Before applying to the Master of Science in Mathematics graduate program, it is important to familiarize yourself with the requirements of this specific program.
Admission Requirements
Applicants must hold an Honours BA or BSc normally in Mathematics or in a combined honours program with a Mathematics major and at least a 75% average on the last ten full (20 semester) courses completed at the time of application, or equivalent qualifications to be considered for admission.
Language requirements
Click here to link to the application form and application deadline date.
Be sure to access both the application under the appropriate start date, as well as the applicable supplemental forms under the heading "Supplemental Forms".
Please submit transcripts, letters of reference and other supporting documentation after you have submitted your online application. Nipissing University cannot verify receipt of transcripts and supporting documents if we have not received your application. You may paperclip your documents; please do not bind documents in any other manner. No folders please. Please do not submit high school or college transcripts.
September 2024 Application Deadline: January 12, 2024
- for scholarship consideration and international applicants.
Applications will continue to be accepted after January 12th from Canadian Citizens and Permanent Residents. Applications will be considered if room remains in the program; funding is not available for late applicants. Contact admissions@nipissingu.ca to verify if late applications are still being accepted.
Nipissing University - Office of the Registrar
100 College Drive, Box 5002
North Bay ON P1B 8L7
Telephone: 705-474-3450 ext. 4600
Email: admissions@nipissingu.ca
Required Supplemental Documentation:
- Online Application and Fee: Online applications can be accessed from our website. The base application of $130 will be paid online through the application. Additional transcript fees may apply.
- Supplemental Forms: The required documentation to accompany your online application can be found in the supplemental forms package. Supplemental forms are due to admissions@nipissingu.ca by January 19th at 4:30pm (EST).
- Ontario Graduate Scholarship Application: If you wish to apply for Ontario Graduate Scholarship funding, please visit the Ontario Graduate Scholarship web page.
How to Apply
Step 1:
Log in or create your OUAC Profile to complete your application
You will then need to log in to your OUAC Profile. If you have applied through the OUAC any time previously, you should have an OUAC Profile. You can use your current log in information. If you do not have an OUAC Profile, you will need to create one. Note: This OUAC Profile will be your profile at OUAC for any and all future applications.
Step 2:
Review application instructions
Once you log in to your OUAC Profile you will be required to read the information on the Welcome page. You will need approximately 1 hour and access to a printer to complete this application.
Step 3:
Choose a program
Browse the Graduate Studies program list and select the program that fits your research and study interests
Step 4:
Complete the online application
As you move through the online application in your OUAC Profile, you will need to enter details about your academic history, referee information, English-language test score, etc. It is not necessary to complete the online application in a single session. You may return to your partially completed application as many times as needed to complete and submit it. Once the application has been submitted and your application fee has been processed, it cannot be modified.
Step 5:
Pay your application fee
After you submit your online application you will be asked to pay the non-refundable application fee of $130.00. This fee is payable to the Ontario Universities’ Application Centre (OUAC) and can be paid by credit card, online banking (through Canadian banks only) or Western Union Business Solutions – GlobalPay for Students (bank-to-bank transfer for international payments only).
Step 6:
Collect and submit your required documents
Submit the required documentation outlined on the Supplemental Form for the program applied to. This information is listed under "REQUIRED DOCUMENTATION" on the form. Send all required documentation directly to the Office of the Registrar at Nipissing.
Step 7:
Review of applications
The academic unit will review your application, which will not occur until after the application deadline has passed.
Step 8:
Admission decision
Once the academic unit has selected the applicants it would like to admit, recommendations are made to the Faculty of Graduate Studies for final approval. Admission decisions will be mailed to all applicants. Admission decisions can also be viewed on WebAdvisor. Funding information and programs of study will be included with offers of admission.
Step 9:
Accepting your Offer
If you receive an offer of admission, you can accept the offer by signing and returning the "Offer of Admission" included in the decision package sent by mail.
Admission Process
Step 1:
Regular Admission
Applications for each program are reviewed by the Program Admissions Committee (PAC). The PAC forwards a recommendation for admission to the Graduate Studies Office. Approved applications for admission are forwarded by the Graduate Studies Office to the Office of the Registrar. Offers of admission may have conditions attached, which may have to be met before registration is permitted. Borderline or questionable cases for admission will be dealt with by the Graduate Coordinator/Faculty Graduate Chair in consultation with the Graduate Studies Office. The decision of the Graduate Studies Office on admissions is final and is not subject to appeal.
For programs where it is appropriate, the Graduate Studies Office will take relevant funding considerations (such as scholarships and other forms of student financial support) into account when considering a recommendation for admission. In some programs, students will not be admitted without appropriate levels of committed funding. The decision of the Graduate Studies Office is final and is not subject to appeal.
Step 2:
Conditional Admission
Conditional offers of admission may be made. Conditions will be outlined in the offer of admission.
Step 3:
Special Admission
Applicants who do not meet minimum admission requirements may be considered for exceptional or special admission at the discretion of the relevant program’s Graduate Coordinator/Chair. Further information is available in the School of Graduate Studies website.
Step 4:
Admission with Transfer Credit
Applicants who have completed work towards a Masters degree but have not graduated may be eligible for transfer credit. Please contact the Office of the Registrar for additional information.
Only offers of admission from the Office of the Registrar are valid. Communication with a program representative (including the Graduate Coordinator/Graduate Chair) or a faculty member does not constitute an offer of admission. Nipissing University may revoke an offer of admission or cancel registration in the program if it finds that the applicant has provided false or incomplete information.
Registration Status for Graduate Students
Graduate Students are referred to as full-time or flex-time on the basis of the program in which they are enrolled. Regardless of this classification, all students have access to university facilities and are expected to take part in the academic life of their program and the university. All graduate students are deemed to be full-time unless declared otherwise.
Time-to-Completion Regulations
Academic Year
The School of Graduate Studies operates on a trimester basis, with three terms defined as: Fall Term (September to December); Winter Term (January to April); and Spring/Summer Term (May to August). The academic year begins with a Fall Term followed by a Winter Term.
MSc Math (1 year MRP)
Full-time: 1 year
MSc Math (2 year Thesis)
Full-time: 2 years
Flex-time: 2 years plus 6 flex terms
A year is based on three terms: fall, winter, spring/summer
Nipissing Balance of Degree Fee
The minimum total academic fee is predetermined by the length of the graduate program into which a student is admitted. Please refer to the time of completion section of the academic regulations document.
Full-time/Flex-time/Part-time graduate students are required to pay academic fees equal to the total minimum fee paid by a full-time student in the same program regardless of the time to completion. This balance of degree fee owing is assessed just prior to graduation and is based on the tuition fee in effect at the time of graduation.
Maximum Registration
In the event that a student does not complete the program in the allocated time period, inclusive of the allotted 3, single-term extensions, he/she will be withdrawn from the program for failure to complete. Should the student wish to appeal the withdrawal from the program and continue beyond the maximum time, he/she is required to submit an appeal for an extension to the School of Graduate Studies. The following elements must be included:
- a rationale for the requested extension, outlining why the graduate student was unable to complete the program within the stipulated time frame;
- an evaluation report from the student’s supervisory committee which includes a letter of recommendation from the student’s faculty advisor/research supervisor in support of the request for extension;
- an approved plan of study for timely degree completion, signed by the student, the research supervisor and the Graduate Coordinator/Chair.
In the event that the student, faculty advisor, and/or research supervisor are unable to agree on a plan of study for degree completion, the Graduate Studies Office must provide a letter commenting on the feasibility of the plan provided by the student.
The Graduate Studies Office will grant or deny the request for the extension based on the submissions provided. Where the Graduate Studies Office supports the request, he/she may also provide advice and recommendations on the proposed plan of study. The student will be charged the appropriate continuation fee(s). Failure to complete the degree program within the prescribed time frame following the appeal to the Graduate Studies Office will result in withdrawal from the program and cannot be appealed.
Where the Graduate Studies Office denies the request, the student may appeal to the Standing and Petitions Committee. The procedures for submitting a petition to the Standings and Petitions Committee can be found in the University Regulations section of the Academic Calendar.
Continuous Registration
All graduate students are required to enroll in course offerings from each academic term until they have completed the program requirements. The student is responsible to ensure he/she is registered by the appropriate deadline for each term.
Students who have failed to register or re-register by the deadline, and have not been granted a Leave of Absence, will be withdrawn from the Program.
Students wanting to complete their program after they have been withdrawn from their program must apply for re-admission and pay the application fee. Students should be aware that readmission is not guaranteed, and, in the event of readmission, continuation of the same research project and/or supervisor cannot be guaranteed. Additionally, students maybe unable to count previously earned graduate credits toward the degree completion of their degree.
Under exceptional circumstances, the Graduate Studies Office may permit the extension one term to a maximum of three terms. All requests for extensions shall use the appropriate form and should be directed to the Graduate Coordinator/Graduate Chair who will make a recommendation to the Graduate Studies Office. There are no retroactive extensions.