Dr. Amir Erfani

Amir Erfani Profile Photo
Professor / Faculty of Arts and Science - Psychology, Sociology and Child and Family Studies - Sociology
Full-time Faculty
Graduate Program Faculty
BA, University of Tehran
MA, University of Tehran
PhD, University of Western Ontario
Areas of Specialization:

Social demography, modeling demographic behaviors, population analysis, quantitative research methods, multivariate social statistics

Research Interests:

Human fertility; family planning, reproductive health; modeling demographic behaviors; health inequality; integration of immigrants; survey design; advanced statistical modeling

Current & Future Research:

Studying the determinants and rationales behind the continuing use of withdrawal (coitus interruptus) as the primary method of contraception in Turkey and Iran; investigating fertility intentions in Iran; investigating fundamental causes of health inequality over the life course among Canadians and Americans; examining the economic integration of immigrants in Canada.


Articles in Refereed Journals

Erfani, Amir, Hatam Hosseni, and Marzieh Nojomi. (2018) “Uninteded pregnacies in Hamedan, Iran: Levels and Determinants,” Women and Health Published online: 17 Aug 2018

Nasri, Sanaz, Hatam Hosseini, Amir Erfani. (2018) “Ethnic Differences in Demand for Long acting and Permanent Contraceptive Methods among Kurds and Turks Women in Urmia, Iran,” Journal of Population Association of Iran, 11(22): 83-117.

Erfani, Amir and Javad Shojaei. (2018) “Living conditions and ideal number of children in Tehran, Iran”.   Health Monitor (Journal of the Iranian Institute for Health Sciences Research), 17(3): 307-314.

Erfani, Amir and Javad Shojaei. (2018) “New Evidence on Induced Abortion in Tehran, Iran: Rates, Causes, and Changes,” The Iranian Journal of Obstetrics, Gynecology and Infertility, 21(3):64-77.

Abachizadeh, Kambiz, Abdorreza Moradi-Kouchi, Ali Ghanbari-Motlagh, Ahmad Kousha, Reza Shekarriz-Foumani, Amir Erfani.(2018)  “Breast cancer in Iran: levels, variations and correlates,” Community Health 5(1): 11-21.

Erfani, Amir, Marzieh Nojomi and Hatam Hosseni. (2017). “Prolonged birth intervals in Hamedan, Iran: variations and determinants,” Journal of Biosocial Science 50(4): 457-471.

Hosseni, Hatam, Amir Erfani and Marzieh Nojomi. (2017). “Factors associated with the incidence of induced abortion in Hamedan, Iran,” Iran Archives of Medical Sciences 20(5):282 – 287.

Erfani, Amir. (2017). “Low fertility intention in Tehran, Iran: The role of attitudes, norms, and perceived behavioral control,” Journal of Biosocial Science, 49(3): 292–308.

Erfani, Amir. (2017). “Curbing publicly-funded family planning services in Iran: Who is affected?” Journal of Family Planning and Reproductive Health Care, 43(1): 37-43.

Erfani, Amir. (2016). “Levels, Trends and Correlates of Abortion in Tehran, Iran: 2009–2014,” International Perspectives on Sexual and Reproductive Health, 42(2):93-101.

Erfani, Amir. (2015). “Curbing family planning in Iran: an appraisal of Bill 446,” Journal of Family Planning and Reproductive Health Care, 41(4):317-318.

Muhammad Munib Raza and Amir Erfani. (2015). “The earnings differences among second generation South Asians,” South Asian Diaspora, 7(2):149-165.

Erfani, Amir.(2015). “Family planning and women’s educational advancement in Iran,” Canadian Studies in Population, 42(1-2):35-52.

Erfani, Amir. (2014). “Localization of determinants of fertility through measurement adaptations in developing-country settings: The case of Iran” International Journal of Health Policy and Management, 3(7): 413–415.

Hosseini, Hatam and Amir Erfani. (2014). “Ethnic differences in the attitudes and practice of consanguineous marriage among Kurds and Turks in Uromiyeh District, Iran,” Journal of Comparative Family Studies, 45(3): 389-403.

Erfani, Amir and Kevin McQuillan. (2014). “The changing timing of births in Iran: An explanation on the rise and fall in fertility after the 1979 Islamic Revolution,” Biodemography and Social Biology, 60:67-86.

Erfani, Amir. (2013). “Fertility in Tehran City and Iran: Rates, trends and differentials,” Population Studies, 1(1): 87-107 [in Persian].

Erfani, Amir. (2013). “Levels, trends, and determinants of unintended pregnancy in Iran: The role of contraceptive failures,” Studies in Family Planning, 44(3): 299-317.

Refereed Technical Reports

Nojomi, Marzieh, Amir Erfani, Hatam Hosseini. (2016). Determinants of unwanted pregnancy, induced abortion, and inequality in birth intervals among married women in the city of Hamedan, Iran. Iran University of Medical Sciences: Tehran, Iran, 85 pages (Commissioned report in Persian). 

Erfani, Amir. (2015). Tehran Survey of Fertility, 2014: Final report. National Population Studies and Comprehensive Management Institute: Ministry of Science, Research, and Technology, Tehran, Iran, 127 pages (Commissioned report in Persian). 

Erfani, Amir. (2013). Tehran Survey of Fertility Intentions, 2013: Final report. Population Studies and Research Center in Asia and Pacific: Ministry of Science, Research, and Technology, Tehran, Iran, 123 pages (Commissioned report in Persian).