Poet Solway on campus for reading

Nipissing University welcomes poet David Solway to campus for a special reading from his latest volume of poetry, Installations, on Monday, April 11, at 10 a.m. in room R309.
Solway has received many honours for his work, including recognition by the Francophone literary community: he was awarded Le Grand Prix du Livre de Montréal for Franklin's Passage, Le prix Spirale for Le bon prof, and the Bourse de carrière from the Conseil des arts et des lettres du Québec. His latest volume of poetry,Installations, was recently published by Signal Editions. A new poetry book,The Herb Garden: from the Poems of Bartholomew the Englishman, is slated to appear in 2017 with Guernica Editions. Solway’s poetry is featured in the fifth edition of the canon-shaping series Canadian Poets, edited by Gary Geddes, which began (in 1970) with Fifteen and now has grown to encompass Seventy.
The reading is presented by the department of English Studies. It is free of charge and all are welcome.