Application Process: Master of Arts in History

Before applying to the Master of Arts in History graduate program, it is important to familiarize yourself with the requirements of this specific program.

Admission Requirements

Applicants must hold an Honours BA normally in History or in a Combined Honours program with a History major and at least a 75% average on the last ten full (20 half/semester courses) courses completed at the time of application, or equivalent qualifications to be considered for admission.

Language requirements

Click here to link to the application form and application deadline dates.

Be sure to access both the application under the appropriate start date, as well as the applicable supplemental forms under the heading "Supplemental Forms".

September 2024 Application Deadline: January 12, 2024
- for internal funding consideration and international applicants

Applications will continue to be accepted after January 12th from Canadian Citizens and Permanent Residents. Applications will be considered if room remains in the program; funding is not available for late applicants. Contact to verify if late applications are still being accepted.


Nipissing University - Office of the Registrar
100 College Drive, Box 5002
North Bay ON P1B 8L7
Phone: 705.474.3450 ext. 4600

Required Documentation:

  1. Online Application and Fee: Online applications can be accessed from our website. The base application of $130 will be paid online through the application. Additional transcript fees may apply.
  2. Supplemental Forms: The required documentation to accompany your online application can be found in the supplemental forms package. Supplemental forms are due to by January 19th at 4:30pm (EST)
  3. Ontario Graduate Scholarship Application:  If you wish to apply for Ontario Graduate Scholarship funding, please visit the Ontario Graduate Scholarship web page.