How to fill out an application?
Log onto the eRezLife Application and click on Create Account. When entering your Nipissing Student ID number only include the last 6-digits (do not include the leading zero).
How to pay the $400.00 deposit?
To make the $400.00 payment you can either mail in a cheque or money order, making either out to Nipissing University and referencing your Nipissing Student ID number.
Payment can also be made through online banking. To do this you would log into your personal online banking account and click on Bill Payments, next add Nipissing University as a new payee. The account number you are to reference is the last 7 digits of your Nipissing Student ID number. (Please note that online payments can not be made with credit card).
When can I apply?
The Residence application for 2024-2025 academic year will open on January 23rd, 2024. Bachelor of Education students are not guaranteed a placement in residence and there is no set deadline to apply. Applications for this cohort are not considered complete until submitted and the $400 deposit is received. Placements within the Bachelor of Education community are limited and are balanced between the 1st and 2nd year cohort.
Do you have separate accommodations for mature students?
No, but we do try to place all Consecutive Bachelor of Education students together on one section of a residence building, which typically consists of mature students.
What if I wish to share a suite with someone who will also be attending Nipissing?
To request specific roommates, you and all desired members must first complete and submit your Residence Application.
When you have completed this step, you will have access to the “Roommate Group” tool, located under the heading “Housing” in the left sidebar on eRezLife. Only one person in your roommate group needs to create the Roommate Group, and all members must accept the invitation to the group.
When you’ve clicked on “Roommate Group”, click on “create new roommate group”. You will need to give your roommate group a name, and then add members by inputting the email exactly as they have it written in their own eRezLife application (copying and pasting is recommended). You do not have to fill a suite or townhouse in order to be a roommate group, however, please note that Residence will fill the remaining rooms.
Once you’ve completed the roommate group, click “Save”. If you receive an error message, it is likely that an email has been entered incorrectly and/or a member of your group has not completed and submitted their application. When you have successfully created the roommate group, it will appear in the roommate group menu.
All members must consent to joining the group by ensuring that they have selected the roommate group in the “My Choice” menu. When this is done, there will be a green checkmark next to the roommate group.
If you do not wish to be a part of a roommate group to which you have been added, ensure that the green checkmark is next to “no choice” in the roommate group menu.
If I wish to live in Residence over the summer months, do I need to register for summer accommodations before I go on my last placement?
Yes, you need to register by filling out a "student summer accommodation application" available at each residence office front desk. Applications must be filled out and handed in prior to leaving for your final practicum placement, with a room deposit.
Where do I get more information?
All inquiries regarding summer accommodations should be directed to Conference Services at or by calling 705-474-2526, ext. 4808, Fax: 705-474-4888, or by visiting the Conference Services website.