Update on Collaborative Bachelor of Science in Nursing program – Canadore College Nipissing University

The following message was sent to students enrolled in NURS 1027, 2026 and 3217 from Dr. Ahmed Obaide, Vice-President Academic, Canadore College and Dr. Arja Vainio-Mattila, Provost and Vice-President, Academic and Research, Nipissing University:
Dear students,
Canadore College and Nipissing University have agreed to a progression plan for students enrolled in NURS 1027, NURS 2026 and NURS 3217, establishing that students registered in the 2020-2021 academic year have satisfied requirements to progress to the next level of study based on a completion plan that includes adjustments to future clinical courses and some voluntary lab sessions for skill development.
In keeping with this pathway forward, Dr. Ahmed Obaide, Vice-President Academic, Canadore College and Dr. Arja Vainio-Mattila, Provost and Vice-President, Academic and Research, Nipissing University have jointly overturned the INP grades that were assigned to students in NURS 1027, NURS 2026 and NURS 3217. Students will now see this change reflected in WebAdvisor.
Canadore College and Nipissing University appreciate the advocacy efforts of both the Nipissing University Student Union (NUSU) and the Nipissing University Nursing Society (NUNS) on behalf of students. Rest assured that both institutions are aligned in identifying a way forward that will ensure all students have the opportunity to acquire the necessary skills and competencies for the successful completion of their program. This way forward will include adjustments to future clinical courses to make up for any incomplete learning outcomes, which our program team has already begun preparing.
We also acknowledge the North Bay Regional Health Centre (NBRHC) as an important partner in nursing education, and appreciate the support and flexibility they have exhibited throughout the pandemic to ensure the safety of our students, and their commitment to excellence in education.
We recognize the additional stress this situation has caused on top of an already difficult academic year and appreciate your patience while we collaboratively addressed these complex pedagogical decisions. Both Canadore College and Nipissing University remain committed to the success of its students.
Dr. Ahmed Obaide
Vice-President Academic
Canadore College
Dr. Arja Vainio-Mattila
Provost and Vice-President, Academic and Research
Nipissing University
Meghan Venasse
Manager, Communications
Nipissing University
705-474-3450 ext. 4615