Celebrating National Nursing Week

May 6-12 marks National Nursing Week, an annual celebration that takes place the week of Florence Nightingale’s birthday, May 12. This year's theme, #WeAnswerTheCall, showcases the many roles that nurses play in a patient’s health-care journey. The pandemic has highlighted the courage and commitment that nurses exhibit every day and the important role they play in the community.
Nipissing University School of Nursing faculty Dr. Karey McCullough and Dr. Rick Vanderlee have been working at local vaccination clinics alongside some of our nursing students and graduates who are assisting at the clinics in a variety of roles. Both Dr. McCullough and Dr. Vanderlee have found it to be a rewarding experience and feel privileged to be helping our community in their own small way as nurses. They, along with entire Nipissing University community, are proud of the work and commitment of our students and alumni in the community who are visible examples of how nurses are stepping up to help solve this public health crisis.
Thank you to all the nurses who continue to selflessly answer the call to keep our community safe.