Dr. Ron Hoffman
Areas of Specialization:
Police response to persons with mental disorders; Communication and de-escalation techniques used by police officers;
Mental health screening performed by front-line emergency responders;
Forensic mental health system in Ontario;
Police response to vulnerable populations;
Probation and parole.
Research Interests:
Developing evidence-based police training for responding to persons with serious mental disorders;Mental health and cognitive status screening by front-line criminal justice personnel;
Characteristics of persons with mental disorders who have frequent contact with police officers;
Persons with intellectual developmental disabilities and the criminal justice system.
Hirdes, J.P., van Everdingen, C., Ferris, J., Franco, M.A., Fries, B.E., Heikkilä, J., Hirdes, A., Hoffman, R., James, M.L., Martin, L., Perlman, C., Rabinowitz, T., Stewart, S., Van Audenhove, C. (in press). The interRAI Suite of Mental Health Assessment Instruments: An Integrated System for the Continuum of Care.
Hoffman, R. & Brown, G. (2016). The interRAI Brief Mental Health Screener: A collaborative evidence-based approach to a mental health crisis. Blue Line Magazine, August/September.
Hoffman, R., Brown, G.B., & Siegel, L. (anticipated 2020). Criminology: The Core. Fourth Canadian Edition, Toronto: Thomson Nelson Pub.
Brown, G. P., Hoffman, R., & Siegel, L. (2016). Criminology: The Core. Third Canadian Edition, Toronto: Thomson Nelson Pub.
Hoffman, R., et al. (2016). The use of a brief mental health screener to enhance the ability of police officers to identify persons with serious mental disorders, International Journal of Law and Psychiatry, http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0160252716300449
Hillier, L., Harvey, D., Conway, C., Hunt, J., & Hoffman. R. (2016). Finding Your Way™: A collaborative approach to increase awareness of missing person events among persons with dementia. Neurodegenerative Disease Management, 6(2), 107-118. doi: 10.2217/nmt.15.72
Hirdes, J.P., Hoffman, R., Brown, G.P. Barbaree, H., & Curtin-Telegdi, N. (2015). interRAI Brief Mental Health Screener (BMHS) Assessment Form and User’s Manual: A screening level assessment for use by police officers and other front-line service providers. Version 9.3, Washington, DC: interRAI.
Pizzingrilli, B., Hoffman, R., & Hirdes, D.P. (2015). A protocol to reduce police wait times in the emergency department. Healthcare Management Forum, 28, 134-138.http://hmf.sagepub.com/content/28/4/134.full
Hoffman, R. (2011). Police Trainee Field Training Manual. Ontario Police College, Queen’s Printer.
Brown, G., & Hoffman, R.E., (2007). Dangerous Medicine: Social control of the mentally ill and the police role. Contemporary Issues in Mental Health: Concepts, Policy, and Practice. Canadian Western Geographical Series, 41, 227-241.
Hoffman, R. E., & Putnam, L. (2004). Not Just Another Call...Police Response to People with Mentally Illness in Ontario: A practical guide for the front line officer. Centre for Addiction and Mental Health, Toronto, Ontario. http://www.oacp.on.ca/Userfiles/Files/NewAndEvents/PublicResourceDocuments/2004_Not%20Just%20Another%20Call_%20Police%20Response%20to%20People%20with%20Mental%20Illnesses%20in%20Ontario.pdf
Hoffman, R. E., Lawrence, C., & Brown, Gregory P. (October 2004). Canada's National Use of Force Framework for Police Officers, Police Chief, 125. https://www.policechiefmagazine.org/canadas-national-use-of-force/
Brown, Gregory P., & Hoffman, R. E. (2000). The Re-Design of Advanced Patrol Training for Police Constables in Ontario: Making Use of Evaluation to Maximize Organizational Impact and Efficiency. The Canadian Journal of Program Evaluation, 15(1), 83-100.