Dr. Wayne Borody

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Associate Professor / Faculty of Arts and Science - Philosophy, Political Science, Economics and Social Welfare - Philosophy
Full-time Faculty
BA, University of Guelph
MA, McMaster University
PhD, McMaster University
Areas of Specialization:
Research Interests:

​My primary area of scholarly interest is twofold: the early Greek philosophical tradition and the early Indian. Currently, I am engaged in writing a book-length manuscript dealing with Friedrich Nietzsche's first major work, the Birth of Tragedy . My concern in this project is Nietzsche's particular use of Greek and Indian sources in defence of his argument in the Birth of Tragedy . I might be overstating "the case of Nietzsche," but in many respects his Birth of Tragedy stands to modern culture with as much significance ​and complexity as Darwin 's Origin of Species.

I am also interested in what has come to be called "Transhumanism," or "Posthumanism"-the view that humans are destined to morph into beings with characteristics different from those that currently characterize "the human" (eg., physical mortality, a restricted number of cognitive and physical senses, and a particular arrangement of bodily attributes). If Transhumanism were to have a "motto", as the 'cogito ergo sum' of the Enlightenment or the 'existence precedes essence' of Existentialism, an appropriate one might be that coined by the Canadian author Christopher Dewdney: 'vinyl is as natural as lichen.' An interesting yet difficult idea to contemplate.

Current & Future Research:

2007. Submission of a Paper: “The Manusmriti on the Fear of the Horror of Existence,”Journal on Indian Philosophy and Religion(12 pages)

2007. Refereed Article in a Book: "Nietzsche in the Ganges : Ānanda and the Unio Mystica in the Birth of Tragedy ." Rethinking Mysticism, ed. Chandana Chakrabarti. Cambridge Scholars Press, forthcoming 2007.


2006. Refereed Article in Conference Proceedings : "The Role of the Concept of "Eros" in the Birth of Tragedy." Competing Diversities: Traditional Sexualities and Modern Western Sexual Identity Constructions , ed. Lars Ivar Owesen-Lein Borge, forthcoming 2007


2005. Publication of a book : "Sadyojyoti's Bhoga Kārikā : A Translation and Commentary. Motilal Banarsidass Publishers."


2004. Refereed Article , "Nietzsche on the Cross: The Defence of Personal Freedom in the Birth of Tragedy ." Humanitas (pp. 1-18).


2004. Referreed Article , "The Politics of Immediacy: Martin Heidegger's Nazi-Era Critique of Plato," The Examined Life , V, 18.


2000. Refereed Article, "Classical Greek Philosophical Paideia in Light of the Post-Modern Occidentalism of Jacques Derrida" (pp. 1-14). Paideia: Proceedings of the Twentieth World Congress in Philosophy


Published Article , "Figuring the Phallogocentric Argument with Respect to the Classical Greek Philosophical Tradition," Nebula: A Netzine of the Arts and Science, Vol. 13 (pp. 1-27).


1997. Refereed Article : "The Trials of Arjuna and Socrates: Physical Bodies, Violence and Sexuality, " Asian Philosophy , 7 (3 ), 221-233.


1984. Refereed Article in Conference Proceedings : "Annambhatta's Conception of Language in the Tarka Samgraha," South Asian Horizons, 155-162


1978. Editorial Credits : "Vol I, The Collected Works of Bertrand Russell", Bertrand Russell Archives, Hamilton, Ontario.
