Nipissing students walk for a good cause

Nipissing University is hosting a Relay for Life in support of the Canadian Cancer Society happening on campus this Saturday March 8and they want you to know it’s not too late to get involved; you can donate or register today!The relay starts at 6 p.m. on Saturday and goes through the wee hours until 7 a.m. Sunday morning. Students have signed up in teams of ten, and will be walking the track all night long at the Robert J. Surtees Athletics Student Centre. The event will also include a number of entertainment acts, such as singers, dancers, and DJs, who are all Nipissing students.
The event has been in planning for the past six months by a group of student volunteers, with students Meghan Fielding, Amanda Springer, and Samantha Lee leading the initiative. The fundraising goal was set at $10,000 and has already been surpassed, sitting currently at over $11,300. To help meet that goal, all four North Bay campus residence complexes have run small fundraising events, and there have also been on-campus events such as the Coffee House for Cancer.
Many different people and groups on campus have supported this project, and it has truly become a collective initiative by Nipissing students to fight back against cancer! Everyone is welcome to stop by the event and to attend the Survivor Ceremony, dedicated to celebrating cancer survivors, at 6 p.m.; or the Luminary Ceremony, dedicated to remembering those who have passed away from or are currently fighting cancer, at 10:00 p.m.
For people interested in attending the whole event or donating, registration is still open online at:

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