Dr. Elliott-Johns working to improve school effectiveness

Photo of Dr. Susan E. Elliott-Johns

Dr. Susan E. Elliott-Johns has been elected to the Board of Directors for the International Congress for School Effectiveness and Improvement (ICSEI). She took office, representing Canada at the 28th International Congress for School Effectiveness and Improvement held in Cincinnati, Ohio, January 2-6, 2015.
ICSEI provides an international forum for researchers, school and district leaders, teachers, local and national policy-makers and politicians, NGO personnel and consultants who come together to share ideas, promote research, and encourage practices that will enhance the quality and equity of education for all young people. The work informs policymakers, practitioners and researchers around the globe.

The Cincinnati conference gathered researchers, educators and policymakers from over 30 countries to share ideas for improving children’s lives through the best educational practices. This year’s theme, Think Globally, Act Locally, and Educate All Children To Their Full Potential, generated an exciting roster of keynote speakers and an impressive range of papers, symposia and posters highlighting research undertaken by those in the field. The diverse range of topics explored current understandings of what comprises effective schools and educational programs worldwide and, perhaps more importantly, provided unique opportunities to network and address pressing educational challenges that still confront us.

Further information can be found on theICSEI website including preliminary information about next year’s conference which will be held in Glasgow, Scotland, January, 6-9 2016.
