Microaggressions in schools the focus of newly published research

Associate professors in the Schulich School of Education, Dr. Julie Corkett, Dr. Christine Cho and Dr. Astrid Steele, have released a newly published research monograph titled Global Perspectives on Microaggressions in Schools: Understanding and Combating Covert Violence.
The monograph provides a contemporary examination of the incivilities, lateral violence and microaggressions occurring within the field of education. A global dialogue with educators from around the world critically scrutinizes academic and practical approaches to address the universal challenges associated with microaggression.
The research offers practical ways to undermine covert violence and prevent its occurrence through effective training, policy, leadership and student agency. Given its rigorous approach and attention to widespread issues of covert violence in schools, the monograph is a timely resource for scholars, researchers and academics who have an interest in the sociology of education, educational leadership, school culture, student well-being and inclusive education.
Copies of the monograph are available through Routledge publishing and can be purchased here. Use discount code FLY21 at checkout for special savings.