Staffer Melissa Toupin Laforge - Rotary Peace Fellow

Nipissing University's Education Abroad Coordinator, Melissa Toupin Laforge, has been selected as a Rotary Peace Fellow in Tokyo, Japan. There are a maximum of 60 Peace Fellows selected worldwide each year and Melissa was the only Canadian selected for the 2011-13 cohort! During the month of August Melissa completed a 100-hour Intensive Japanese Language class and is shown above with her classmates (1st row centre). Rotary Peace Fellows promote national and international cooperation and peace. The program funds study at one of the six Rotary Centres for International Studies in peace and conflict resolution, located at seven prestigious universities worldwide. Melissa is currently pursuing her Master of Arts in Public Policy and Social Research at the International Christian University (ICU).
For more on Rotary Peace Fellows you can visit
You can also follow Melissa's journey on her blog