MES/MESc Research Colloquium – 2024

Lectures and Seminars
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April 10, 2024
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02:00 PM
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April 10, 2024
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04:30 PM
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A252-C (The Sandbox)
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Add to Calendar 2024-04-10 14:00:00 2024-04-10 16:30:00 MES/MESc Research Colloquium – 2024 Come and join us to learn about a wide range of environmental research topics, ranging from local lumbering legacies, peatland trace gas fluxes, hydrologic and water quality studies of our regional watersheds, to assessment of past forest fire severity, and performance of community-based natural resource management in Kenya. A252-C (The Sandbox) Nipissing University America/Toronto public

Students in the Masters of Environmental Studies/Masters of Environmental Sciences program will be presenting on their ongoing research on Wednesday, 10 April from 2:00pm to ~4:30pm in A252-A (The Sandbox).

We invite all to come and join us to learn about a wide range of environmental research topics, ranging from local lumbering legacies, peatland trace gas fluxes, hydrologic and water quality studies of our regional watersheds, to assessment of past forest fire severity, and performance of community-based natural resource management in Kenya.

Everyone (undergraduate, graduate, life long learners) are welcome!

All presenting students will be attending in person and so we encourage you to join us in person for discussion and some fun social interaction! Refreshments will be provided. This event will be hybrid form – please register for online attendance using the provided zoomlink.

Student talks will be 10 minutes with 5 minutes for questions.

Time Student (Supervisor) Talk Title
Time2:00 Student (Supervisor) Talk TitleApril James – MES/MESc Program Coordinator – Brief Introduction
Time2:05 Student (Supervisor) Talk TitleMegan Montgomery (Colin McCarter) “Assessing carbon dioxide (CO2) and methane (CH4) gas flux in peatlands across a vegetation recovery gradient”
Time2:20 Student (Supervisor) Talk TitleCole Reid (Dan Walters) “Lumbering legacies and cyanobacteria blooms in Callender embayment”
Time2:35 Student (Supervisor) Talk TitleIddi Babu (James Abbott) “Performance of Community-Based Natural Resource Management (CBNRM) in the Maasai Mara Region, Kenya”
Time2:50 Student (Supervisor) Talk Title10 min break
Time3:00 Student (Supervisor) Talk TitleFestus Eebo (April James/Colin McCarter) “Estimating the fraction of young water in streamflow in mesoscale Precambrian Shield catchments in Northeastern, ON, CA.”
Time3:15 Student (Supervisor) Talk TitleCourtney Antram (Jeff Dech) “Assessment of charcoal recovered from the soil environment of a previously burned area: A comparative study evaluating δ18O as an indicator of past forest fire severity”
Time3:30 Student (Supervisor) Talk Title

Will MacKenzie (April James/Colin McCarter) “Examining the delivery of chloride within McInnis Creek using a high frequency hydrologic approach

Time3:45 Student (Supervisor) Talk TitleOpen Question and Discussion + Social time to follow

We look forward to see you there!
April James