NUSU Shinerama fundraiser moves online

The Nipissing University Student Union (NUSU) has taken its annual Shinerama fundraiser online this year. Although you won’t see Nipissing University students out shining cars this weekend, there are still a number of ways you can participate in the event virtually and help raise critical funding for Cystic Fibrosis.
NUSU has set a $9,000 fundraising goal and is accepting donations directly to the Nipissing University Shinerama team page.
NUSU has also partnered with The Studio to offer an online Zumba class on Saturday, September 5. This event is open to everyone so make sure to invite your friends, family, coworkers, children and neighbours.
From September 1 to September 6, NUSU is asking everyone to “Shine Your Ride”. Take a photo cleaning your vehicle of choice and follow the rules on the NUSU website when sharing your post to be entered into a draw to win a prize.
Gold Fleet Subaru has stepped up to support the cause by providing $9.95 car washes with all proceeds (tax excluded) going directly to fighting Cystic Fibrosis. If you book and pay for your car wash between September 1 to September 6, you can schedule your wash for any time throughout the remainder of 2020.
For more information on Shinerama and how to get involved, visit