Big results for ENACTUS Nipissing team

ENACTUS Nipissing University recently picked up second and third place finishes against 22 other teams at the ENACTUS Central Canada Regional Exposition in Toronto. ENACTUS Nipissing showcased their projects in two categories, Scotia Bank EcoLiving and TD Entrepreneurship.

Competing in the Scotia Bank Eco Living Challenge was Taylor Seed, Aly Stewart, and Kurt Tempelmans Plat. They placed second in the challenge, improving from last year’s third place finish, and ahead of teams from much larger schools.  The team earned a $1,000 cash prize.

Competing in the TD Entrepreneurship Challenge was Anne Brûlé and Kirk Lashbrook. They took home third place, again ahead of teams from much larger institutions, and earned a $500 cash prize. This was the first time the ENACTUS Nipissing University team has participated in the TD Entrepreneur Challenge. Under the umbrella of social entrepreneurship, the team presented the Halloween Save-a-Life Project, Project Warmth, and LEAP (Local Entrepreneurial Action Program).

“I am extremely proud of the students and their accomplishments,” said ENACTUS faculty advisor, Dianne Davis. “We are all looking forward to showcasing their projects at the ENACTUS Canada National Exposition being held on April 28-30 in Calgary, Alberta. ENACTUS Nipissing will compete alongside 55 other teams from across Canada.”

ENACTUS is a worldwide organization that is determined to use entrepreneurial skills to improve social, economic and environmental factors. The ENACTUS team at Nipissing University is only in its 3rd year of operations,and has seen impressive results since inception.

In 2011, the team earned National Rookie Champion honours, and was  a team semi-finalist (top 10 in Canada).

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