Third Annual International Summer Research Colloquium a success

A very successful Research Colloquium: Values & Leadership: Mentoring Educational Sustainability was held at Nipissing University’s North Bay campus on Thursday, July 10. This annual signature event is an integral component of the Ph.D. Summer Residency, and approximately 48 participants, including faculty, graduate students, and other guests attended.
The Colloquium was sponsored by the Nipissing University Centre for the Study of Leadership and Values (NUCSLE), and coordinated this year by Dr. Susan Elliott-Johns. The Visiting Speakers were Dr. William (Bill) Frick and Dr. Kathrine Gutierrez, both from the University of Oklahoma. The title of Dr. Frick’s presentation was Practicing a Professional Ethic: Leadership for Students’ Best Interests; Dr. Gutierrez spoke on Phenomenological Research Methods and Graduate Student Mentoring. Engaging and interactive discussion followed both presentations as a result of questions and comments generated by participants. Mr. Anthony Rota acted as Moderator, and Mr. Ryan Hehn (UTS) assisted with the technological set-up. Thanks to all the Ph.D. candidates who assisted by volunteering to introduce or thank a speaker (Tiffany Roberts, Brooke Haugh, Anna-Liisa Mottenen, Michelle Brunette, and Kerry Surman). Congratulations also go to the four winners of Dr. Frick’s latest books (Joanne Kmiec, Carmen Wehrstedt, Nafsia Kattarwala, and Anna-Liisa Mottenen). Thanks again to everyone who contributed in some way to the success of this year’s Colloquium.

For details on another related event, the 19th Annual Values and Leadership Conference, to be held at Deerhurst Resort (September 18-20, 2014) check out theconference website. 
