Current Phase
Nipissing University is currently in: Phase 4 – Open Campus Access
Phase 0 – Restricted Campus Access
Campus access is restricted to those who are required to perform essential duties, as defined by the province (i.e. Facilities & Maintenance, Residence Services, University Technology Services, Caretaking/Custodial, Finance, Registrar, HR/Payroll, Residence Operations, and Shipping & Receiving).
- Construction and maintenance projects continue (as permitted by the province)
- Student Residence operations will continue normal operations
- Research Recovery Plan can implement Stage 2 which requires valid application through Romeo
- Library Services will continue to provide curbside services
- Outdoor Summer Camps can be hosted with groups up to 30 dependant on age group
- Athletics facilities remain closed but outdoor team and personal training of 10 people with distancing is permitted
Roadmap to Reopen Step 1 applies
Phase 1 – Required Campus Access
Campus access is expanded to allow more Nipissing University employees to work from campus as provincial or local health guidelines permit.
- Phase 1 department plans will be developed in consultation with employees to determine those required to return to campus - employees returning to campus will be provided with appropriate notice
- Employees returning to campus will be provided with appropriate notice
- Wherever appropriate, NU employees will be encouraged to continue working at home
- Students may be permitted to visit campus to obtain limited available services - pre-approval may be required
- Student Residence operations will continue normal operations
- Research Recovery Plan can implement Stage 2 which requires valid application through Romeo
- Library Services may open facility with reduced capacity
Summer Camps can be hosted with groups up to 30 dependant on age group
- Athletics facilities remain closed but outdoor sports leagues and team training are permitted with capacity limited by 3m social distancing on the play surface to be used and personal training with max limit of 25 people with distancing is permitted
Roadmap to Reopen Step 2 applies
Phase 2 – Limited Campus Access
Phase 2 represents expanded campus operations permitted in compliance with the provincial framework requirements.
- Campus access is expanded to include more staff members from university departments with capacity limits implemented.
- Select departments that normally provide face to face services will have a physical presence on-site
- Students will be permitted to visit campus to obtain approved services
- Student Residence operations will continue normal operations
- Research Recovery Plan can implement Stage 2 which requires valid application through Romeo
- Library Services may open facility with reduced capacity
- Athletics facilities open for indoor personal training with social distancing and outdoor sports leagues are permitted, outdoor team and personal training with distancing is permitted
Roadmap to Reopen Step 3 applies
Phase 3 – Limited Campus Access – On-site Academic Program Delivery
Phase 3 represents expanded campus operations permitted in compliance with the provincial framework requirements.
- Campus access is expanded to include more staff and faculty members from university administration and academic departments with capacity limits implemented
- Students will be permitted to visit campus to obtain approved services and attend classes offered in-person
- Student Residence operations will continue normal operations
- Research Recovery Plan can implement Stage 3.1 which requires valid application through Romeo
- Library Services may open facility with reduced capacity
- Athletics facilities open for indoor personal training with distancing and outdoor sports leagues are permitted, outdoor team and personal with distancing is permitted
Roadmap to Reopen Step 3 applies
Phase 4 – Open Campus Access
Phase 4 represents further expanded operations permitted in compliance with the provincial framework requirements.
- Campus access is expanded to include all required staff, faculty members, students and visitors
- Resumption of all remaining on-site services
- Student Residence will continue normal operations
- Research Recovery Plan can implement final Stage which requires valid application through Romeo
- Library Services will resume full operations
- Athletics facilities will resume full operations
Roadmap to Reopen is completed
For questions regarding the Return to Campus Framework, please contact: coronavirus@nipissingu.ca