On-campus course offerings have been moved online for the duration of the provincewide lockdown. For further updates please visit our coronavirus updates page at www.nipissingu.ca/coronavirus.
The following are the 20FW Winter term on-campus course offerings:
Note: For any courses offered on campus, an online delivery option will also be available.
Faculty of Arts and Science
- ANTH 3027 Indigenous Peoples and the State
- ENGL 2257 Hyphenated-Canadians: Canadian Literature after 1914
- FAVA 1207 Art History II
- FYFE 1031 Social Media: Untangling the Threads
- GEND 4106 Selected Topics in Gender Equity and Social Justice
- GEOG 4777 Water Governance
- HIST 1007 The Second World War
- MATH 4086 Functional Analysis
- POLI 3256 Multiculturalism in Canada and the World
- POLI 4206 Honours Seminar
- PSYC 3356 Design & Analysis I
- SOCI 3506 Social Problems
Faculty of Education and Professional Studies
School of Nursing
- NURS 1037 Health Assessment
- NURS 1027 Clinical Practicum: Nursing Older Adults
- NURS 2026 Clinical Practicum: Nursing Individuals Experiencing Health Challenges
- NURS 2207 Clinical Practicum: Nursing Individuals Experiencing Mental Health Challenges
- NURS 3027 Clinical Practicum: Nursing Communities and Populations
- NURS 3217 Clinical Practicum: Maternal Child Nursing
School of Criminology and Criminal Justice
- CRJS 1206 An Introduction to Canadian Law
- CRJS 3087 Law and Society II
School of Business
- ACCT 1106 Principles of Accounting I
- ACCT 1107 Principles of Accounting II
- ADMN 1306 Digital Management
- ADMN 1607 Business Mathematics
- ADMN 2307 Commercial Law
- FINC 3117 Financial Management II
School of Physical Education
- PHED 1007 Socio-Cultural Dimensions of Sport And Physical Activity
- PHED 1207 Systemic Approach to Functional Human Anatomy II
- PHED 2016 Motor Learning and Control
- PHED 2036 Biomechanics I
- PHED 3306 Statistics in Physical Activity
- PHED 4046 Contemporary Issues in Sport and Physical Activity
- PHED 1204 Soccer I
- PHED 1213 Volleyball I
- PHED 1223 Fundamental Movement Skills
- PHED 2204 Core Strength
- PHED 2233 Racquets I
- PHED 3204 Soccer II
- PHED 3213 Volleyball II
- PHED 3224 Dance II
- PHED 3233 Yoga
- PHED 3234 Weightlifting I
- PHED 3254 SP III: Snowshoeing
- PHED 3263 Games of Low Organization
- PHED 4224 Outdoor Initiatives
- PHED 4233 Inclusive Games
- PHED 4234 Weightlifting II
- PHED 4254 SP IV: Navigation
- PHED 4263 Group Fitness
School of Graduate Studies
MA History
- HIST 5007 Methods II
- HIST 5606 Environmental History
MA Sociology
- SOCI 5217 Quantitative Analysis
- SOCI 5516 Special Topics I
- ENST 5346 Watershed Governance
MSc Math
- MATH 5086 Functional Analysis
last updated: 12/03/20