The Centre for Interdisciplinary Collaboration in the Arts and Sciences is proud to announce the publication of The Future of Humanity: Revisioning the Human in the Posthuman Age, edited by Drs. Pavlina Radia, Sarah Winters, and Laurie Kruk, published by Rowman & Littlefield.
The Faculty of Arts & Science is proud to recognize Dr. Mukund Jha, Professor in the Department of Biology and Chemistry, as the recipient of Chancellor's Award for Excellence in Research.
The committee unanimously awarded prizes to the following three stories: Paige Linklater-Wong's story "The Fire and the Fall". Matthew Sullivan's story "Accompanied Voice". Aidan Adrain's story "On Route 116". Congratulations Paige, Matthew, and Aidan!
This past June a group of students was fortunate enough to partake in an intensive ten-day course in Carrara Italy carving marble at Studio Corsanini with guest artists Stephen Shaheen and Fred X Brownstein.