Dr. Michelann Parr

Photo of Michelann Parr
Professor / Faculty of Education and Professional Studies - Schulich School of Education
Full-time Faculty
Graduate Program Faculty
BA (Honours), Nipissing University
BEd, Nipissing University
MEd, Nipissing University
PhD, McGill University
Research Interests:

My interests reflect the themes of teacher, learner, and maternal identity; family and community engagement; narrative self-study, reflective practice, autoethnography; and education as sustainability. Care is the common thread that weaves these together: care of self, care in the world, and care in the classroom (See Designing for Care at Nipissing University’s Teaching Hub: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7b1VCnl40Mw).


Refereed Books


Martin, BA & Parr, M. (Eds.). Writing mothers: Narrative acts of care, redemption, and transformation, Bradford, ON: Demeter Press


Parr, M., & Campbell, T. Teaching the language arts: Engaging literacy practices, Toronto, ON: John Wiley & Sons


Reviewed/Edited Books


Parr, M. & Campbell, T. Balanced literacy essentials: Weaving theory into practice for successful instruction in reading, writing, and talk, Toronto, ON: Pembroke Publishers


Refereed Book Chapters              


Martin, BA, & Parr, M. An introduction and an invitation to story. Writing mothers: Narrative acts of care, redemption, and transformation. Bradford, ON: Demeter Press


Parr, M. The possibility of everything: A mother’s story of transformation. In BA Martin & M. Parr. Writing mothers: Narrative acts of care, redemption, and transformation. Bradford, ON: Demeter Press (


Martin, BA., & Parr, M. Mapping motherhood: Where do we go from here? In BA Martin & M. Parr. Writing mothers: Narrative acts of care, redemption, and transformation. Bradford, ON: Demeter Press


Parr, M. Baby steps: That was the way to do it. In C. DeRoche & E. Berger (Eds.). The parent-track: Timing, balance, and choice within academia. Waterloo, ON: Wilfrid Laurier University Press


Vander Dussen, M. & Parr, M. Breaking online tradition: Journalling as authentic interaction, reflective practice, and crystallization of self, in A. Flood & K. Coleman (Eds.), Enabling Reflective thinking: Reflection and reflective practice in learning and teaching. Champaign, IL: Common Ground


Parr, M. Just like Frederick: Literacy journeys into another time, another place, in W. Richardson & C. Richardson (Eds.), Walking the talk (pp. 129-138). Calgary, AB: Destselig


Refereed Articles


Picard, S., & Parr, M. What the heart won’t forget: Reflections on living, dying, and transcendence, Advanced Development, 19, pending


Driessens, S., & Parr, M. Re-writing the wor(l)d: Quick writes as a space for critical literacy, The Reading Teacher, 73(4), 415-426


Vander Dussen, M. & Parr, M.  Family-school (dis)engagement: Understanding what it is and what it’s not. Language and Literacy, 19(1), 48-62, https://journals.library.ualberta.ca/langandlit/index.php/langandlit/ar…


Parr, M. & Campbell, T. What makes a great submission to What Works: Research into Practice (Peer Reviewed Editorial), What Works? Research into Practice, Literacy and Numeracy Secretariat, OADE, January 2015


Carney, P.  & Parr, M. Resilient, active, and flourishing: Supportive positive mental health and well-being in school communities, What Works? Research into Practice, Literacy and Numeracy Secretariat, OADE, Research Monograph #58


Parr, M. Supporting families as collaborators in children’s literacy development, What Works? Research into Practice, Literacy and Numeracy Secretariat, OADE, Research Monograph #47, http://www.edu.gov.on.ca/eng/literacynumeracy/inspire/research/WW_Famil… Highlighted resource for the Parent Involvement Committee Conference at the Ontario Ministry of Education, May 2013


Parr, M. Text-to-speech technology as inclusive reading practice: Changing perspectives, overcoming barriers, Learning Landscapes (Living in the Digital World: Possibilities and Challenges), 6(2), 303-322, www.learninglandscapes.ca/images/documents/ll-no12/parr.pdf


Campbell, T., & Parr, M. Mapping today’s literacy landscapes: Navigational tools and practices for the journey, Journal of Adult and Adolescent Literacy, 57(2), 131–140. DOI: 10.1002/JAAL.203


Parr, M., & Campbell, T. Understanding literacy as our W.O.R.L.D. inheritance: Re-visioning literacy discourse and its implications for teaching practice, International Review of Education, 58, 557-574, DOI: 10.1007/s11159-012-9297-1


Parr, M., & Campbell, T. Using story as sites of dialogue, disillusionment, and development of dispositions to support inclusive education, Creative Education, DOI: 10.4236/ce.2012.33054


Campbell, T. & Parr, M. Writing as literacy journey: Deconstructing and re-visioning our literacy stories, International Journal of Learning, 18(7), 187-198


Parr, M., Campbell, T., & Richardson, C. Performance as inquiry: Engaging in impassioned conversation instead of hearing polite applause, Reflective Practice, 13(2), 295-310


Parr, M, & Campbell, T. Educating for identity: Problematizing and unpacking our literacy pasts, Alberta Journal of Education, 57(3), 335-346


Parr, M. Venturing into the unknown of ethnography: Reflexive questions to love and cautionary ethics to live by, Reflective Practice, 12(6), 803-815


Parr, M. The voice of text-to-speech technology: One possible solution for struggling readers, What Works? Research into Practice, Literacy and Numeracy Secretariat, OADE, Research Monograph #35, http://www.edu.gov.on.ca/eng/literacynumeracy/inspire/research/WW_TTST… (French Translation: La technologie de synthèse de la parole: est-elle une solution possible pour les élèves éprouvant des difficultés en lecture? (May 2012)


Parr, M. Solving ethical dilemmas with children: Empowering classroom research, McGill Journal of Education, 45(3), 451-462


Campbell, T., & Parr, M. Literacies and multiliteracies: Navigating our way to expanded conceptions of literacy, The International Journal of Diversity in Organisations, Communities, and Nations, 10(2), 331-339


Campbell, T., Parr, M., & Richardson, C. From implicit intention to exquisite expression: Finding metaphors for who we are and what we do, Journal of Transformative Education, 7(3), 209-229


Parr, M., & Campbell, T. Lit-folios: Pre-service teachers practice as readers, writers, and literacy teachers, The Reading Professor, 30(2), 12-18


Parr, M., & Campbell, T. Reading Lolita: A dialogic encounter with self and others, Language & Literacy, 10(2), http://ejournals.library.ualberta.ca/index.php/langandlit/article/view/…


Richardson, C., Parr, M., & Campbell, T. Solitary dissonance and collaborative consonance: Trialogue as a reflective practice that resonates, Reflective Practice, 9(2), 281-291


Campbell, T., & Parr, M. My heart thumps in my ears and my head swims! Drama as reader response: Reducing the risks, The Reading Professor, 28(1), 54-61 (One of four nominated for best article award, 2011, Professors of Reading Teacher Educators, International Reading Association)


Parr, M., & Campbell, T. Poets in practice, The Reading Teacher, 60(1), 36-46


Parr, M. Knowing is not enough: We must do! Teacher development through engagement in learning opportunities, International Journal of Learning, 12(11), online


Laronde, G., & Parr, M. Living and learning through outdoor and experiential education courses: A narrative description of the lived experiences of faculty and pre-service teachers, International Journal of Learning, 12(9), online


Parr, M. Preparing for diversity: Standards of practice for regular classroom teachers of students with special needs, International Journal of Learning, 1, online


Reviewed/Edited Articles


Driessens, S., & Parr, M. Cultivating critical imaginations in ourselves, others, and the world. CAP Journal: The Canadian Resource for School-Based Leadership, Spring Issue.


Sharma, S., & Parr, M. Student engagement and technology: What educational leaders and teachers need to know. CAP Journal: The Canadian Resource for School-Based Leadership, Fall Issue


Wilcox, K., & Parr, M. Text-to-speech and speech-to-technologies as inclusive reading and writing practices. CAP Journal: The Canadian Resource for School-Based Leadership, Spring Issue