Nipissing University’s Dean of Teaching receives fellowship from International Society for the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning

Dr. Patrick Maher, Dean of Teaching
North Bay, ON – Nipissing University’s Dean of Teaching, Dr. Patrick Maher, has been announced among the latest cohort of International Society for the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning (ISSOTL) Fellows. Dr. Maher is one of nine outstanding community leaders to be recognized with this honour.
The ISSOTL Fellows program, launched in 2019, recognizes leaders who have made exemplary contributions to the scholarship of teaching in learning at the local, national, regional, and/or international levels.
“It’s very exciting to be recognized for my ongoing work in the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning (SoTL). Over the past 15 years I have been proud to grow and develop as a mentor and leader in this area - recognizing all my colleagues and students who have supported that journey,” said Dr. Maher. “I think the value of this Fellowship lies in the camaraderie that will develop amongst the cohort - what we can achieve together.”
The program rests on a set of core values which include community engagement and global citizenship; collaboration as a fundamental process in building capacities for new ways of thinking doing, and learning; and holistic, meaningful, intentional approaches to higher education.
The nine individuals announced as fellows seek to build communities and ecosystems animated by a generosity of spirit, including mentorship, leadership, and a commitment to support established and emerging learners and scholars in the pursuit of knowledge creation and sharing. The fellows represent diverse models of excellence in their disciplinary fields, professional roles, and scholarly engagement.
“I’m so pleased that Dr. Maher has been formally recognized by the ISSOTL for his outstanding work and leadership in the area of the scholarship of teaching and learning,” said Dr. Arja Vainio-Mattila, Provost and Vice-President, Academic and Research. “This recognition underscores Nipissing University’s strength in teaching and learning excellence.”
Dr. Maher is an interdisciplinary scholar, who has previously held appointments at Cape Breton University, the University of Northern British Columbia, and the University of Otago. He is also a 3M National Teaching Fellow and a Fellow of the Royal Canadian Geographical Society.
“Engaging with ISSOTL as an international organization, and specifically others in the 2020 cohort of Fellows, connects me with a community of like-minded educators, which will allow us to envision 'what's possible' on a global scale,” said Dr. Maher.
Meghan Venasse
Manager, Communications
Nipissing University
705-474-3450 ext. 4615