Three seminars on tap this Friday

Nipissing will host three separate seminars this Friday, November 25, featuring faculty members discussing their research. Each one is free of charge and open everyone.
Dr. Vesko Valov, from the department of Mathematics, will speak about Finite-Dimensional Maps Between Metric Spaces from 11:30 a.m.– 12:30 p.m in room R313.
Dr. Dan Walters will give a presentation titled Exploring Underlying Determinants of Safe Drinking Water in First Nations from 11:30 a.m. – 12:20 p.m. in room A226.
Walter’s presentation attempts to help explain why certain First Nation communities continue to experience unsafe drinking water despite federal initiatives to increase their capacity.
Dr. Steven Muhlberger will speak on What Men-at-Arms Worried About: Captivity and Ransom at 4 p.m. in room A122. The presentation will last roughly 45 minutes and will be followed by a question and answer session.
Here is Muhlberger’s description of the presentation: The famous hundred years war embroiled much of Europe, leading to a variety of institutional changes in how war was waged. Particularly interesting is the development of the law of war, which attempted to set limits to the violence. These laws on war were not primarily for the benefit of civilians or to protect them from illegitimate attacks by warriors. Charny's Questions on War from about 1350 show how early discussions of military law reflected the fears of respectable full-time warriors, the men at arms, and how the laws primarily existed to protect these elite members of the army from unbearable loss or humiliation.