"Living in the North" Short Story Competition Winners

Aidan Adrian with his check for his first place story "On Route 116"
The committee unanimously awarded prizes to the following three stories:
In third place, receiving a $100 prize was Paige Linklater-Wong's story "The Fire and the Fall". The judges commended this for its tender treatment of the Indigenous Trickster figure and the excitement of the plot.
In second place, receiving a $200 prize was Matthew Sullivan's story "Accompanied Voice". The judges commended this story for the lyricism of its prose and its vivid evocation of the beauty of the North.
In first place, receiving a $300 prize was Aidan Adrain's story "On Route 116". The judges commended this story for its skillful handling of multiple points of view and its ethical engagement with political realities of its setting.
Congratulations Paige, Matthew, and Aidan!