Required fields are marked with an asterisk (*) Requested By Your Name This field is required. Your Telephone / ext This field is required. Your Email This field is required. You are Faculty Staff Requested For Their Name This field is required. Their Position / Title Their Email (please provide an email, if you want the person to be notified when the key is ready) They are Faculty Staff Student Information Please specify which room(s), and include the room number(s) of the space(s) you need access to This field is required. When do you need the key? This field is required. (One week notice required) When will you return the key? This field is required. (Approximately) Additional Information Is there anything else we need to know about your request? Liability & Digital Signature By submitting this request I understand and take responsibility for the requested keys to be returned to the Facilities department once they are no longer needed by the key holder noted in this form. This field is required. By submitting this key request I acknowledge and assume a shared responsibility for the key(s) requested, with the person I am requesting keys on behalf of. This field is required. DISCLAIMER: The Education Centre's policy requires that the key holder shall not loan their keys or take possession of any keys not assigned to them through the Security Office (B203) or Facilities Office (A218). All keys at contract expiry date or upon termination of employment must be returned to the Facilities Office.