A cold head warms hearts at Nipissing

As previously reported, in an effort to raise funds to support cancer research Genevieve De Bruyn,Supervisor, Residence Life, had her head shaved on September 30.
On the big day, about 40 people turned up at Nipissing’s small cafeteria to witness the shearing, including De Bruyn’s mom and dad, as well as her hairdresser.
It was an emotional and heart-warming event for all in attendance.
To date De Bruyn has raised more than$7,400, far surpassing her original $5,000 goal. Shewill donate her hair to make wigs for cancer patients.
“The outpouring of support from the Nipissing University community has been outstanding! The financial donations were exceptional and beyond my expectation, but the number of people who came out last Friday to provide their encouragement was incredibly moving,” said De Bruyn. “Our community is full of lives touched by cancer and hearing a number of personal stories was very motivating! I cannot say THANK YOU enough to express the gratitude that I feel!”
Of course, the causes still remain, and De Bruyn welcomes further donations. To donate, visit www.runforthecure.com or www.lightthenight.ca, click donate, type in Genevieve De Bruyn and follow the directions.
The newly shorn De Bruyn will participate in the Light the Night Walk in support of theLeukemia and Lymphoma Society.
“As far as the haircut goes, my head was a little cold this weekend as I was helping out at Homecoming Pints and Pancakes, but overall it has been a reasonably comfortable transition. I have, however, stocked up on hats for the North Bay winter ahead!” said De Bruyn.