Nipissing Brantford welcomes gifted students for Let the Games Begin

Nipissing’s Brantford campus recently welcomed some 500 gifted grade 4 – 6 students to the Let the Games Begin conference.
On Monday, November 14, approximately 500 Gifted Students from grades 4 to 6 attended the “Let the Games Begin” conference hosted by the Schulich School of Education at Nipissing University (Brantford campus). The gifted students were from the district school boards of Grand Erie, Avon Maitland, Waterloo Catholic, Hamilton-Wentworth Public and Hamilton-Wentworth Catholic.
The conference included 36 workshops designed and facilitated by students in the Schulich School of Education (Brantford) Year Two Curriculum Methods course.
The conference began at the Sanderson Centre with greetings from Dr. Maria Cantalini-Williams, Associate Dean (Interim). Dr. Dan Ashlock delivered the keynote address, which discussed the various games that he has created and provided the participants with challenging activities.
Following the keynote address, the students participated in a variety of workshops related to the theme of Let the Games Begin. Some of the workshop titles included: Marble Madness, Toys “R” You, Wonderpalooza, Theft on the Hogwarts Express, Kreative Khaos and Minute to Win It-Olympic Edition.