New book on global politics hits presses

Drs. David Tabachnick, Toivo Koivukoski, and Hermínio Meireles Teixeira recently announced the release of a new book on global politics titled Challenging Theocracy: Ancient Lessons for Global Politics.
The culmination of over five years of work with colleagues from around the world, Challenging Theocracy critiques the contemporary formation of theocracy by analyzing the relationship between religion and politics throughout the Middle East, Africa, and the United States, as well as classical and medieval political philosophical sources. The book is the fifth in the Regimes Series and is available for purchase here. Other titles in the series include: Confronting Tyranny: Ancient Lessons for Global Politics, Enduring Empire: Ancient Lessons for Global Politics, Civic Republicanism: Ancient Lessons for Global Politics,On Oligarchy: Ancient Lessons for Global Politics.