletics centre, residences and food services. Team practices and fitness classes at the R.J. Surtees Athletics Centre are cancelled.
- Nipissing’s residences will also remain open and operational. Students wishing to return home and study remotely may do so.
- The University is working through contingency planning for final exams. More information will be shared in the coming days.
- All events on campus currently scheduled up to and including March 27, 2020 are being cancelled, postponed or offered virtually. This includes Open House, campus tours, Research Month events, camps, etc. Operational and other internal meetings will continue.
- Staff and faculty members should continue to come to work as usual. If you have extraordinary circumstances that require accommodation, please speak with your supervisor.
- If you are ill, please stay home.
- Please visit nipissingu.ca/coronavirus for updates and frequently asked questions.
It is important to ensure that the information you read comes from trusted, credible sources. A list of these sources can be found on our nipissingu.ca/coronavirus site. Consuming and spreading false, non-factual information only serves to heighten community concern.
A special thank you to the faculty and staff who have been working tirelessly to ensure we are prepared to respond to this pandemic. Your commitment to the University community is appreciated.
To our students. We know you may feel overwhelmed or anxious as a result of this situation and the uncertainty it brings, and encourage you to access supports through Student Development and Services as needed.
We understand that these decisions will cause some disruption, but ask that in this unusual time that you exhibit patience, compassion and understanding with one another. We will emerge from this situation stronger than ever.
Dr. Mike DeGagné
President and Vice-Chancellor
March 12 Update
Nipissing University continues to closely monitor the COVID-19 situation. At the present time, there are no COVID-19 cases at Nipissing University. We understand these are uncertain times. The safety of the Nipissing community is our top priority and all structures are in place to make decisions quickly in a rapidly changing environment, and as information becomes available from public health authorities.
Nipissing University continues to follow our pandemic plan, and for now, regular operations will continue.
In addition to the Pandemic Committee, various levels of administration continue to work with Council of Ontario Universities, Universities Canada, health authorities and community partners to coordinate planning and information.
As a reminder, the university has already taken precautionary measures by installing additional hand sanitizer stations at various locations on campus, and using cleaning solutions to ensure high touch surfaces are disinfected regularly.
We will continue to keep our campus community informed of new developments through social media and nipissingu.ca/coronavirus.
March 10 Update
Nipissing University continues to closely monitor the COVID-19 situation. As of today, the risk of community transmission in North Bay remains low. The University follows the advice of Public Health authorities and at this time classes and events continue.
It is important to continue to check travel and public health advisories, which are listed below, as this is an evolving situation.
Those that have returned from international travel should monitor for symptoms. Those who develop symptoms such as fever, cough, difficulty breathing or any other symptoms within 14 days after returning to Canada, are advised to avoid contact with others and contact Telehealth Ontario (1-866-797-0000), your health-care provider, or local health unit. Inform them about your symptoms and travel history.
The best way to protect yourself is through prevention.
- Wash your hands often with soap and water or alcohol-based hand sanitizer
- Sneeze and cough into your sleeve
- Avoid touching your eyes, nose or mouth
- Avoid contact with people who are sick
We will continue to keep our community informed of new developments through the Nipissing University website and urge those seeking information to consult trusted sources such as Ontario.ca/coronavirus.
Symptoms of the coronavirus include fever, cough and difficulty breathing. Should you experience these symptoms AND have recently travelled internationally to an affected region, avoid contact with others and contact your health-care professional or nearest hospital.
In an effort to keep our campus community informed, please see our Frequently Asked Questions from the NU Community About Coronavirus. We will continue to provide updates on this website as more information becomes available.
January 29 Update
Nipissing University Update on Coronavirus
Confirmation of the coronavirus (2019-nCoV) in Toronto is raising concerns and questions among members of the Nipissing University community. Health officials continue to advise that the risk of contracting the virus remains low. Nipissing University is carefully monitoring the situation. We will continue to keep our community informed of new developments through the Nipissing University website and urge those seeking information to consult trusted sources such as Ontario.ca/coronavirus.
Symptoms of the coronavirus include fever, cough and difficulty breathing. Should you experience these symptoms AND have recently travelled internationally to an affected region, avoid contact with others and contact your health-care professional or nearest hospital.
In an effort to keep our campus community informed, please see below for Frequently Asked Questions. Should the situation change, we will continue to provide updates on this website.
1. What is the Coronavirus?
Coronaviruses are a large family of viruses that originate in animals but are known to cause respiratory illness in humans, particularly during the fall and winter months. Other novel coronaviruses have included Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome (SARS) and Middle East Respiratory Syndrome (MERS-CoV).
In January, 2020, a novel (new) coronavirus (2019-nCoV) was identified as the cause of an outbreak of pneumonia originating in Wuhan. The latest statistics for Ontario are available at: ontario.ca/coronavirus.
2. What is the risk?
Public Health Ontario advises that the risk to Ontarians is still considered low as of Jan. 26, 2020. The situation is rapidly evolving and the University is taking its guidance from public health agencies at the local, provincial and federal level, who are closely monitoring the outbreak, conducting surveillance and appropriate laboratory testing, and providing public health and infection control guidance.
To date, cases have been reported in individuals who have been in Wuhan, China, and those who have had personal contact with infected individuals. The risk of more severe illness may be higher for individuals with weakened immune systems such as older people or chronic diseases such as diabetes, or heart, renal or chronic lung disease.
3. What are the symptoms of novel Coronavirus?
Symptoms range from common to severe respiratory illnesses and include:
- fever
- cough
- difficulty breathing
Many of these symptoms are similar to seasonal influenza. Should you experience these symptoms AND have recently travelled internationally, avoid contact with others and follow-up with your health care professional. Advise your health professional in advance of attending clinic of your symptoms and travel history.
4. What can I do to protect myself?
As usual, continue to practise good hand washing techniques and hygiene practices. This includes washing thoroughly with soap and water, using hand sanitizer, coughing or sneezing into your elbow, and staying at home or in your residence room if you are experiencing flu-like symptoms.
5. Should students, staff or faculty with flu-like symptoms attend class/work?
As usual, those with severe symptoms should stay at home or in their residence room. Students should continue to report illness as they usually do. Students in residence should inform residence staff. For staff, please report your absence promptly to your supervisor per normal practice.
6. I live in residence and think I may have flu-like symptoms. What should I do?
If you experience symptoms while living in residence, please phone your respective residence front desk, who will inform the AVP, Students and Residence Office. As it is also influenza season, you may want to purchase the following items to keep on hand as a precautionary measure:
- Over-the-counter medication to reduce aches and fever (e.g., acetaminophen or ibuprofen)
- Cough medicine and throat lozenges
- Any prescription medicines you take
- A thermometer (non-mercury)
- Tissues
- Hand sanitizer (should contain at least 60% alcohol)
- Disinfecting wipes or cleaning products to clean your shared and personal space
- A water canteen or bottled water, and juice
7. Should students, staff or faculty with flu-like symptoms be excluded from class/work?
No one should be excluded or banned from attending classes or work. Students, staff and faculty with flu-like symptoms are encouraged to stay home, but some may choose to attend classes and work. At this time, the risk of contracting the novel coronavirus is low.
8. Should anyone with a travel history to an affected region be excluded from class/work?
Students, staff and faculty with symptoms who have visited the affected region recently should contact their health care provider or visit the nearest emergency room. At this time, the risk of contracting novel coronavirus is low.
9. Will classes be cancelled?
At this time classes will continue as scheduled. We will continue to keep our campus community informed if anything changes.
10. Should we be canceling events?
At this time, there is no significant risk of community transmission of the novel coronavirus in Canada. Should the situation change, we will provide advice on this website.
11. Should I wear a mask?
Generally, a mask is not required at this time, although some may choose to wear one. Surgical masks, such as those sold in pharmacies, have limited value. Those in health care settings will follow the requirements of their facilities with respect to appropriate protective gear if they are working with suspected or confirmed cases.
12. I am planning to travel in the coming days. What should I do?
Students travelling internationally should refer to the International Initiatives Office within Student Development and Services at myinternational@nipissingu.ca or 705-474-3450 ext. 4321. Staff and faculty may refer to the Government of Canada’s travel advisory website travel.gc.ca/travelling/advisories. As of January 27, 2020, the advice for China is to avoid non-essential travel to the province of Hubei.
Important Contact Numbers:
Telehealth Ontario: 1-866-797-0000
Telehealth Ontario is a free, confidential service you can call to get health advice or information. A Registered Nurse will take your call 24 hours a day, seven days a week.
Nipissing University Campus Health Centre: 705-474-7600 ext. 5261
Room: B205