Long invited to speak about Treaty No. 9

Nipissing University professor John Long was recently invited by Grand Chief Stan Louttit, on behalf of the chiefs of the Mushkegowuk Council, to address an audience of provincial assistant deputy ministers, legal advisors and program directors in the Macdonald Block in Toronto.
Following First Nation protocol, Grand Chief Louttit and other Mushkegowuk leaders spoke first, persuasively arguing that their consent is required prior to any development on their traditional lands because the "taken up" clause in Treaty No. 9 was not part of the oral agreement agreed to by their ancestors (click here for more information.)
Long was then invited to speak about his book Treaty No. 9: Making the Agreement to Share the Land in Far Northern Ontario in 1905 (McGill-Queen's University Press 2010). The Council purchased copies of the book and presented them as gifts to the Ontario officials and to the Ontario Regional District Manager of Aboriginal Affairs and Northern Development Canada.
As well, while speaking to the Senate Standing Committee on Energy, the Environment and Natural Resources, Assembly of First Nations National Chief and Nipissing University honorary degree recipient, Shawn A-in-chut Atleo referred toLong’s book.