Dr. Haibin Zhu Elected VP of IEEE SMCS Board and to Serve on NFRF Review Panel

Dr. Haibin Zhu, Professor of Computer Science at Nipissing University, has been elected Vice-President of the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE) Systems, Man, and Cybernetics Society (SMCS). His term will start from January 1, 2023, to December 31, 2024.
To be eligible for this position, a candidate must be a voting Board of Governors member and have served as a member for at least one year when nominated. Dr. Zhu has been a member of the Board of Governors since January 2021 as an Associate Vice-President and was elected as a voting member in January 2022.
Dr. Zhu was elected due to his long-term commitment, dedication and active participation in SMCS events since 2003, as an author, presenter and special session organizer. He was also an associate editor of the IEEE SMCS journals, the Editor-in-Chief of IEEE SMC Magazine, and organization committee member of IEEE SMCS conferences.
Details about this role can be found by https://www.ieeesmc.org/about-smcs/governance/board-of-governors/.
Dr. Zhu was also invited and accepted to be a member of the multidisciplinary/multisectoral review panel for the New Frontiers in Research Fund (NFRF) – Special Call 2022 competition.
As a panel member, Dr. Zhu will join a review committee to supervise the review process of about ten applications, which will be reviewed by two external reviewers. From November 28 to December 2, 2022, he will attend the committee online meetings to discuss these applications with other committee members. From December 5 to December 9, 2022, the committee members will finalize comments for applications.
For more information about the NRRF Special Call 2022 competition visit: https://www.sshrc-crsh.gc.ca/funding-financement/nfrf-fnfr/special/2022/competition-concours-eng.aspx