This is an archive of COVID-19 updates from 2021. For the most recent updates, visit: Nipissing University Update on Coronavirus.
December 21 - Update on Face-to-Face Research & Travels
Update on Face-to-Face Research & Travels

December 21, 2021 at 11:30 a.m.
As COVID-19 case counts rise across Canada and abroad, we wanted to provide an important update regarding research travel and face-to-face research.
At this time, the Public Health Agency of Canada is advising travellers, regardless of their vaccination status, to avoid non-essential travel internationally. Since research travel is considered non-essential and many countries have already imposed travel restrictions, we are asking all faculty to avoid research travel until further notice.
With respect to face-to-face research, given that Public Health is recommending that we limit our contact with others, all face-to-face research is to be put on hold until further notice.
A further update will be provided on January 5, 2022.
Thank you for your ongoing support in keeping our communities safe.
Dr. Jim McAuliffe
Dean of Graduate Studies and Research
December 17 - Two Additional Cases Reported on Campus
Two Additional Cases Reported on Campus

December 17, 2021 at 11:30 a.m.
Nipissing University has been made aware that two more members of the University community have tested positive for COVID-19. The individuals were on campus in the R.J. Surtees Student Athletics Centre the week of December 6-10, 2021. One of the individuals also visited the main building. The individuals are self-isolating and contact tracing is being managed by public health. Individuals who are deemed at high-risk will be contacted directly by the Health Unit. Should the Health Unit’s investigation identify an increased risk to members of the Nipissing or North Bay community beyond those identified as close contacts, the public will be notified.
The Athletics Centre underwent a thorough cleaning over the weekend and reopened on Monday, December 13, 2021. The space the individual visited in the main building was also deep cleaned.
All members of the Nipissing community are asked to continue to self-monitor for symptoms. Individuals with any symptoms of COVID-19 should not visit campus, but instead should self-isolate immediately and get tested.
Nipissing University provides information about positive cases on campus on the Positive Cases on Campus website. The Positive Cases on Campus website is updated daily, Monday to Friday. Cases reported on this page are considered closed after 14 days.
Nipissing University has developed comprehensive protocols for any reported confirmed case of COVID-19. These have been developed in close consultation with the North Bay Parry Sound District Health Unit.
The University has also implemented a number of measures to reduce the transmission of COVID-19 on campus and in the community including mandatory vaccinations and self-assessment screening for anyone attending campus, requiring the use of face coverings in all indoor common areas, and enhanced cleaning measures.
For any questions or concerns related to this matter, please email coronavirus@nipissingu.ca.
December 16 - Important Information about Winter Term
Important Information about Winter Term

Thursday, December 16, 2021 at 4:15 p.m.
Dear Nipissing students, faculty and staff,
As the final days of Fall Term come to a close, the pandemic continues to progress at an increasing rate. In light of this and the uncertainty surrounding the Omicron variant, we are taking proactive steps to ensure the health and safety of our community by making some temporary modifications to our Winter Term plans.
- All in-person classes in Winter Term will move online until January 24, 2022. Faculty should be prepared to deliver all classes online including laboratory and studio sections of courses until January 24.
- Students, staff and faculty are encouraged to use this time period to get their COVID-19 booster shot. We intend for this shift to online learning to be a temporary measure and hope to return to offering both in-person and online options for the remainder of the Winter Term as planned.
Prepare for Possibility of Remote Work
- All staff and faculty are encouraged to bring home their computer equipment or any other items that they may require in the event that a shift to remote work is required in the new year for those able to work from home. Those who need assistance with technology should email techsrv@nipissingu.ca.
Faculty Travel
- A reminder that all approved travel remains subject to public health guidelines and restrictions at the time of travel. Please be sure to monitor all government travel advisories and weigh the risks of travelling.
- At this time there are no changes to faculty research activities and all current Stage 3 Research Recovery protocols remain in place. If there are any changes, further information will be communicated.
- Students living in residence will receive a separate communication with additional information. Any questions regarding residence can be directed to residence@nipissingu.ca.
Varsity & Club Athletes
- Varsity and club athletes will receive a separate communication with additional information regarding athletics.
Internships, Clinical and Practical Placements
- For students with internships, clinical courses, preceptorships and placements in January, more information will be forthcoming from the appropriate School or Faculty.
Supports for Online Teaching
- For faculty seeking support with online course delivery, please connect with the Teaching Hub.
Building Access over the Holiday Break
- A reminder that access to the University during the holiday closure period (December 22-January 3) will be limited to those required to be on campus for specific equipment maintenance.
We continue to closely monitor advice from public health and the Ministry of Colleges and Universities and anticipate being in a position to provide further updates early in the new year. Please continue to monitor your Nipissing email for the latest information.
We do hope this information provides as much certainty as possible as we move into the holiday season so we can all enjoy a much-deserved break from our work and studies.
Wishing you and yours a healthy and peaceful holiday season.
Dr. Kevin B. Wamsley
President & Vice-Chancellor
Nipissing University
December 14 - Additional COVID-19 Cases on Campus Reported
Additional COVID-19 Cases on Campus Reported

Tuesday, December 14, 2021 at 6:00 p.m.
Nipissing University has been made aware that three additional members of the Nipissing University community have tested positive for COVID-19. The individuals were on campus in the R.J. Surtees Student Athletics Centre the week of December 6-10, 2021. The individuals are self-isolating and contact tracing is being managed by public health. Individuals who are deemed at high-risk will be contacted directly by the Health Unit. Should the Health Unit’s investigation identify an increased risk to members of the Nipissing or North Bay community beyond those identified as close contacts, the public will be notified.
The Athletics Centre underwent a thorough cleaning over the weekend and reopened on Monday, December 13, 2021.
All members of the Nipissing community are asked to continue to self-monitor for symptoms. Individuals with any symptoms of COVID-19 should not visit campus, but instead should self-isolate immediately and get tested.
Nipissing University provides information about positive cases on campus on the Positive Cases on Campus website. The Positive Cases on Campus website is updated daily, Monday to Friday. Cases reported on this page are considered closed after 14 days.
Nipissing University has developed comprehensive protocols for any reported confirmed case of COVID-19. These have been developed in close consultation with the North Bay Parry Sound District Health Unit.
The University has also implemented a number of measures to reduce the transmission of COVID-19 on campus and in the community including mandatory vaccinations and self-assessment screening for anyone attending campus, requiring the use of face coverings in all indoor common areas, and enhanced cleaning measures.
For any questions or concerns related to this matter, please email coronavirus@nipissingu.ca.
December 12 - Confirmed COVID-19 Case on Campus Reported
Confirmed COVID-19 Case on Campus Reported

Sunday, December 12, 2021 at 1:00 p.m.
Nipissing University has been made aware that a member of our University community has tested positive for COVID-19. The individual was on campus in the R.J. Surtees Student Athletics Centre, December 6-10, 2021. The individual is self-isolating and contact tracing is being managed by public health. Individuals who are deemed at high-risk will be contacted directly by the Health Unit. Should the Health Unit’s investigation identify an increased risk to members of the Nipissing or North Bay community beyond those identified as close contacts, the public will be notified.
The Athletics Centre is currently closed to undergo deep cleaning and is scheduled to reopen on Monday, December 13, 2021.
All members of the Nipissing community are asked to continue to self-monitor for symptoms. Individuals with any symptoms of COVID-19 should not visit campus, but instead should self-isolate immediately and get tested.
Nipissing University provides information about positive cases on campus on the Positive Cases on Campus website. The Positive Cases on Campus website is updated daily, Monday to Friday. Cases reported on this page are considered closed after 14 days.
Nipissing University has developed comprehensive protocols for any reported confirmed case of COVID-19. These have been developed in close consultation with the North Bay Parry Sound District Health Unit.
The University has also implemented a number of measures to reduce the transmission of COVID-19 on campus and in the community including mandatory vaccinations and self-assessment screening for anyone attending campus, requiring the use of face coverings in all indoor common areas, and enhanced cleaning measures.
For any questions or concerns related to this matter, please email coronavirus@nipissingu.ca.
December 8 - Winter 2022
What to Expect in Winter 2022

Wednesday, December 8, 2021 at 11:15 a.m.
As fall term winds down and we count down to the holiday break, I wanted to take this opportunity to thank you for your ongoing commitment to our safe return to campus as well as provide you with some information on what to expect this upcoming Winter Term.
It has been energizing over the past few months to once again see many students and faculty return to face-to-face learning and re-engage in campus activities that we once took for granted. We have experienced success in offering a combination of on-campus and online learning options and look forward to continuing to safely expand in-person access to services and amenities as public health measures allow.
As you know, Winter Term classes will begin on January 10, 2022. The course schedule for Winter Term remains essentially unchanged and we will continue to offer a variety of on-campus and online course offerings. If you are unsure about the course delivery mode(s) you selected, please make sure to check your schedule in WebAdvisor. Please note that the last day to register for Winter term courses or change delivery modes is January 21, 2022.
The health and safety of our community remains our top priority and we are prepared to adapt quickly in response to any changes in public health guidelines. Masks remain mandatory in all indoor common spaces including classrooms as well as in outdoor settings when physical distancing is not possible.
For students who have not previously accessed campus, you will be required to complete a Return to Campus Information Session prior to attending any on-campus courses this Winter Term. Human Resources will contact impacted students directly to arrange a time to complete this training.
Remember, if you are planning to access campus for any reason, you must provide proof of vaccination and complete the daily self-assessment via the Nipissing Safe app. Students enrolled in at least one on-campus course who do not provide the requisite proof of vaccination by January 10 will be automatically moved to an online version of the course, if available. If an online version is not available, students will be locked out of Blackboard and as a last resort, unenrolled from the course. The University will communicate directly with students who are in violation of the Vaccination Policy.
We appreciate the strong uptake in vaccination that we have seen from students, staff and faculty to date as well as your cooperation in following public health protocols to keep our campus safe.
As always, if there are any questions regarding our safe return to campus, please contact coronavirus@nipissingu.ca. Thank you for your ongoing support as we continue to navigate the challenges of the pandemic together.
I wish you best of luck on your final exams and assignments, and hope you and yours have a safe and happy holiday season.
Looking forward,
Dr. Arja Vainio-Mattila
Provost & Vice-President, Academic & Research
October 29 - Uploading Proof of Vaccination to the Nipissing Safe App

Friday, October 29, 2021 at 2:00 p.m.
As per our COVID-19 Vaccination Policy, effective October 30, all individuals attending campus (including students, employees, contractors, volunteers and visitors) will be required to provide proof of vaccination by uploading their vaccination receipts using the Nipissing Safe App.
A new feature has been added to the app to facilitate this process. Completion of the daily self-assessment via the app is also still required.
Those without a smart device should continue to use the web-based portals to complete their self-assessment and vaccine passport.
How to Update Your App
To ensure you have access to the latest features, please ensure your app is up to date by following the steps below:
- Launch App
- Click "About/preferences"
- Click "Data Update"
- Click "Check for updates"
How to Upload Proof of Vaccination
- Obtain your proof of vaccination receipts at covid19.ontariohealth.ca.
- Take a picture of your document or save a screenshot to your phone.
- Select the Vaccine Passport section of the Nipissing Safe App. Upload your proof of vaccination. (Web-based access to the Vaccine Passport is available here for those without a smart device).
- Once you have uploaded your proof of vaccination, a yellow QR code will be generated, representing that your documents are “in review”. You will be permitted to access campus with this yellow QR code, provided you also receive a green “pass” QR code from the daily COVID-19 Self-Assessment tool. Once Human Resources has approved your documents, the QR code will change to blue.
For Individuals with an Approved Accommodation
- Select the Vaccine Passport section of the Nipissing Safe App, and select Begin application
- Select “I have an approved exemption”
- Follow the prompts as indicated, then select “submit”
- Once the information has been submitted, a yellow QR code will be generated, representing that your exemption status is “in review”. You will be permitted to access campus with this yellow QR code, provided you also receive a green QR code from the daily COVID-19 self-assessment tool. Once Human Resources has approved your status, the QR code will change to orange.
For questions related to the Nipissing Safe app or procedures for accessing campus, please contact coronavirus@nipissingu.ca.
Frequently Asked Questions
Do I need to upload my proof of vaccination documents if I’m not working or studying on campus?
No. If you are studying or working at a distance/online and do not access campus, you are not required to upload your proof of vaccination documents at this time.
Do I need to upload more than one document?
If all of your vaccine details are included in one document, then you only need to upload one document.
What if I don’t have a smart device?
If you do not have a smart device, please use the following links to access web-based versions of the self-assessment and vaccine passport.
September 22 - Vaccine Receipts Required at R.J. Surtees Student Athletics Centre

Wednesday, September 22, 2021 at 1:00 p.m.
Starting today, September 22, the provincial government will require individuals to show proof of full vaccination (2 doses plus 14 days) when entering certain public settings, including gyms, by presenting their vaccine receipt and piece of photo ID.
How does this new policy impact campus access at Nipissing?
This new government policy has minimal impact on our existing campus access protocols at Nipissing. Individuals accessing our campus are still required to complete a daily self-assessment and vaccine attestation via the Nipissing Safe App as per our COVID-19 Vaccination Policy.
There are, however, some changes to the process for accessing the R.J. Surtees Student Athletics Centre.
Students, faculty and staff accessing the R.J. Surtees Student Athletics Centre to use the facilities or workout space (including varsity and club athletes and coaches) as well spectators for fall and winter indoor sports will be required to show their vaccine receipt and photo ID in addition to completing a daily self-assessment and vaccine attestation via the Nipissing Safe App.
Note: Students enrolled in BPHE practicums do not need to show their vaccine receipt and photo ID to enter the building as it is considered an instructional environment; however, they are still required to complete the self-assessment and vaccine attestation via the Nipissing Safe App.
How to Access your Vaccine Receipt
You can print or download your vaccination receipt from the provincial booking portal. The Ministry is working on additional supports and services to assist Ontario residents who need help obtaining proof of vaccination, including requesting a copy be sent by mail. Those who need support obtaining a copy of their vaccination receipt including those who do not have access to a computer or printer can call the Provincial Vaccine Contact Centre at 1-833-943-3900.
Ontarians who received their first or second dose of the COVID-19 vaccine out of province should contact their local public health unit to record their information and receive an Ontario receipt that they can access or print from the provincial booking portal. Both proof of identity along with proof of vaccination will be required.
For answers to frequently asked questions about government vaccine receipts, visit: Using your Vaccination Receipt: Frequently Asked Questions.
What can I show as proof of identification?
Identification documents that may be used as proof of identification include:
- Birth certificate
- Citizenship card
- Driver’s license
- Government (Ontario or other) issued identification card, including health card
- Indian Status Card /Indigenous Membership Card
- Passport
- Permanent Resident card
September 16 - Resubmission of Vaccine Attestation Required

Thursday, September 16, 2021 at 4:15 p.m.
Dear students, faculty and staff,
It has come to our attention that some individuals have been unable to attest to their vaccine status properly through the Nipissing Safe App. Our app provider was engaged to address the issue and it has now been resolved. As a result, we require all members of the Nipissing community to resubmit their vaccine attestation via the Nipissing Safe App no later than noon on Friday, September 17. Please be sure you have the most up-to-date version of the app installed prior to resubmission.
Please note that even those who were able to successfully complete the attestation this week are still required to resubmit their vaccine passport attestation.
If you do not have a smart device, you may use the Web-based Vaccine Attestation form to resubmit your attestation.
We apologize for the inconvenience this has caused.
To ensure you have the latest version of the app:
- Login to app
- Click on "About/Preferences"
- Click on "Data update"
- Click on "Check for updates"
To resubmit your vaccine attestation:
- Ensure your app is up to date
- Login to app
- Select "Vaccine Passport"
- Select "Begin Application"
- Confirm your details, then select "Next"
Quick Reference Guide to Campus Access Screening Process
For a step-by-step guide to the campus access screening process, visit: www.nipissingu.ca/campusaccess
A reminder that our COVID-19 Vaccination Policy can be found on our website here.
For questions related to the Nipissing Safe App or procedures for accessing campus, please contact coronavirus@nipissingu.ca.
Thank you for your ongoing patience as we implement these new processes.
September 10 - Nipissing Safe App (New Features)
Nipissing Safe App - New Features

Friday, September 10, 2021 at 3:30 p.m.
All individuals entering Nipissing University buildings are required to complete the self-assessment and vaccine attestation via the Nipissing Safe App daily. Earlier this week, the vaccine passport feature was launched within the app to facilitate the vaccine attestation process. Guests or other external visitors to campus are now also able to use the Safe App to complete their self-assessments and vaccine attestations.
In order to access these new features, please ensure your app is updated.
To update your app:
- Login to app
- Click on "About/Preferences"
- Click on "Data update"
- Click on "Check for updates"
Coming Soon
As per our COVID-19 Vaccination Policy, Nipissing University will allow individuals to attest to their vaccination status using the Nipissing Safe App during the period of September 7 to October 29, 2021. After October 29, 2021, all individuals will be required to provide proof that they are fully vaccinated by providing vaccination receipts. This proof shall be provided by uploading vaccination receipts using the Nipissing Safe App. Stay tuned for more information on the launch date for this feature.
For Those Without a Smart Device
If you do not have a smart device and are unable to use the Nipissing Safe app to complete the self-assessments or vaccine attestations, please use the links below to access web-based versions of these forms.
For questions related to the Nipissing Safe App or procedures for accessing campus, please contact coronavirus@nipissingu.ca.
September 3 - Mandatory COVID-19 Vaccination Policy

Friday, September 3, 2021 at 4:00 p.m.
Dear students, faculty and staff,
Throughout the pandemic, Nipissing University has remained committed to providing all members of its community with a healthy and safe working, learning and living environment and to fulfilling its responsibility to reduce the spread of COVID-19 in the surrounding community.
As referenced in our recent communication, on August 30, the Office of the Chief Medical Officer of Health (OCMOH) issued instructions requiring all post-secondary institutions to establish, implement and ensure compliance with a mandatory COVID-19 vaccination policy no later than September 7, 2021. On August 31, 2021, the Ministry of Colleges and Universities issued the Post-Secondary Education Health Measures Framework for Fall 2021, which includes further information about mandatory COVID-19 vaccination policies and related requirements.
In accordance with the OCMOH Instructions and guidance and recommendations of public health officials, and following consultation with stakeholder groups, Nipissing University has developed a COVID-19 Vaccination Policy that will take effect on September 7, 2021, which will require faculty, staff, students, contractors, volunteers and visitors who attend campus to provide proof of full vaccination against COVID-19. The policy can be viewed in its entirety here.
In addition to requiring vaccines, other public health measures will remain in effect, such as limitations on access to campus, pre-entry self-assessments and screening requirements, physical distancing, the use of masks or other face coverings in common areas, hand hygiene and sanitation protocols, and limitations on indoor and outdoor gatherings.
Below are some of the highlights of the policy. Please be sure to review the full policy carefully. You can also visit our Frequently Asked Questions for answers to common inquiries.
Since receiving direction from the government just a few short days ago, we have been working diligently to develop this policy while also recognizing that it does not provide a lot of notice for our community. We appreciate your continued patience and support as we begin to implement the new policy next week.
Vaccination Requirement & Deadlines
All individuals attending campus who are eligible to receive a COVID-19 vaccine are required to be fully vaccinated against COVID-19 and to provide proof of vaccination satisfactory to the University, subject to the provisions set out in the policy.
Individuals must have received their first dose of a COVID-19 vaccine no later than September 7, 2021, and their second dose of a COVID-19 vaccine no later than October 18, 2021, and must provide proof of vaccination satisfactory to Nipissing University.
Proof of Vaccination
Nipissing University will allow individuals to attest to their vaccination status using the Nipissing Safe App during the period of September 7 to October 29, 2021. However, Nipissing University reserves the right to require Individuals who have attested to their vaccination status to provide vaccination receipts from the jurisdiction(s) where the vaccines were administered demonstrating that they have received their vaccine(s) and the dates on which those vaccinations were administered.
After October 29, 2021, all individuals will be required to provide proof that they are fully vaccinated by providing vaccination receipts from the jurisdiction(s) where the vaccines were administered, demonstrating that they have received their vaccine(s) and the dates on which those vaccinations were administered. This proof shall be provided by uploading vaccination receipts using the Nipissing Safe App. In the event the Province’s planned vaccine certificate program and verification app introduce alternative methods for providing proof of full vaccination prior to October 29, 2021, these requirements may be amended accordingly.
Any individuals who attend the North Bay campus without first providing the required proof of vaccination status using the Nipissing Safe App will be required to disclose their vaccination status during the pre-entry screening process.
Those without a mobile device will have the option to use a browser-based version of the Nipissing Safe App. More information on this option will be made available on our website here.
Individuals who have received their first dose of a COVID-19 vaccine but are awaiting their second dose of a COVID-19 vaccine and/or the expiry of the 14 day period before they are considered fully vaccinated will be required to comply with the testing requirements set out in the policy as a condition of being permitted to attend the North Bay campus.
Additional documentation requirements will apply to individuals living or working in residence and/or individuals engaged in certain high-risk activities.
Vaccine Clinics
A list of vaccine clinics taking place in the North Bay area, including upcoming clinics on campus can be found here.
Nipissing University will consider, on an individual case-by-case basis, requests for exemption from the vaccination requirement set out above based on medical or other grounds protected under the Ontario Human Rights Code.
Individuals requesting an exemption are required to complete an exemption request form and provide the information and supporting documentation specified in the form. Nipissing University reserves the right to request additional information and/or supporting documentation with respect to any exemption request. Supporting documentation satisfactory to Nipissing University must be provided in order for an exemption request to be considered.
Faculty, staff, contractors, volunteers and visitors who wish to request an exemption should contact Human Resources at humanresources@nipissingu.ca. Students who wish to request an exemption should contact Student Accessibility Services at shannonl@nipissingu.ca. Students with questions regarding exemptions for practicum/placements should contact the applicable Dean’s office.
Where a request for a vaccination exemption is approved, the individual will be notified by email and will be subject to the testing requirements set out in the policy as a condition of being permitted to attend the North Bay campus.
If you have questions about COVID-19 vaccinations, you can learn more about vaccine safety and effectiveness here.
For questions regarding the mandatory vaccine policy or other COVID-19 protocols at the University, please email coronavirus@nipissingu.ca or read our Frequently Asked Questions.
September 1 - Transition to Phase 3 of Return to Campus Framework

Wednesday, September 1, 2021 at 4:30 p.m.
With classes set to begin on Tuesday, September 7, Nipissing University will officially transition to Phase 3 of its Return to Campus Framework: “Limited Campus Access – On-site Academic Program Delivery” on September 7, 2021. In this phase, campus access is expanded to include additional staff and faculty members who support on-site academic program delivery. Those required to return to campus during Phase 3 will be given two weeks’ notice by their supervisor or Dean.
All staff and faculty returning to campus must have completed the mandatory Return to Campus information session. If you have not yet completed the session or would like a refresher, please contact Michelle Banks, Human Resources Generalist - Health, Safety and Wellness at michellb@nipissingu.ca
Mandatory Vaccine Policy
Further to our August 16 update, yesterday, the Ministry of Colleges & Universities issued further guidance to the post-secondary sector to support the continued health and safety of students, faculty and staff. The Postsecondary Education Health Measures Framework for Fall 2021 was developed in consultation with the Office of the Chief Medical Officer of Health (OCMOH) and includes instructions from the OCMOH regarding mandatory COVID-19 vaccination policies.
In accordance with these instructions, all post-secondary education institutions, including Nipissing University, are required to have mandatory COVID-19 vaccination policies in place effective September 7, 2021. Institutions must require employees, staff, contractors, volunteers, and students who attend campus to provide proof of full vaccination against COVID-19.
In light of this, Nipissing University is currently finalizing a COVID-19 vaccination policy that addresses these new requirements. This policy, including all of the details for submitting proof of vaccination, will be provided tomorrow.
Research Recovery 3.1 will commence during Phase 3 of the Return to Campus Framework. Details will be shared following the release of the COVID-19 vaccination policy.
Vaccine Clinics
A list of upcoming vaccine clinics on campus can be found here. Walk-ins are welcome. A list of vaccine clinics taking place in the North Bay area can be found here.
For questions regarding COVID-19 protocols at the University, please email coronavirus@nipissingu.ca or read our Frequently Asked Questions.
The health and safety of our community remains our top priority and relies on the efforts of each and every one of us to do our part so we can get back to all the activities that make the Nipissing University experience special. Thank you for your ongoing support in keeping our community safe.
August 16 - Vaccines required for all Nipissing students, faculty, staff and others coming to campus

Monday, August 16, 2021 at 4:30 p.m.
Dear students, faculty and staff,
As we prepare for a safe return to campus this fall and the resumption of more in-person activities, the health and safety of our Nipissing community remains our top priority. In keeping with this commitment, Nipissing University will require all students, faculty, staff and other individuals coming to campus be fully vaccinated against COVID-19.
This decision was made with the support of the North Bay Parry Sound District Health Unit, Nipissing University’s Executive Committee of the Board of Governors, and following consultation with stakeholder groups across the institution. Nipissing joins a growing number of post-secondary institutions across the province requiring vaccines in light of the ongoing risks of COVID-19, the Delta variant and other variants of concern.
This fall, all Nipissing students, faculty, staff and other individuals coming to campus will be required to attest to their COVID-19 vaccination status. Information regarding this process as well as the specific date this requirement will come into effect will be forthcoming. Students who cannot be vaccinated for medical reasons or under grounds protected by the Human Rights Code, should contact Shannon Landry, Manager, Student Accessibility Services at shannonl@nipissingu.ca. to request accommodation. Faculty and staff seeking accommodation should contact Carrie Duchesne at carried@nipissingu.ca. Unvaccinated individuals must commit to regular testing and receive a negative result before coming to campus.
“Ontario Public Health informs us that getting vaccinated is the best way to protect ourselves and others from COVID-19 as our community members return to campus life this fall,” said Dr. Kevin Wamsley, President and Vice-Chancellor. “Thank you to all members of the Nipissing community for your continued support and individual efforts towards making our community as safe as possible.”
Existing public health measures such as physical distancing and the use of face coverings will continue to be required in common spaces such as washrooms, elevators and hallways. This applies to all buildings on campus. Classrooms are no longer subject to physical distancing limitations.
Attesting to Vaccination Status
Students, faculty and staff will be asked to attest to their vaccination status through a secure portal. More information on this process will be shared as details are finalized.
Visitors to campus will also be asked to attest to their vaccination status. Information on the attestation process for visitors will be communicated as details are finalized.
Proof of Vaccination for Students in Residence, Student-Athletes, Students Conducting Research with Human Participants
Students living in residence, those participating in varsity athletics and club sports, as well as students conducting face-to-face research with human subjects will be required to provide proof of their vaccination status. Details regarding this process will be communicated directly to those impacted.
Rapid Testing
Student-athletes who are not yet fully vaccinated prior to the start of training camp must commit to regular PCL rapid testing and receive a negative result before participating in team activities or any university-sanctioned travel. Residence Dons, Residence Community Assistants and Residence Council Executive members will also be subject to rapid testing prior to move-in if not yet fully vaccinated.
International Students
International students must follow all Government of Canada regulations as well as Nipissing University's International Readiness Plans for arrivals as approved by the Ministry of Colleges and Universities (MCU), the Public Health Agency of Canada (PHAC) and Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada (IRCC). International students with questions should contact internationalsupport@nipissingu.ca.
Student Placements
Students taking part in clinical or practical placements will receive further information on any specific requirements that must be satisfied for their placement (i.e. any additional requirements imposed or required by a partner organization).
On-Campus Vaccine Clinics
In collaboration with the North Bay Parry Sound District Health Unit (Health Unit), Nipissing University and Canadore College will be offering six COVID-19 vaccination clinics for students, staff and faculty. Please bring photo ID, and your health card, if applicable.
- Saturday, August 28, noon to 4 p.m. - R.J. Surtees Student Athletics Centre (Gymnasium A)
- Sunday, August 29, 4 p.m. to 8 p.m. - R.J. Surtees Student Athletics Centre (Gymnasium A)
- Saturday, September 4, Noon to 4 p.m. - R.J. Surtees Student Athletics Centre (Gymnasium A)
- Monday, September 6, 2 p.m. to 4 p.m. - Canadore College Residence C-15 (Lounge)
- Wednesday, September 8, 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. - College Drive Education Centre (Lounge: Entrance at C202b)
- Friday, September 10, 9 a.m. to 10:30 a.m. - Canadore College Aviation Campus (Cafeteria area) Friday, September 10, 1 p.m. to 2:30 p.m. - Canadore College Commerce Court Campus (Cafeteria area)
In order for the Heath Unit to estimate the number of participants at each clinic, individuals are encouraged to complete this simple RSVP form. Walk-ins also welcome!
For questions regarding the vaccine requirement or other COVID-19 protocols, please contact coronavirus@nipissingu.ca or read our Frequently Asked Questions.
August 13 - Nipissing entering Phase 2 - Limited Campus Access on Monday, Vaccine announcement coming

Friday, August 13, 2021 at 4:30 p.m.
A reminder that on Monday, August 16, Nipissing University will officially enter “Phase 2 - Limited Campus Access” of the Return to Campus Framework. Details regarding campus access and on-campus services can be found in our August 4th update on the Coronavirus Update Page.
All staff and faculty returning to campus must have completed the mandatory Return to Campus information session. If you have not yet completed the session or would like a refresher, please contact Michelle Banks, Human Resources Generalist - Health, Safety and Wellness at michellb@nipissingu.ca
Students, faculty and staff must enter the building via the main Nipissing entrance. Active screening will take place at the door. Self-assessments must be completed prior to arrival using the Safe App. Please have your completed self-assessment ready for scanning by security personnel. Those who do not have a smart device may use the provincial self-assessment screening tool and present a screen shot or printed copy of their results to security personnel.
Face coverings are required in all common spaces on campus. Additionally, physical distancing in common spaces such as washrooms, elevators and hallways is required at all times.
Vaccine Announcement Coming Next Week
Post-secondary institutions across the province, including Nipissing, continue to grapple with the topic of required vaccines. As we plan for a safe return to campus this fall, our top priority continues to be the health and safety of our entire community. We are consulting with key stakeholders as we evaluate our options for developing Nipissing-specific policies and processes. More details on our approach will be communicated in the next few days.
As always, for questions regarding COVID-19 protocols or return to campus plans, please email coronavirus@nipissingu.ca.
August 4 - What to Expect During Phase 2 – Limited Campus Access

Wednesday, August 4, 2021 at 3:30 p.m.
As previously communicated, Nipissing University will officially begin operating in “Phase 2 - Limited Campus Access” of its Return to Campus Framework and welcoming students back for on-campus services as of August 16.
Below are more details on what to expect on campus as of August 16.
Building Access
Education Centre Access Protocols
Students, faculty and staff must enter the building via the main Nipissing entrance. Active screening will take place at the door. Self-assessments must be completed prior to arrival using Safe App. Please have your completed self-assessment ready for scanning by security personnel. Face coverings are required in all common spaces on campus.
All staff and faculty returning to campus must complete the mandatory Return to Campus information session. Michelle Banks, Human Resources Generalist - Health, Safety and Wellness, will reach out to you directly if you have not yet completed the session.
R. J. Surtees Student Athletics Centre
As of August 16, the R.J. Surtees Student Athletics Centre will reopen for indoor personal training with social distancing. Outdoor sports leagues and team training are permitted with capacity limited by 3-metre social distancing on the play surface. Outdoor personal training with a maximum of 25 people with distancing is also permitted. For details on how to access the Athletics Centre, visit the NU Lakers website.
Harris Learning Library
The Harris Learning Library is open for in-person services and support at limited capacity. Commerce Court Library remains closed and will reopen September 7, 2021. Information regarding library hours and Interlibrary Loan Services can be found at www.eclibrary.ca.
The Research Recovery Plan continues in Stage 2 and requires a valid application through ROMEO. The full description of Research Recovery stages is located on the COVID-19 FAQs page for your convenience. Any and all faculty travel continues to require pre-approval using the "Pre-Authorization for Faculty/Research Travel" form located on ROMEO.
Course Delivery
Spring/Summer courses will continue to be delivered online. There are no changes to practicum-based courses.
We will be increasing capacity for all 3-credit onsite hybrid sections, please check WebAdvisor for changes. Overall, course capacities remain the same allowing for more onsite participation in hybrid courses. We are still determining how this will impact Biology labs, stay tuned for details.
Campus Services
Student Support Services
Students may begin to access student services on campus beginning August 16. Student services will also continue to be available virtually. A list of available supports and contact information can be found here.
Food Services
Food services are currently unavailable. Details on reopening will be communicated when they become available.
Campus Shop
The Campus Shop is available for online shopping as well as in-person shopping at limited capacity in order to maintain social distancing. Masks are required. Curbside pickup is available outside the store and students will be able to schedule appointments to collect orders. Shipping is free for students in residence. Provide the name of your residence complex and complete address when placing an order.
Residence remains operational with no changes. Students who are living in residence for the fall semester should monitor their student email for regular updates. For any questions regarding residence, please contact residence@nipissingu.ca.
Nipissing University encourages all students, staff and faculty to get vaccinated if and when they are able. At this time, Nipissing strongly recommends students who have enrolled in residence for the fall semester be vaccinated. Plans are underway for a vaccination clinic to be held on campus and dates will be released once details are finalized. More information about how to book a COVID-19 vaccine in Ontario can be found here.
Employee Parking
Parking Permits for Nipissing University will be sold online again this year using the Permit Express system. Starting at 8:30 a.m. on August 16, 2021, the online parking permit registration will be open to Nipissing University employees. Permit applications will be prioritized on a first come, first serve basis. See the parking information page for reference. If you have any questions or require assistance, please contact the security office directly security@canadorecollege.ca or at ext. 5555.
If you have questions regarding the Return to Campus Framework or other COVID-19 protocols, email coronavirus@nipissingu.ca.
July 16 - Gradual transition to Phase 2 of Return to Campus Framework begins

Friday, July 16, 2021 at 1:45 p.m.
Today, as Ontario moves to Step 3 of its Roadmap to Reopen, Nipissing University will begin a gradual transition to “Phase 2-Limited Campus Access” of its Return to Campus Framework over the next four weeks. Nipissing University will officially enter Phase 2 and begin welcoming students back to campus for on-site services as of August 16.
Over the next week, directors and deans will be working to update their Phase 2 departmental staffing plans. Employees required to return to campus during Phase 2 will be given two-weeks' notice by their supervisor or dean. The gradual transition to Phase 2 will allow staff and faculty time to become accustomed to working on campus prior to students gaining campus access beginning August 16.
More information regarding building access protocols and Phase 2 services and amenities will be shared as details are finalized.
Nipissing University encourages all students, staff and faculty to get vaccinated if and when they are able. More information about how to book a COVID-19 vaccine in Ontario can be found here. At this time, Nipissing strongly recommends students who have enrolled in residence for the fall semester be vaccinated.
If you have questions regarding the Return to Campus Framework or other COVID-19 protocols, please email coronavirus@nipissingu.ca.
June 29 - Nipissing moving to Phase 1 of Return to Campus Framework on June 30

Wednesday, June 29, 2021 at 4:00 p.m.
On June 30, Ontario will move to Step 2 of its Roadmap to Reopen. Nipissing University has been working closely with the North Bay Parry Sound District Health Unit to determine how the province’s Roadmap applies to the university and our Return to Campus Framework. The revised Return to Campus Framework can be viewed online here. Based on the updated Framework, Nipissing University will enter “Phase 1 - Required Campus Access” on June 30.
What to expect in Phase 1 – Required Campus Access
Only those employees approved to return to work on campus during Phase 1 may do so. Employees will be given flexibility of up to two weeks to physically be back on campus if required. Those staff who are not required to be on campus at this time will continue to work from home. Please speak with your supervisor or Dean if you have any questions.
The Research Recovery Plan continues in Stage 2 which requires a valid application through ROMEO. The full description of Research Recovery stages is located on the COVID-19 FAQ’s page for your convenience. Any and all faculty travel continues to require preapproval using the "Pre-Authorization for Faculty/Research Travel" form located on ROMEO.
Spring/Summer Courses
Spring/Summer courses will continue to be delivered online. There are no changes to practicum-based courses.
R. J. Surtees Student Athletics Centre
Indoor athletics facilities remain closed. Outdoor sports leagues and team training are permitted with capacity limited by 3-metre social distancing on the play surface. Outdoor personal training with a maximum of 25 people with distancing is also permitted.
Library Services
At this time, the Harris Learning Library building remains closed for in-person visits, however planning is underway for the building to reopen soon at limited capacity. Information regarding library services can be found at www.eclibrary.ca
Student Services
Student services will continue to be delivered virtually or through alternative means. A list of available supports and contact information can be found here.
Food Services
Food services are not available during Phase 1.
Campus Shop
The Campus Shop is open for online shopping only.
There is no change to residence operations. Residence remains operational. For any questions regarding residence, please contact residence@nipissingu.ca.
Summer Camps
Summer Camps can be hosted with groups up to 30 people depending on age group. Information on camps running this summer will be made available soon.
Nipissing University encourages all students, staff and faculty to get vaccinated if and when they are able. More information about how to book a COVID-19 vaccine in Ontario can be found here. At this time, Nipissing strongly recommends students who have enrolled in residence for the fall semester be vaccinated.
If you have questions regarding Nipissing’s protocols or processes related to COVID-19, email coronavirus@nipissingu.ca.
June 10 - What will change at Nipissing as Ontario enters Step One

Thursday, June 10, 2021 at 3:30 p.m.
Tomorrow, Ontario will move to Step One of its Roadmap to Reopen. Nipissing University is working closely with the North Bay Parry Sound District Health Unit to determine how the province’s new Roadmap will apply to Nipissing and our existing Return to Campus Framework. A revised Return to Campus Framework will be shared once these details have been confirmed. While campus currently remains in Phase 0 – Restricted Campus Access, there are a few things that will change as Ontario moves to Step One:
What will change as of June 11, 2021:
All previously submitted Research Recovery applications will be rereviewed with the new guidelines in mind and reinstated if deemed appropriate and applicable. Please expect a communication directly from the Office of Graduate Studies and Research through ROMEO to inform you of your Research Recovery file’s status. Currently, Stage 1, 2 and Field work applications are open for new submissions on ROMEO. Stage 3.1 Research Recovery applications involving face-to-face research practices is anticipated to open for submissions once the province enters Step 3 of the Roadmap to Reopen. The full description of Research Recovery stages is located on the COVID-19 FAQ’s page for your convenience.
Any and all faculty travel continues to require preapproval using the "Pre-Authorization for Faculty/Research Travel" form located on ROMEO.
R. J. Surtees Student Athletics Centre
Outdoor team sports are now permitted to take place with a maximum of 10 people at one time while observing a 3-metre physical distancing rule among athletes. Use of indoor facilities is not permitted.
What remains the same:
Campus Facilities & Services
At this time, there are no changes to library services, food services, bookstore operations, residence or construction projects on campus. Information regarding library services can be found at www.eclibrary.ca. For any questions regarding residence, please contact residence@nipissingu.ca.
Spring/Summer Courses
Spring/Summer courses will continue to be delivered online. There are no changes to practicum-based courses.
Nipissing University encourages all students, staff and faculty to get vaccinated if and when they are able. More information about how to book a COVID-19 vaccine in Ontario can be found here. At this time, Nipissing strongly recommends students who have enrolled in residence for the fall semester be vaccinated.
All employees who can work from home, shall continue to work from home. Only those employees permitted to work on campus under the Roadmap to Reopen may do so. Please speak with your supervisor or Dean if you have any questions.
If you have questions regarding Nipissing’s protocols or processes related to COVID-19, email coronavirus@nipissingu.ca.
May 28 - Fall 2021 – Planning for a safe return to campus

Friday, May 28, 2021 at 3:30 p.m.
Dear students,
Nipissing University is excited to see you in September. Now that the 2020-21 academic year is behind us, many of you are already looking ahead to the fall term with questions and anticipation about what it will look like. The last year was challenging for all of us, however as vaccination rates continue to climb, there is reason for optimism, and we are actively planning for a safe return to campus this fall.
The health and safety of our Nipissing community remains our top priority and will continue to guide and inform our decision-making. We are working closely with public health officials to take the necessary steps to ensure our programs and services are delivered in safe and healthy environments.
Whenever possible, Nipissing University is committed to offering in-person learning, research and student services on campus in accordance with public health guidelines. We look forward to returning to a more vibrant campus life this year and offering an exceptional student experience for which we are known, however we will remain nimble and are planning for all scenarios should it be necessary to reduce in-person activities at any point.
To assist with your planning to return to campus, below you will find information about what we know to date regarding fall term:
Academics & Course Registration
In-person learning will be prioritized wherever possible in accordance with public health guidelines. Online learning options will also remain available for all courses. When registering for courses, students should pay special attention to the instruction mode they are selecting, whether it be in-person, asynchronous online or synchronous online. The Registrar’s Office will be sending you details regarding fall and winter term course registration.
For programs with experiential learning requirements such as nursing and education, more information will be communicated to you directly from your faculty.
Our award-winning Residence Life program is busy planning for an exciting return to on-campus life. Although final capacity limits for fall are still being determined according to public health guidelines, we are optimistic for a complete return to residence events and programming. Be prepared for a memorable Residence Move-in weekend, Orientation and an exciting set of events and student-led programs.
For students coming directly from high school, a reminder that the deadline for applying to residence to be guaranteed a room is June 1. For specific questions regarding residence, contact residence@nipissingu.ca.
Student Services
We are here for you, Lakers. Nipissing has always been, and will continue to be, committed to your success. Our nationally-recognized Student Services team is busy planning for the return of on-campus services this fall. Student services will be offered in-person whenever possible, in accordance with public health guidelines to keep our campus community safe. Virtual options will also remain available. More details regarding how specific services will be offered will be shared closer to the start of fall term.
Campus Facilities
The following facilities will be open this fall in accordance with applicable public health measures:
- Harris Learning Library – Nipissing is planning for Library services and study spaces to be available to students on campus, with appropriate safety guidelines in place that will align with the stage of the pandemic response.
- R.J. Surtees Student Athletics Centre and recreational sport facilities – Nipissing is planning for all athletics and recreation facilities in the RJS Athletics Centre, including the Turf Field and Lakers Shop to be available to students, staff and faculty. Student programming, such as intramurals and fitness classes, should be available as well. Varsity sports will follow Ontario University Athletics, USports and provincial sport guidelines. While no announcement has been made yet, planning is underway for a return of varsity competitions and details should be available soon.
- Food Services – Nipissing has been meeting regularly with Chartwells in preparation for the reopening of food outlets in accordance with public health protocols for restaurants.
More details on how to access campus facilities will be shared closer to the start of fall term.
In an effort to maintain a safe and healthy work and learning environment, continue being a good community partner, and support the health and wellbeing of our campus community, Nipissing University encourages all students, staff and faculty to get vaccinated if and when they are able. More information about how to book a COVID-19 vaccine in Ontario can be found here.
Where to Find Updates and Information
Please check your student email often for the latest updates delivered straight to your inbox. You can also visit nipissingu.ca/coronavirus for copies of all updates and answers to frequently asked questions about our return to campus.
You’ll be hearing more from us soon, but in the meantime, have a safe and enjoyable summer, Lakers! We look forward to seeing you on campus in September.
Dr. Arja Vainio-Mattila
Provost and Vice-President, Academic & Research
May 13 - Stay at Home Order Extended Until June 2

Thursday, May 13, 2021 at 4:00 p.m.
Today the provincial government announced that it would be extending the Stay-at-Home Order until at least June 2. Nipissing University will remain in Phase 0 - Restricted Campus Access of its Return to Campus Framework for the duration of the Stay-at-Home Order. More details regarding what phase the University will move to after the Stay-at-Home Order is lifted will be communicated as details become available.
All employees who can work from home, must continue to work from home. Only those employees required to perform essential duties as defined by the province and who are unable to work from home are expected to work on campus.
Spring/Summer Courses
Spring/Summer courses will continue to be delivered online.
Campus Services
At this time, the R.J. Surtees Student Athletics Centre remains closed. Information regarding library services can be found at www.eclibrary.ca. For any questions regarding residence, please contact residence@nipissingu.ca.
Vaccine Information
Information regarding the vaccine roll out in the North Bay Parry Sound District Health Unit (Health Unit) region can be found on the Health Unit website. As previously communicated, in an effort to maintain a safe and healthy work environment, continue being a good community partner, and support the health and wellbeing of our campus community, we will be granting time for employees to attend vaccination appointments. Employees will not need to use their sick or vacation credits.
University-related travel including for research is not permitted at this time unless approved by the Vice President, Finance & Administration or the Provost & Vice President, Academic & Research.
Research Recovery requests will continue to be processed. Currently Stage 1 requests with the intent to access campus for the retrieval of data in order to continue working from home are open. Stage 2 (recurring entry on campus) requests will be processed on a case by case basis if deemed essential.
If you have any questions regarding Nipissing’s protocols or processes related to COVID-19, email coronavirus@nipissingu.ca
April 16 - Stay-at-Home Order Extension

Friday, April 16, 2021 at 6:30 p.m.
Today, the provincial government announced that it would be extending the provincewide stay-at-home order for an additional two weeks, until May 20, 2021. Nipissing University will remain in Phase 0 - Restricted Campus Access of its Return to Campus Framework for the duration of the stay-at-home order. More details regarding what phase the University will move to after the stay-at-home order is lifted will be communicated as details become available.
All employees who can work from home, must continue to work from home. Only those employees required to perform essential duties as defined by the province and who are unable to work from home are expected to work on campus.
Spring/Summer Courses
All Spring/Summer courses will be scheduled to begin on May 3 in accordance with the provincewide stay-at-home order. More details will be communicated as information becomes available.
Campus Services
At this time, the R.J. Surtees Student Athletics Centre remains closed. Information regarding library services can be found at www.eclibrary.ca. For any questions regarding residence, please contact residence@nipissingu.ca.
Vaccine Information
Information regarding vaccine roll out in the North Bay Parry Sound District Health Unit region can be found on the Health Unit website.
University-related travel including for research is not permitted at this time unless approved by the Vice President, Finance & Administration or the Provost & Vice President, Academic & Research.
Research Recovery requests will continue to be processed. Currently Stage 1 requests with the intent to access campus for the retrieval of data in order to continue working from home are open. Stage 2 (recurring entry on campus) requests will be processed on a case by case basis if deemed essential.
If you have any questions regarding Nipissing’s protocols or processes related to COVID-19, email coronavirus@nipissingu.ca.
April 7 - Provincewide Stay-at-Home Order: Nipissing to Remain in Phase 0 of Return to Campus Framework

Wednesday, April 7, 2021 at 5:30 p.m.
Today, the provincial government announced that it would be imposing a provincewide stay-at-home order, effective Thursday, April 8, 2021 for a period of four weeks. This includes the North Bay Parry Sound District Health Unit region. As a result, Nipissing University will remain in Phase 0 - Restricted Campus Access of its Return to Campus Framework for the duration of the stay-at-home order. More details regarding what phase the University will move to after the stay-at-home order is lifted will be communicated as details become available.
All employees who can work from home, must continue to work from home. Only those employees required to perform essential duties as defined by the province and who are unable to work from home are expected to work on campus.
The University is planning to return to Phase 2 of its Return to Campus Framework on May 6, 2021, should the emergency brake be lifted after the four-week period. This means that those employees approved to return to campus in Phase 2 would return on May 6, 2021.
Vaccine Information
Information regarding vaccine roll out in the North Bay Parry Sound District Health Unit region can be found on the Health Unit website.
Spring/Summer Semester
All Spring/Summer courses will be scheduled to begin on May 6 in accordance with the provincewide stay-at-home order. More details will be communicated as information becomes available.
Campus Services
At this time, the R.J. Surtees Student Athletics Centre remains closed. Information regarding library services can be found at www.eclibrary.ca. For any questions regarding residence, please contact residence@nipissingu.ca.
University-related travel including for research is not permitted at this time unless approved by the Vice President, Finance & Administration or the Provost & Vice President, Academic & Research.
If you have any questions regarding Nipissing’s protocols or processes related to COVID-19, email coronavirus@nipissingu.ca.
April 1 - Nipissing to Remain in Phase 0 of Return to Campus Framework

Today, the provincial government announced that it would be imposing a provincewide emergency brake, effective Saturday, April 3, 2021 for a period of at least four weeks. This includes the North Bay Parry Sound District Health Unit region. As a result, Nipissing University will remain in Phase 0 - Restricted Campus Access of its Return to Campus Framework for the duration of the shutdown.
All employees who can work from home, must continue to work from home. Only those employees required to perform essential duties as defined by the province and who are unable to work from home are expected to work on campus.
The University is planning to return to Phase 2 of its Return to Campus Framework on May 3, 2021, should the emergency brake be lifted after the four-week period. This means that those employees approved to return to campus in Phase 2 would return on May 3, 2021.
Spring/Summer Semester
All Spring/Summer courses scheduled to begin on May 3 will continue as planned unless otherwise communicated.
Campus Services
At this time, the R.J. Surtees Student Athletics Centre remains closed. Information regarding library services can be found at www.eclibrary.ca. For any questions regarding residence, please contact residence@nipissingu.ca.
Easter Weekend Reminders from the Health Unit
As the Easter weekend approaches, earlier today, the Health Unit issued a reminder to all residents to continue to follow public health measures including physical distancing, wearing face coverings and avoiding gatherings.
University-related travel including for research is not permitted at this time unless approved by the Vice President, Finance & Administration or the Provost & Vice President, Academic & Research.
If you have any questions regarding Nipissing’s protocols or processes related to COVID-19, email coronavirus@nipissingu.ca
March 24 - Transition to Phase 2 of Return to Campus Framework

Now that the North Bay Parry Sound District Health Unit region has moved to the “Yellow - Protect” zone of the province’s COVID-19 Response Framework, over the next two weeks, Nipissing University will gradually transition to “Phase 2 - Limited Campus Access” of its Return to Campus Framework. Phase 2 will officially take effect on Wednesday, April 7, 2021.
Employees should speak with their supervisor or dean regarding their department’s plans for the transition to Phase 2.
More details regarding the on-campus services and amenities that will be available during Phase 2 (i.e. athletics facilities and library services) will be forthcoming.
Please note that the Return to Campus Framework has been updated to reflect changes in provincial guidelines and to provide clarity on how Nipissing University’s Return to Campus Framework fits within the provincial COVID-19 Response Framework.
Building Access
All faculty and staff must use the main Nipissing entrance to access the Education Centre building. Active screening will take place at the door. Please have your completed self-assessment ready upon arrival.
Face Coverings
Face coverings are required in all common spaces on campus. Wearing a mask or face covering is also recommended outdoors when you can't physically distance more than two metres.
Students living in residence will receive a separate communication with additional information. Any questions regarding residence can be directed to residence@nipissingu.ca.
Stage 1, Stage 2 and local field work research recovery requests will continue to be processed.
A reminder that University-related travel including for research is not permitted at this time unless approved by the Vice President, Finance & Administration or the Provost & Vice President, Academic & Research.
If you have any questions regarding Nipissing’s protocols or processes related to COVID-19, email coronavirus@nipissingu.ca.
March 19 - Nipissing preparing to transition to Phase 2 of Return to Campus Framework

Friday, March 19, 2021 at 7:30 p.m.
This evening, the provincial government announced that the North Bay Parry Sound District Health Unit region will move to the “Yellow - Protect” zone of the province’s colour-coded COVID-19 Response Framework, effective Monday, March 22, 2021.
In light of this announcement, Nipissing University will begin preparations to return to Phase 2 of its Return to Campus Framework, “Limited Campus Access”, however the exact date of this transition will be communicated next week. The university remains in Phase 0 at this time.
Only those employees required to perform essential duties as defined by the province and who are unable to work from home are expected to work on campus on Monday. All other employees currently working from home will be provided with two weeks notice prior to being required to return campus.
More details on when the university will be transitioning to Phase 2 and what campus access and services will look like during that phase will be forthcoming early next week.
If you have any questions regarding Nipissing’s protocols or processes related to COVID-19, email coronavirus@nipissingu.ca.
March 5 - Nipissing Remains in Phase 0 of Return to Campus Framework

Friday, March 5, 2021 at 4:00 p.m.
Today the provincial government announced that the North Bay Parry Sound District public health region will enter the “Red - Control” zone of the province’s colour-coded COVID-19 Response Framework, effective Monday, March 8, 2021.
Considering the restrictions under the “Red-Control” zone, Nipissing University will remain in Phase 0 of its Return to Campus Framework - “Restricted Campus Access” until further notice.
The R.J. Surtees Student Athletics Centre remains closed. Information regarding library services can be found at www.eclibrary.ca.
For any questions regarding residence, please contact residence@nipissingu.ca.
Reminder: The Health Unit is recommending that the public practice the following:
- Do not travel out of the district unless for urgent or medical reasons.
- If you choose to travel, isolate for 14 days prior to leaving the district and isolate for 14 days upon return. For information on what self-isolation means, visit:
- Public Health Ontario: How to self-isolate
- Government of Canada’s resource: Coronavirus disease (COVID-19): How to isolate at home when you may have COVID-19
Staff and Faculty Impacts
All employees who can work from home, must continue to work from home. Only those employees required to perform essential duties as defined by the province and who are unable to work from home are expected to work on campus.
Research Recovery requests will continue to be processed. Currently Stage 1 requests with the intent to access campus for the retrieval of data in order to continue working from home are open. Stage 2 (recurring entry on campus) requests will be processed on a case by case basis if deemed essential. Once Nipissing University transitions to Phase 2, further Research Recovery request applications will become available. The Research Ethics Board continues to accept and process applications.
University-Related Travel
A reminder that university-related travel including for research is not permitted at this time unless approved by the Vice President, Finance & Administration or the Provost & Vice President, Academic & Research.
If you have any questions regarding Nipissing’s protocols or processes related to COVID-19, email coronavirus@nipissingu.ca.
February 24 - Spring/Summer and Fall 2021 Course Delivery

Wednesday, February 24, 2021 at 3:30 p.m.
Dear students, faculty and staff,
With the recent announcement that winter classes will remain online for the remainder of the term, you are probably wondering how the upcoming Spring/Summer and Fall 2021 terms are going to take shape.
Although the pandemic doesn’t offer us the luxury of certainty, planning for the future and our return to campus is underway. I am pleased to share that Nipissing University is actively planning to offer as many undergraduate and graduate courses in person this Spring/Summer and Fall 2021 as possible while adhering to public health guidelines.
While many of you are eager to return to in-person learning, we know some of you also enjoy or require the flexibility of remote learning. With that in mind, we will continue to offer students the option of mixing online and in-person courses to customize their academic journey.
At Nipissing, we are proud of our personalized student experience and strong student support services. This commitment remains unchanged and we will continue to transition student services back on site where possible. Residences will also remain open and operational in accordance with public health guidelines.
Over the last number of months, we have learned many lessons and will continue to adapt and improve our plans and processes informed by this experience. Thank you to all students, faculty and staff for your ongoing resilience in the face of so many changes.
The health and safety of our students, faculty, staff and broader community will continue to guide our decision making and we look forward to the day when we welcome all of you back to campus. More details and updates will be shared with you as plans evolve.
Stay well,
Dr. Arja Vainio-Mattila
Provost and Vice-President, Academic & Research
February 19 - Winter Term Classes Remain Online Following Extension of Stay at Home Order

Friday, February 19, 2021 at 4:30 p.m.
Today, the provincial government announced that the North Bay Parry Sound District Health Unit will continue to remain under shutdown and stay-at-home orders until at least March 8 before returning to the province’s colour-coded COVID-19 Response Framework (the “Framework”). Closer to March 8, the government and public health officials will determine which zone our region will enter depending on the trends in public health indicators.
As a result, winter term courses will be delivered online for the remainder of the term.
Nipissing University remains in Phase 0 its Return to Campus Framework - “Restricted Campus Access”.
Students in the Bachelor of Science in Nursing (North Bay campus) and Bachelor of Physical and Health Education programs will receive a separate communication regarding their practical courses and/or placements.
Reminder: The Health Unit is recommending that the public practice the following:
- Do not travel out of the district unless for urgent or medical reasons.
- If you choose to travel, isolate for 14 days prior to leaving the district and isolate for 14 days upon return. For information on what self-isolation means, visit:
- Public Health Ontario: How to self-isolate
- Government of Canada’s resource: Coronavirus disease (COVID-19): How to isolate at home when you may have COVID-19
If you have any questions regarding Nipissing’s protocols or processes related to COVID-19, email coronavirus@nipissingu.ca.
Employee Impact
On March 8, 2021, Nipissing University will transition back to its previous phase of operations, which is Phase 2 of the Return to Campus Framework unless restrictions are extended. Further details will be communicated as they become available.
All employees who can work from home, must continue to work from home. Only those employees required to perform essential duties as defined by the province and who are unable to work from home are expected to work on campus.
Research Recovery requests will continue to be processed. Currently Stage 1 requests with the intent to access campus for the retrieval of data in order to continue working from home are open. Stage 2 (recurring entry on campus) requests will be processed on a case by case basis if deemed essential. Once Nipissing University transitions to Phase 2, further Research Recovery request applications will become available. The Research Ethics Board continues to accept and process applications.
A reminder that university-related travel including for research is not permitted at this time unless approved by the Vice President, Finance & Administration or the Provost & Vice President, Academic & Research.
If you choose to travel outside of the district, isolate for 14 days prior to leaving and isolate for 14 days upon return. For information on what self-isolation means, visit:
- Public Health Ontario: How to self-isolate
- Government of Canada’s resource: Coronavirus disease (COVID-19): How to isolate at home when you may have COVID-19
If you have any questions regarding Nipissing’s protocols or processes related to COVID-19, email coronavirus@nipissingu.ca.
February 12 - North Bay Parry Sound District Shutdown Extension
Friday, February 12, 2021 at 4:30 p.m.
Today the provincial government announced the transition of twenty-seven public health regions out of the shutdown and into a revised and strengthened COVID-19 Response Framework: Keeping Ontario Safe and Open (the "Framework"). The North Bay Parry Sound District, will remain in the shutdown, and the Stay-at-Home order will remain in place. All existing public health and workplace safety measures will continue to apply to our health region until February 22.
We will communicate details regarding the impact on campus operations once we receive confirmation regarding the colour code for our district.
Further details regarding any changes to in-person course delivery, if any, will be communicated next week. Please note that students have the option to continue to learn online for the remainder of the term if that is required, or should they choose.
If you have any questions regarding Nipissing’s protocols or processes related to COVID-19, email coronavirus@nipissingu.ca.
February 11 - Update on Winter Term
Thursday, February 11, 2021 at 3:30 p.m.
Dear students,
Earlier this week, the provincial government announced that public health units will gradually transition to the revised colour-coded COVID-19 Response Framework (the “Framework”). Until then, shutdown and stay-at-home orders will remain in effect.
The North Bay Parry Sound District Health Unit region is currently scheduled to return to the Framework and no longer be subject to the shutdown and stay-at-home orders on February 16, however this date may change depending on the trends in local public health indicators. At this time, we do not know what colour will be assigned to our health unit district.
Based on the information we know to date, courses scheduled to take place on campus beginning February 22 will move forward as planned unless otherwise communicated. Please note that you have the option to continue to learn online for the remainder of the term should you so choose.
Any changes to campus access will be communicated once we receive confirmation of the colour code assigned to our health unit district.
Students in the Bachelor of Physical and Health Education program will receive a separate communication regarding new safety measures for in-person course instruction.
For any questions regarding residence operations, please contact residence@nipissingu.ca.
Reminder re: Reading Week Travel
Any form of travel outside of the district is strongly discouraged. Individuals returning to North Bay from outside of the district are recommended to self-isolate for 14 days. For information on what self-isolation means, visit:
- Public Health Ontario: How to self-isolate
- Government of Canada’s resource: Coronavirus disease (COVID-19): How to isolate at home when you may have COVID-19
If you have any questions regarding Nipissing’s protocols or processes related to COVID-19, email coronavirus@nipissingu.ca.
February 3 - Clarification re: Self-Isolation Protocol

Wednesday, February 3, 2021 at 4:30 p.m.
Dear students,
Following yesterday’s email communication, we understand there was some confusion regarding self-isolation protocols for individuals leaving or returning to the district. To clarify, the Health Unit is recommending that the public practice the following:
- Do not travel out of the district unless for urgent or medical reasons.
- If you choose to travel, isolate for 14 days prior to leaving the district and isolate for 14 days upon return.
Should you require further clarification, please contact coronavirus@nipissingu.ca.
February 2 - What to Expect After Reading Week
Tuesday, February 2, 2021 at 4:30 p.m.
Dear students,
As Reading Week approaches, we wanted to provide some details regarding what to expect after Reading Week, assuming the provincial state of emergency and stay-at-home order are lifted.
Nipissing University will continue to closely monitor and follow advice from government and public health officials and adapt as required to ensure everyone’s health and safety. Should provincial restrictions be extended, further information will be provided regarding the impact on on-site classes and services.
Winter Term Course Delivery
Online courses will continue to be delivered online. Courses scheduled to be delivered on site will resume the week of February 22, unless restrictions are extended.
Reading Week Travel
Any form of travel outside of the district is strongly discouraged. Individuals returning to North Bay from outside of the district are recommended to self-isolate for 14 days. For information on what self-isolation means, visit:
- Public Health Ontario: How to self-isolate
- Government of Canada’s resource: Coronavirus disease (COVID-19): How to isolate at home when you may have COVID-19
Building Access & On-Campus Services After Reading Week
Currently the University is operating in Phase 0 of its Return to Campus Framework. After Reading Week, Nipissing University will be operating in Phase 2 of its Return to Campus Framework “Limited Campus Access” which will allow students to once again visit campus for approved services and to attend on-site courses.
Building Access
- During Phase 2, students will be permitted to visit campus for approved services and to attend on-site classes. Nipissing University staff will be on site at the front entrance to screen individuals and direct them to the services they need.
Face Coverings
- The Nipissing Parry Sound District Health Unit mandated the use of face coverings while in certain enclosed spaces, effective Friday, July 24, 2020. Face coverings are required in all common spaces on campus. Wearing a mask or face covering is now also recommended outdoors when you can't physically distance more than two metres.
Food Services
- During Phase 2, food services on campus will remain closed.
- Updates regarding access to the library during Phase 2 will be posted to the Library website.
Athletics Centre
- More information regarding the reopening of the Athletics Centre during Phase 2 will be posted to the athletics website.
Campus Shop
- During Phase 2, the Campus Shop will be staffed from 8:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. Customers must set up an appointment (email 0914asm@follett.com), pass the COVID screening, and wear a mask to access the store. Online shopping is encouraged. There will be a pick-up process available as well as a shipping option.
- Residence remains open and is operating at reduced capacity.
January 20 - Course Withdrawal & Refund Deadline Extension

Wednesday, January 20, 2021 at 4:30 p.m.
Dear students,
We know students are experiencing unique challenges related to the pandemic. Based on those considerations and student feedback, Nipissing University will be extending both the course withdrawal and tuition refund deadlines for Winter Term.
Course Withdrawal Deadline
The last day to withdraw (academically) from FW & WI courses is now April 2. Should you choose to withdraw from a course in WebAdvisor, your numerical grade will be replaced with a WDR notation on your transcript. This notation will not impact your GPA, however you will not be able to retain credit for any coursework completed, and you will need to repeat the course in the future if it is a program requirement or a prerequisite for another course.
If you have any questions regarding course withdrawal and its impact on your studies, please contact: advising@nipissingu.ca
Refund Deadline Extension
The last day to drop a winter 3, 6 or 9-credit course and receive a full refund has been extended to January 29. This does not apply to winter courses less than 3 credits
Further details regarding tuition refunds can be found here.
January 12 - Ontario Declares Provincial Emergency & Issues Stay-at-Home Order

Tuesday, January 12, 2021 at 5:30 p.m.
Dear students/faculty/staff,
Today the Ontario government, in consultation with the Chief Medical Officer of Health and other health experts declared a second provincial emergency effective immediately. Additionally, effective Thursday, January 14, 2021 at 12:01 a.m., the government is issuing a stay-at-home order requiring everyone to remain at home with exceptions for essential purposes, such as going to the grocery store or pharmacy, accessing health care services, for exercise or for essential work.
These measures are being put in place in response to a doubling in COVID-19 cases over the past two weeks, the real and looming threat of the collapse of the province's hospital system and alarming risks posed to long-term care homes as a result of high COVID-19 transmission rates.
A summary of the announcement can be found here.
The University will continue to closely monitor and follow advice from government and public health officials and adapt as required to ensure everyone’s health and safety.
For any questions regarding these protocols and processes, please email coronavirus@nipissingu.ca.
Impact on University Employees
The University will remain in Phase 0 of its Return to Campus Framework. On February 22, 2021 Nipissing University will transition back to its previous phase of operations, which is Phase 2 of the Return to Campus Framework unless restrictions are extended. Further details will be communicated as they become available.
All employees who can work from home, must work from home. Only those employees required to perform essential duties as defined by the province and who are unable to work from home are expected to work on campus. Further details will be provided by your supervisor/Dean.
For any employees who need to collect supplies, mail, or additional technology equipment in order to work from home, further details will be forthcoming from Facilities.
Impact on Research
Research Recovery is transitioning back to Stage 1. All research is to be done remotely and without the use of face to face data collection. Stage 1 Research Recovery allows researchers to gain access to their research spaces temporarily to retrieve data necessary to continue working remotely. All currently active Stage 1, Stage 2 and Field Work requests will be closed.
Researchers can expect a communication from ROMEO informing them of the closure of these files. Researchers interested in gaining access to Nipissing campus should complete a new Stage 1 request. Information on the different stages as well as Field Work is provided in the Research Recovery document located on the COVID-19, research-specific, FAQ. There you will also find a link to ROMEO to create an account and access these requests.
Library Services
The library will be offering curbside pick up. More information on this service will be forthcoming. Questions can be directed to nancyblack@nipissingu.ca.
What does this mean for Winter Term classes?
Nipissing University remains operational through services via online or alternative means.
At this time, winter term courses will be delivered online until after Reading Week (February 22, 2021). The University will continue to closely monitor and follow advice from government and public health officials and adapt as required to ensure everyone’s health and safety.
Further information regarding placements, clinicals, and practicals will be communicated from your department if changes are needed.
What does this mean for residence, student services and campus access?
While the University is in Phase 0 of its Return to Campus Framework, access to campus buildings will be restricted. Students will be able to access services via online or alternative means. Students will be informed when it is possible to access campus again for approved services.
Students living in residence will receive a separate communication with additional information. Any questions regarding residence can be directed to residence@nipissingu.ca.
January 7 - Provincewide Lockdown Extension

Thursday, January 7, 2021 at 4:30 p.m.
Dear students/faculty/staff,
Today the Ontario government announced that it will be extending the provincewide lockdown until January 23, 2021. As a result, the University will remain in Phase 0 of its Return to Campus Framework which will remain in effect until January 23, 2021. On January 25, Nipissing University will transition to Phase 2 of the Return to Campus Framework. All courses that were scheduled for in person delivery, will transition online for as long as the provincewide lockdown is in place.
What does this mean for employees?
Only those employees required to perform essential duties as defined by the province are expected to work on campus. This includes:
- Facilities & Maintenance
- Residence Services
- University Technology Services
- Caretaking/Custodial
- Finance
- Admissions
- HR/Payroll
- Shipping & Receiving.
All other employees are expected to work from home until January 23, 2021. Should the lockdown period be extended past January 23, 2021, further updates will be provided. For any employees that need access to campus to collect additional technology equipment in order to work from home, or have additional questions, please talk to your direct supervisor or Dean.
The following information has also been provided to students:
What does this mean for Winter Term classes?
Nipissing University remains operational through services via online or alternative means.
At this time, winter term courses will be delivered online until January 23, 2021. The University will continue to closely monitor and follow advice from government and public health officials and adapt as required to ensure everyone’s health and safety.
Further information regarding placements and practicals will be communicated from your department if changes are needed.
What does this mean for residence, student services and campus access?
While the University is in Phase 0 of its Return to Campus Framework, access to campus buildings will be restricted. Students will be able to access services via online or alternative means. Once the lockdown status has been lifted, students will once again be able to access campus for approved services.
Students living in residence will receive additional communication with more information. Any questions regarding residence can be directed to residence@nipissingu.ca.
Returning to North Bay
There are currently no specific restrictions for interprovincial travel within Ontario, though the situation is evolving rapidly. Individuals are strongly encouraged to self isolate if they are returning to North Bay from another region, or if they have been in close contact with a person who has been diagnosed with COVID-19 or develop symptoms. Please review our FAQ page as it relates to travel and self isolation protocols.
Individuals who arrive or return to Ontario from outside the province during the provincewide shutdown period should self-isolate for 14 days upon arrival. International students entering or returning to Canada are required to quarantine as per the Government of Canada Quarantine Act.
The University will continue to closely monitor and follow advice from government and public health officials and adapt as required to ensure everyone’s health and safety.
For any questions regarding these protocols and processes, please email coronavirus@nipissingu.ca.