Flag raising caps NU25

Nipissing’s NU25 flag atop the flagpole at City Hall
The City of North Bay raised Nipissing’s NU25 flag high atop the flagpole at City Hall on a wintery Friday, December 8, in a ceremony showcasing the ongoing partnership between the university and the community. It also provided a fitting cap to the university’s 25th anniversary celebrations.
It’s been a fantastic year of silvery events marking 25 years since Nipissing received its charter as an independent degree granting institution.
The party started way back on December 2, 2016, with a launch party in the main foyer, where the 25th Anniversary logo was unveiled. That was closely followed by a spirit day on December 9, when faculty, staff and students demonstrated Lakers pride by wearing blue and green or Lakers branded clothing.
The subsequent year featured 25 faculty speakers looking 25 years into the future through the lens of their research in five separate events titled NU2042: Time Travellers Wanted.
Nipissing opened its doors wide for our community in early September, with a full day of fun events for the whole family including guided hikes, a movie screening, a fine arts exhibition, laboratory demonstrations and more.
The university hosted our community again on November 30 for the 25th Birthday Party, which featured the opening of the time capsule that had been sealed in the wall of A-wing 25 years ago.
Nipissing is already gathering materials for a new time capsule that will be sealed into the wall in the main foyer and more details will be available soon.
For now…th-th-th-th-that’s all folks!