MacLeod reading on campus

Nipissing University welcomes bestselling author Alexander MacLeod to campus as part of the Canada Council for the Arts Reading Series.
MacLeod will read from his fiction at 9:30 a.m. in room H104 on November 4. He will also read at Gulliver’s (157 Main Street West) at 7:30 p.m. on November 4.
MacLeod was born in Inverness, Cape Breton, and raised in Windsor, Ontario. His bestselling fiction debut, Light Lifting, (Biblioasis 2010) won an Atlantic Book Award and was shortlisted for the Frank O'Connor Award. It was also shortlisted for the prestigious ScotiaBank Giller Prize and the Commonwealth Prize. MacLeod holds degrees from the University of Windsor, the University of Notre Dame, and McGill University. He currently lives in Dartmouth, Nova Scotia, and teaches at Saint Mary’s University.
The event is free of charge and all are welcome.
Funding is provided by the Canada Council for the Arts, the Schulich Foundation, Nipissing University, and the office of the Dean of Arts and Science.